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     I wake up and get dressed in ^^^

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I wake up and get dressed in ^^^. I brush my hair out and curl it. I do my makeup, grab my phone and bag, and head downstairs with Katie. We eat breakfast and then get in her car. She immediately turns on a playlist she made on my Spotify and we head to school.
At school, Hayden hands me a slip of paper which I assume is his number. His locker is next to mine so the handoff was easy. Hayden walks off and Katie gives me a look. "What is that?" She asks. I open the piece of paper. "Meet me in classroom 302 in the east hall during free period. Come alone. Also here's my number. ***-***-**24." I say quietly. "Ooooo you are soooooo going!" Katie says. "Ok. But shush. Don't let anyone find out. He said to come alone." I say and she nods. School soon starts and I put the paper in my bag.
At free period, Katie helps me find the room, and then she walks away. I walk in and see Hayden standing at the windows. I shut the door behind me and he turns around. "Hey. I didn't think you'd actually come." He says. "Sorry. It took me a while to find the room." I say. "You mean you and Katie? I know she helped you which is fine. She's your best friend so she should know." He says. "Well, she doesn't exactly know that I talked to you yesterday. All she knows is what the note that you gave me this morning says." I say. "I'm surprised she doesn't know." He says and I shrug. "She'll get it out of me eventually but right now I might as well leave it to her imagination," I say and he nods. "So what was the reason for me meeting you here?" I ask. "I wanted to discuss how we were going to do this. Like do you want to ease into it or just go for it? Also, what are your boundaries? I don't want to overstep anything." Hayden says and I blush but quickly hide it. "Um. Let's ease into it. And I hate sex and stuff like that so hickeys and touching my butt and super high on my thigh is a no." I say and he immediately leans down by my neck. I feel my legs start to give out at the feeling of his lips on my neck. I quickly wrap my arms around his neck before I collapse. "I'm going to say you just didn't like Brennan doing it cause he's a perv and you never actually liked him," Hayden says wrapping his arm around my waist. "I mean maybe. But I'm still a virgin and have never had my first kiss. So be nice." I say and collect myself. "No problem princess." He says and kisses my cheek and walks out leaving me in here alone. Oh my god. I walk out and go to class.
After school Katie takes the long way home so she can ask me questions. I just tell her he wanted to talk and didn't want people to get any ideas. We get to my house and see Brennan's car in the driveway. "I hope that asshole is here to apologize and then leave," Katie says as we get out. I slowly walk up to the door behind Katie. She opens it with the key she has and we walk in. "Why is the asshole here?" Katie asks pointing to Brennan. I walk in and shut the door behind me. "He claims his attitude has changed. Annie, you have always been the best judge of that. You do not have to if you don't want to but if you do can you see?" Mike says. I nod. "Brennan?" I say quietly. "What?!" He says harshly. I immediately flinch and shake my head to Mike. "Brennan get out. Unless your attitude is fixed don't come back." Mike says and Brennan storms out. Katie and I go to the island and sit on the barstools and do our homework.
After about an hour we are both done and we drop our bags in my room. We hang out and soon it's time for dinner. And then bed. Katie and I's family take turns spending nights at each other's house. And Katie's family each have keys to my house and my family each has keys to hers. Although I think they probably took Brennan's key to my house away which is reasonable. Well. Tomorrow should be interesting. Time for sleep. Katie and I do our nighttime routines and then go to sleep.

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