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     Today is Friday and the day Hayden and I start our tick Brennan off plan

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Today is Friday and the day Hayden and I start our tick Brennan off plan. I get dressed into^^^. I brush my hair out and curl it. I do my makeup, grab my phone and bag, and head downstairs with Katie. We eat breakfast and then get in her car. She immediately turns on the Spotify playlist from yesterday which I found out is named "Boys Ain't Shit" and we head to school.
At school, Hayden hands me a slip of paper and walks away after looking me up and down and smirking. "What does the note say today?" Katie asks. I shrug and open it. "Meet me in our room during free period. Bring Katie this time. I have an idea for getting her involved. By the way you look beautiful today, Princess." I say. "Wait involved in what?" She asks. "You'll find out," I say and she nods.
It's now free period and Katie and I are walking to the room. We walk in and I shut the door behind me. "So what exactly am I getting involved in?" Katie asks. "Pissing your asshole of a brother off," Hayden says. "Oh I'm all for it. Do tell." Katie says. "So Hayden and I are pretending to be talking," I say. "So that your brother gets pissed that he wasn't, isn't, and won't ever be her everything like he tried toxic relationship force, Annie, into thinking." Hayden finishes. "Oh my god I love this. But how can I help?" Katie asks. "Well you know Brennan better than both of us because you're his sister," Hayden says. "Actually, Annie and I have been best friends since birth so we both know the same about him," Katie says. "Ok. Well you know how to piss him off. So you do everything in your power to just piss him the fuck off. And then he comes to school and sees Annie and me and his day is completely ruined. He'll be pissed off just by the fact that Annie is happy without him." Hayden says. "I love it. I will so help. Now I'll leave you two alone." Katie says and smirks and walks out. "You look beautiful today," Hayden says and smirks. "Thanks?" I question. "You do," Hayden says and walks over to me. I feel a knot form in my stomach. Hayden leans down and starts to kiss my neck softly. My legs start to give out so I wrap my arms around his neck before I collapse. He wraps a hand around my waist and the other rests on my butt. Why does this feel good?! He hits a certain spot on my neck and I let out a soft moan. What the heck?! Hayden pulls away and I now whimper softly. What on earth is happening to me?! "How did that feel?" Hayden asks. I look at him with an "uh good I guess" look. He chuckles, "You're adorable princess. We better get going if you don't want to be late to class." He grand his stuff and leaves. I quickly follow and we get to class just in time.
Katie takes the long way home again so that she can find out what happened today. I tell her and she squeals so loud I'm sure you could hear in China. "OH MY GOD, YOU HAVE A THING FOR HAYDEN SUMMERALL AND I SOOOO LOVE IT!!!!" She says as we pull up to her house. "I do not have a thing for Hayden Summerall," I say. "You're blushing. You soo do!!" She says and I now realize the heat rising to my cheeks. I quickly hide it. "No I don't. Let's just hurry and get to your house." I say. "Yeah ok." She says and we soon get to her house. We walk in and get to work on the little homework we have.
It's dinner and our parents are discussing some dinner plans for Monday. "Kids, we have a client coming for dinner on Monday. They will be coming straight after school so you will need to be dressed nicely. All we ask is no sweats or leggings and sweatshirts." Mom says and we all nod. We soon finish dinner and all separate to do our own things until bed.

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