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Katie's POV

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Katie's POV

     We've been going to school now for about four months and today is Annie and Brennan's six month anniversary. I want to tell Annie to break up with him because he's been really toxic these past four months but I don't want her to hate me afterward. I don't know what to do.

Annie's POV

     Today is Brennan and I's six month anniversary and I'm so happy! I get dressed into^^^ and put on my white slip on vans. I brush my hair out and curl it. I do my natural makeup, grab my phone and bag, and head downstairs.

Katie's POV

     Brennan isn't driving us to school today which I'm kind of thankful for but I still am not sure what to do. I see Annie walk in wearing a skirt. Annie hates skirts. "Annie, what the heck are you wearing?" I ask. I know exactly what she's wearing. "Brennan asked me to wear it." She says. More like forced her. "But it's the middle of November," I say confused. "But it's not that cold." She says in a duh tone. She's lying. It's freezing outside. "Ok," I say in the happiest voice I can muster. Annie grabs an apple and eats it and then we get in my car and head to school.

Annie's POV

     Once we're at school, Katie and I head to our lockers and put our bags away and grab the books we need. I turn and see Brennan walking over. "Hey, Brennan! Happy six months!" I say and hug him once he gets over here. He hugs back and rests his hands on my butt instead of my waist. I lift his hands back to my waist where they should be. "Happy six months." He says and moves his hands back down. "Brennan stop," I say and pull his hands back up. It's soon time for class.
     At lunch, Katie and I go sit with the group and we eat and talk and hangout. "So I heard it's someone's anniversary today!" Brynn says and I blush. "Yeah it's Brennan and I's six month," I say. "Awww." The girls say and our conversation is changed to that subject.
     School is over and Katie is already in the car waiting on me. I'm just putting away some books and then heading out to the car to head home. Katie and I are going to her house instead of mine, and Brennan and I are having a movie night. My parents wanted Katie to chaperone since her parents won't be home tonight.

Katie's POV

     Annie and Brennan are having a movie night tonight meaning I get to third wheel. I'm going to hate it because Brennan picked all the movies and snacks which anyone else would think is so romantic, especially Annie when in reality Brennan chose all of the movies and snacks Annie hates. I'm worried to see how that plays out.
     It's been an hour and Brennan keeps movie his hands to where Annie hates, like her ass and really high up on her thigh closer to her lady part. Annie keeps moving his hands but he isn't listening. Brennan chose movies that have a lot of sex in them and Annie HATES that so she keeps grimacing and gaging and honestly, I feel that. Brennan is now trying to pull the bottom of Annie's skirt up so he can see things and Annie keeps pushing it back down. "Brennan stop. Please!" Annie says thinking I can't hear. Brennan ignores her plead and continues. "Brennan! She said stop! Now cut it out!" I yell at him. "Katie, shut up. Annie didn't say anything. And I'll do what I want she's my girlfriend." Brennan says. See toxic. "No Brennan I will not shut up! You have so self-centered and toxic in this relationship and I'm sick of you treating my best friend like this! Annie get your stuff. I'm taking you home. My brother doesn't deserve the pleasure of your presence." I say and see Annie mental debate with herself about whether to stay to listen to me. "Come on babe. I'm not being toxic. I'm just helping our relationship. Maybe my sister is being toxic." Brennan says trying to get Annie to hate me. "Annie. I swear on my life I would never EVER try to sabotage your relationship if it was healthy. But this is not. He's continuously violating boundaries that you have and isn't listening to you!" I say hoping she listens. "Katie are you sure?" Annie says now clearly conflicted. "Katie is probably jealous. She's lonely and mad she's third-wheeling." Brennan says. "Yeah. Katie is that it?" Annie asks. "No Annie. That's not. Never mind. Just forget I said anything. I'm going to my room." I say defeated. My brother has won over my pure and innocent best friend and there's nothing I can do about it. I walk upstairs to my room and just lay on my bed in thought. What is it going to take for her to listen to me? Watching him deliberately cheat but I don't know if he would do that or not and I don't want to hurt my best friend anymore. I guess I'll just have to sit back and let nature take its toll. I just have to hope for the best.

Annie's POV

     Movie night is over so I yell goodnight to Katie and then Brennan drives me home. I go up to my bedroom, change, and go to bed.

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