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     I wake up and feel soooo much better than yesterday

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I wake up and feel soooo much better than yesterday. I can move freely. Yay!!!! I get up and get dressed in ^^^. I brush my hair out and curl it after putting it into a ponytail. I walk out and see Hayden putting his shirt on. I quickly blush and turn away and grab my phone and bag. I get ready to walk out when I feel an arm wrap around my waist and pull me back. The other arm shuts the door and locks it. We walk over to the bed and Hayden sits me on his lap in a straddle position. "Damn you look amazing," Hayden says looking me up and down. "Why did you have to sit me on your lap to say that?" I ask. "Oh, I didn't. But to do this, I did." He says and starts kissing my neck. He stops at a certain spot and pushes on it. I let out a soft moan and melt. He continues for a few seconds and pulls off smirking. "You gave me another hickey didn't you?" I ask and he kisses my cheek in response. "I'm going to take that as a yes," I say and get off him. We walk downstairs and then head to school since Katie already left.
At school, we put our stuff away and the girls all immediately question why I have three hickeys on my neck. I kind of avoid the question and see Hayden smirking.
At lunch, we all sit down and this time Hayden joins us. "What is Hayden sitting here for?" Avia asks blushing. "Yeah, Hayden why are you here?" Ruby asks trying to flirt with him. Hayden smirks and looks at me. I blush and look at Katie. She stifles a laugh and pulls herself together. "You know what it doesn't even matter. Hayden can sit wherever he wants and he chose here. With me!" Ruby says flirting and sits on Hayden's lap. I feel a pit in my stomach and immediately want to push Ruby off of him. I look over at Katie and she isn't sure what to do either. I see Hayden trying to push Ruby off but she isn't budging. "Ruby would you get off me. I'm not sitting here because I want to see a whore." Hayden says and I see Ruby frown. "Then why sit next to Annie?" She says. "Woah. Annie is not a whore!" Katie says getting mad. "Yeah, she is. I heard she cheated on her boyfriend!" Nadia says. "From who?!" Katie asks. "Her boyfriend." Nadia says. "Why would I say something like that when it's not true." Hayden says once he finally gets Ruby off of him. I slightly smile at him and he rests his hand on my thigh. "No. Her boyfriend is Brennan meaning it is true!" Nadia says. "Brennan cheated on Annie with Lexi Jade. He's the one that cheated and Annie broke up with him. Annie is NOT a whore." Katie says. I feel Hayden start to rub circles on my thigh with his thumb. "Yeah right. Hayden, did Annie cheat on Brennan with you?" Ruby asks. "No. Brennan cheated on Annie." He says. "Wait! Does that mean those hickeys are from Hayden?!" Avia asks and I slowly nod. She squeals and then collects herself. "Annie what the hell!" I hear a familiar voice say and immediately tense up. Hayden squeezes my thigh and I can tell he's tense too. "Brennan go to hell." Katie says. I feel Brennan put his hands on my shoulders. "Why. Annie is my girlfriend and I love her." He says. "No, you don't. If you loved her you wouldn't have cheated on her!" Hayden says as he pushes Brennan's hands off me. "So what. What are you gonna do about?" Brennan asks crossing his arms. Oh no. "I'm gonna beat your ass that's what." Hayden says and stands up. "You'll lose." Brennan says. "Oh yeah, you wanna bet?" Hayden says and starts throwing punches at Brennan. "I'm not sure whether I should stop this or let it happen." I say. "I would stop it because if they get in trouble Hayden will be expelled." Avia says. "What why? Wouldn't it be his first offense this year?" I ask confused. "Yeah, but he gets into so many the school is done with him." Avia says and I quickly stand up and jump in the crossfire which was a huge mistake as I feel a fist connect with the side of my neck. "Brennan! What the hell! Oh my god! Annie are you ok?" Hayden says and I slowly nod when I realize I am ok. It stings like no other but I'm breathing and not passed out so I'm ok. "This isn't over Summerall." Brennan says and walks away. "Hayden. I know what you're going to do. Out in the hall. Not in here." Katie says and I feel Hayden drag me out into the hall. "Annie what the hell! Why did you get in the middle of it?! You could've been seriously hurt!!" Hayden yells and I flinch. "Shit. Annie, I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you. I just don't know what I would do if something serious happened to you. Why did you get in the middle?" He asks. "I don't like fighting..." I say quietly. "That's not the only thing. What else?" He asks. "I-I didn't want you to get expelled..." I say extremely quietly. "You didn't what? Baby, I can't hear you." He says. "I didn't want you to get expelled..." I say louder but still quiet. "Oh, princess. Why would you be worried about that?" He asks and I shrug my shoulders. "Why?" He asks and lifts my chin so that I'm looking at him. "I dunno- I guess- I just- I-" I ramble. "Princess. Take a deep breath and tell me why. You're flustering yourself." Hayden says and I take a deep breath. "I guess I don't think I would enjoy school if you were expelled..." I say quietly. "Aww, Princess. I think you'd do fine without me." Hayden says. "Ok but like- I dunno." I say flustering myself. "I won't get expelled. I promise." Hayden says. I smile and hug him. He hugs back and then we go back into the cafeteria and finish lunch.
It's free period and Hayden is leading me to our classroom. That's what I'm calling the empty classroom from now on. We walk in and he shuts and locks the door behind us. "Hay, what in the world?" I say and feel him start leaving butterfly kisses up and down my shoulder and neck. "Hay, stop. I-" I giggle and am cut off by him now kissing around my face, avoiding my eyes and lips, and caressing my cheeks. He pulls off and just looks me up and down. Leaving his hands on my cheeks. "So like. Do you have a plan for your first kiss or?" Hayden says. "I want my first kiss to be special. Not in a school classroom." I say to him. "Ok. Good to know." He says and moves a hand to rest on my butt. He mumbles something and then kisses my temple. "What did you say?" I ask. "Nothing." He says and kisses my temple again. "Hay! What was it?!" I giggle as he lightly tickles my abdomen. "Oo someone's ticklish." He says and starts tickling a little more. "Hay! Stop! What did you say?!" I giggle as he continues to tickle me. I end up on the floor with him tickling away. He eventually lets up and mumbles something again. "Hayden. What did you say?" I ask. "It's nothing princess," Hayden says as I sit up. "Why can't I see this Hayden more often?" I ask. "What do you mean?" He asks. "Like the playful Hayden. Instead of the brooding bad boy. I like both but playful Hayden is more enjoyable." I say and sit in his lap straddling him. "Because. Since you're my girl people will know not to mess with you. If people see playful Hayden they may underestimate me and end up hurting you. Then someone else gets hurt and I end up in jail." Hayden says and wraps his arms around my waist. "Nuh-uh! I wouldn't let it happen. And I'd be fine." I say arguing. "Princess. You can have playful me whenever you want. I live with you. But bad boy me is for your protection and will happen in front of others. It's how it has to be." Hayden says calmly. "No, it's not! You can be playful you in front of others and I would be fine!" I argue and a piece of hair falls into my face. "Princess," Hayden starts and moves the hair behind my ear, "it is not that easy. I promise. You can have playful Hayden as much as you want outside of school and in this classroom. But in school, out there, you are getting bad-boy Hayden. Ok?" He says. "Ugh. Fine." I say pouting. "You are so adorable." He says and kisses my forehead. The bell rings and we quickly get up and head to class.
After school, Hayden drives us home and we work on our homework. Afterward, we play with Brady, have dinner, hang out, and soon go to bed.

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