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     Today I wake up to Hayden playing with my hair

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Today I wake up to Hayden playing with my hair. "Good morning beautiful," Hayden says and I turn in his arms and try to fall back asleep. I'm not really in the mood for school today. "Are you going to get ready for school?" Hayden asks and I shake my head. He chuckles and nods. "Annie Hayden come on we're going to be late!" Katie says, knocking on the door. "You can go on your own! You have a car!" I say to her. "No. My car won't start. Which means Hayden is driving me. Now hurry up!" She says. "Ugh. I say and get up. Hayden chuckles and also gets up. I go into the bathroom and get dressed in and do my hair like ^^^. I do natural makeup and walk out to see Hayden shirtless. "Ready?" Hayden asks and gets ready to walk out. "Aren't you forgetting something?" I ask half giggling. "What?" He asks. "Hay. You can't go to school shirtless." I giggle and he looks down. "What you don't like it?" He asks. "Hayden! Come on." I frown. He chuckles and puts a shirt on and then we head downstairs. "Took you long enough. Now come on." Katie says and we walk out the door.
It's time for lunch and Katie is already in her seat. Hayden and I are walking over to the table when I hear Ruby yell Hayden's name and start to run over to him. Oh no. Hayden moves behind me trying to block Ruby. "Baby what are you doing. I thought you didn't like whores." She says once she gets over to us. "I don't. So Ruby you need to go away." Hayden says. "You heard him little bitch. Walk away." Ruby says to me. I feel the pit in my stomach come back. "No Ruby you need to walk away. And don't talk to my girlfriend like that." Hayden says. "Bitch. Walk away from my boyfriend!" Ruby says and grabs my arm. "Ruby just go away," I say quietly. "What did you say?" Ruby asks. "Ruby just go away. Leave Hayden and me alone." I say to her and try to pull her hand off my wrist. "Ruby get the hell off of her and leave us the fuck alone," Hayden says and Ruby immediately releases my arm. "Baby. You know you want me. It could be just like last summer." Ruby says and the pit only gets bigger. It feels like I was just cheated on for the second time. I feel Hayden wrap his arms around my waist and kiss my temple. "Princess, she's trying to get to you. Don't let her win." He whispers in my ear and I slightly nod. We walk over to the table and Hayden sits me on his lap. We eat and talk with the group and soon free period starts.
Hayden leads me to the classroom and shuts and locks the door behind us. "Princess. Something's bothering you. I can feel it. What's wrong?" Hayden says and sits me on a table. "I dunno," I say quietly. "Princess. Is it what Ruby said?" He asks and I slowly nod feeling the tears surface. "Oh, baby girl I would never do that to you. Ruby made multiple attempts all summer and I always refused. She was just twisting the story to get in your head." He says. "Well, it worked!" I say now crying. "Oh, baby girl. Don't cry!" Hayden says and hugs me. I hug back and bury my head into his neck. He rubs my back and lets me cry and I eventually pull myself together. "Sorry. I don't know what got into me." I say sitting up. "Don't apologize princess. Ruby got to you. It's ok. But I need to know that you trust that I wouldn't cheat on you. Or do anything like it. Ok?" He asks. "I trust you. I know you wouldn't do that to me." I say to him. He nods and hugs me again. I hug back and feel him start to tickle my abdomen. "Agh Hayden! Stop!" I giggle and he continues. He tickles me for about ten minutes and I end up laying on the table and he continues for another ten minutes. Once he gets to my neck he stops and we lock eyes. I get lost in his eyes and feel myself start to lean in. I think he is too. Just before we both lock lips I come to my senses. I freak myself out, push him away, and almost fall off the table. Luckily Hayden catches me. "Shit! I'm sorry! I shouldn't have leaned in!" He says as he sets me back on the table. "No, it's fine. I leaned in too. I guess my body is more ready than I am." I say and Hayden chuckles. The bell rings and we quickly head to class.
We're back home and doing our homework. "So how was school?" Jill asks. "Terrible. Our English teacher gave us this huge essay that is due next week when really it should be due next month because that's how big it is." Katie complains. "Uh, Katie." I giggle. "Don't tell me you're already almost done!" She says and I nod. "Can I please have your writing ability! I don't want to do this essay for the next week!" Katie begs and I laugh and shake my head. "Ugh. I'm going to be here forever." Katie says. "No, you won't. It's only the first day. You'll get it done and get an A. You always do!" I say trying to cheer her up. "Yeah yeah." She says and gets back to her essay.
After dinner, Katie decides to go home for tonight and Hayden and I will just pick her up in the morning. Hayden and I go up to my room and he shuts and locks the door behind us. Hayden sits on the bed and pulls me down onto his lap. "My god you're beautiful." He says and starts to leave butterfly kisses up and down my neck. He eventually gives me a hickey and we lay on the bed cuddling. I feel myself getting tired and decided I should probably get changed. "Hay?" I say. "Yeah?" He says. "If I ever fall asleep, and I'm in my clothes from the day, and it's just us, I trust you to change me into something a little more comfortable. If I was already in leggings and some sort of hoodie though I don't need to be changed." I say. "Wait Seriously?" He says. "I trust that you won't take advantage of me," I say and he smiles. "Can we like practice now while you're awake so I know exactly what to do?" He asks. "Sure. So I'm going to be wearing makeup. Meaning the first thing you need to do is remove it." I say. "Ok. How do I do that?" He asks. "Grab a makeup wipe from the bathroom and then wipe my face with it. You aren't going to hurt me. And I might wake up a little to help but not enough to even hold myself up." I say and he nods and finds the makeup wipes and grabs one. He removes my makeup and then throws the wipe in the trash. "Ok. Now what?" He asks. "Now comes the actually changing part," I say and he freezes. "Hay. It'll be fine. I trust you. And in getting tired meaning you need to hurry up and grab a pair of sweats or leggings and a sweatshirt or T-shirt." I say and he grabs a pair of black leggings and a grey T-shirt. "Alright. I'm going to relax enough to where my body will be like I'm sleeping but I'll still be awake. Ok?" I say and he nods. "Do you sleep in your bra or no?" He asks. "I sleep in it," I say and he nods. He carefully starts removing my clothes. First my cardigan, then my shirt, then my socks, and my jeans. Hayden just stares at me for a second and then gets back to changing me. He puts the leggings on and gets them all the way up and then puts the sweatshirt on. "Good! Now all that's left is braiding my hair." I say. "Oh no." He says. "It will be fine. Go grab a ponytail and my hairbrush out of my bathroom. And it's just going to be a simple side braid." I say and he grabs the things. "Won't brushing your hair wake you up?" He asks and I shake my head. "It might but then it would just be like the makeup wipe. Either that or it will soothe me to sleep." I say and he nods. "Alright. So first you are going to brush all of my hair to the right side of my hair while keeping the natural part that I have." I say and take the brush and show him what I mean. He nods and takes the brush from me. "Alright. Now that the hair is all brushed you need to braid it. Have you ever braided before?" I ask. "Kind of. I've helped my cousin once but it wasn't very good." He says. "It doesn't have to look pretty. So first you need to separate my hair into three parts." I say and he does. "Alright now I go under the middle piece alternating outsides right?" He says and I nod. He braids my hair and then puts the ponytail on the end of it. "I think I did pretty good." He says proudly of himself. I walk over to the mirror and look at it. "That is so good! Good job!" I say and go back to my position on the bed. "Now all that's left is covering me up which you already know how to do," I say. Hayden goes into the bathroom and changes and then comes back out and unlocks the door. He gets in the bed and we cover up and cuddle and let sleep take over.

Hayden's POV

God damn my baby is beautiful. I've seen her in a bathing suit before but I wasn't up close and my eyes were already doused with water. She looked like a god damn goddess. Man, I love her.

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