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     I wake up to Hayden playing with my hair

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I wake up to Hayden playing with my hair. I go to turn in his arms and immediately feel an excruciating pain pounding throughout my body. Did I jinx myself or something?! "Are you ok?" Hayden asks as he notices the pain in my eyes. "Nope. My body hurts. And like for real hurts." I say ready to cry as I continue to try and move. "Then stop trying to move. If it hurts don't move." He says. "Hay! I'm serious! It hurts!" I say now crying. He looks guilty realizing his mistake. "Shit, I'm sorry princess! I didn't mean to sound like an ass. I'll go let your mom know." He says and gets up after kissing my temple.

Hayden's POV

I feel so fucking guilty. I thought Annie was just starting her act. Nope, she is genuinely in pain. I'm going to have to make it up to her. "Mrs. Leblanc, Annie is in so much pain she can't even shift her position in the bed," I say. "What?! Does she have a temperature?" She asks and grabs the thermometer and starts walking up the stairs. "I'm not sure. I didn't check." I say following. "Hey, honey. How are you feeling?" Mrs. Leblanc asks Annie. "Mommy it hurts!" Annie says crying. Mrs. Leblanc checks Annie's temperature and says that there isn't one. "Alright. I'll write Katie a note to get your work and have Tisha write a note for Katie to get Hayden's work. Feel better sweetie I have to go. Your father already left and so did your brother and sister." Mrs. Leblanc says and kisses Annie's head and leaves. She kinda leads me out of the room real quick. "Hayden please take care of her. This has happened before and it was pure torture for her. It was almost as if she was petrified. It was right after some bad things with Brennan happened and it wasn't good." She says. "Of course I'll take care of her. I'll make sure she's safe and as happy as possible." I say and she nods and heads downstairs.
Everyone's gone except Brec and Brady. "Hayden, can you watch Brady? I have to go out for a little and then I'll be back to pick him up." Brec asks. "Yeah. But while you're out can you pick up flowers, chocolates, and something else that girls like? For Annie? I feel bad and want to make her feel better." I say and hand Brec money. "Of course." She says and takes the money and leaves. "Uncle Hayden, can we have eggies for bweakfast?" Brady asks. "Sure! Just let me go check on Annie ok?" I say and he nods. I pick him up and set him in the playroom upstairs and then go to Annie and I's room. "Hey, Princess. I'm making Brady some scrambled eggs for breakfast. Do you want anything?" I ask. She slowly shakes her head. "I don't want to be a bother." She says quietly. "Princess. You are not and will not ever be a bother. Tell me what you want for breakfast and I'll make it happen. I'm going to spoil you no matter what you say. You're my princess." I say and rub her back. "I want eggies with cheese on them and can you make sausage too?" She asks in the most adorable baby voice I have ever heard. "Of course I can. Do you want me to carry you downstairs?" I ask and she nods. I help her sit up and she grabs a blanket and tries to put it around her. I help her and then carefully pick her up and make sure she's comfortable on the kitchen counter before I go back upstairs to grab Brady. I make the food and sit Brady at the table. "Can I have orangy for bweakfast?" Annie asks in that adorable baby voice. "What's orangy?" I ask. I know I've heard Brady say it but I don't remember the meaning. "Iss I dwink." She says in her baby voice. Ohhhh orange juice! "Of course you can," I say and go to the fridge and grab a cup for her. "Brady do you want orangy or milk?" I ask. "Orangy!" He says and I grab him a small cup. I pour them both a glass of orange juice and bring it over to them. I sit next to Annie and she looks at me with a frown. "Where's your food?" She asks. "I'm not eating breakfast," I say. "Go get breakfast. You need to eat." She says with puppy dog eyes. "Fine. But only because you're adorable." I say and go grab some food.
We are now in the living room. I laid Annie on the couch and I'm sitting on the floor next to her and playing with Brady. There's a knock on the door and I get up to get it. I slam the door and lock it. I look over and see Annie panic. I quickly walk over to her. "I'm not going to let him hurt you, baby," I say to her and kiss her head. "Mommy!!" Brady says looking out the door. I quickly text Brec and tell her to come through the back. She does and then locks the sliding door behind her. "Hey, Hayden." She says as I walk to her. She hands me my stuff and then takes Brady and leaves. I lock the sliding door behind her and then go back over to Annie after putting the groceries I asked for in the kitchen. "H-Hay wha-what do we do?" She asks clearly scared. I carefully pick her up and she starts to cling to me. "Could we call one of your dad's to come scare him away?" I ask her and she slowly shakes her head. "They are both busy at your house." She says. "Then we'll go there," I say. "No. We need to stay here. He'll go away eventually." She says. I nod and sit down on the couch with her on my lap facing me.
It's been an hour and it seems like Brennan left and Annie fell asleep. She is so adorable. I'm watching tv with the volume pretty low so it doesn't wake Annie up.
School is over and Caleb, Katie, Hayley, and Ryan are home. Katie gave Annie and me our work and so we are all working on homework and waiting for our parents to come home. They come home and we eat dinner and then people separate and we all eventually go to sleep.

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