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     It's Monday meaning our parents have their client coming over

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It's Monday meaning our parents have their client coming over. Katie and I's moms are interior designers and our dads are the builders, meaning they build any extra little things the client needs or the build things inside the home. I get dressed into^^^. (A/N: Pretend the sweater is cropped.) I do my makeup, grab my phone and bag, and head downstairs with Katie. We eat breakfast and then get in her car. She immediately turns on the "Boys Ain't Shit" playlist and we head to school.
At school, Hayden hands me a slip of paper and walks away after looking me up and down and smirking. "What does the note say today?" Katie asks. I shrug and open it. "Meet me in our meeting place during free period. Make sure to bring Katie. By the way you look, beautiful princess. ;)" I say and Katie smiles. "Ooooo." She says as I put the note in my bag and we head to class.
At free period, Katie and I head to the classroom and shut the door behind us. "Hey. What's up?" Katie asks. "Has asshole even been at school lately? I haven't seen him." Hayden says. "I don't know. My parents kicked him out until he got his attitude fixed." Katie says. "We can find out. I remember his schedule. We could check if he's in his next class." I say and they both nod. We talk a little longer and then Katie leaves to go find Brennan quickly. "You look absolutely beautiful today," Hayden says looking me up and down. "Thanks? I only am dressed like this because my parents asked me too." I say. "You look beautiful in whatever you wear," Hayden says and kisses my cheek and moves down my neck. I quickly wrap my arms around his neck when I feel my legs start to give out. He wraps one arm around my small waist and the other hand grabs my butt. He gets to the spot on my neck and kisses a little harder. I let out a soft moan and feel my legs give out completely. Hayden picks me up and sits me on a table to the side of us. He pulls away making me whimper. He mumbles something but I can't make out what it is. I get down and Katie walks in. "Yeah Brennan's here. He was sucking Lexi's face off." Katie says disgustedly. "Ew," I say. We talk a little longer and soon it's time for class.
After school Katie and I quickly drive home to my house since we know the dinner with the clients is tonight. We quickly get our homework done and put our bags in my room just in time for the doorbell to ring. "Kids!" Our parents yell and Caleb, Hayley, and Ryan come downstairs. Dad opens the door and greets the couple. "Welcome! Come on in!" Dad says and the couple walks in with another couple and four other boys. One of which is Hayden. "Tisha! Welcome! These are my kids Caleb, Annie, and Hayley." Mom says pointing to each of us. "And mine are Katie and Ryan," Jill says pointing to Katie and Ryan. "Kids, this is Mr. and Mrs. Summerall and their kids," Dad says. "This is Jimmy, Hunter, Dylan and his wife Brec, and Hayden." Mrs. Summerall says pointing to each person. "And me!" A little voice says. "Yes and you! This is our son Brady." Brec says. "Why don't we discuss in the living room. Kids you can go play outside." Mike says. "Hayden will you take Brady?" Dylan asks and Hayden nods and picks the little boy up. I blush and quickly hide it following Katie outside. "Oh my gosh you're blushing." Katie quietly says. "I know," I say and try to make it go away. "Annie where's the football?" Caleb asks. "I don't know! I don't play with it." I say to him. "Touché," he says and continues looking for it. I get a notification from snap and it's from Hayden. I open it:

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