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Katie's POV

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Katie's POV

You're kidding me. It's 3 am and Brennan is being loud on the phone. Ugh. Who is he calling because Annie would never be up at this hour unless we were having a sleepover? Which we aren't obvious. I walk to Brennan's room to tell him to be quiet. I go to open the door but then decide to wait and eavesdrop. "Baby I want to see you too. How about we meet in the east hall at school tomorrow," he pauses waiting for a response, "Yes. I love you too. Bye." Who in the hell was that?! He is cheating on Annie! Oh my god, when is Annie going to find out? This is not going to be good. I'm just going to go back to sleep and hope for school to come quickly.

Annie's POV

I wake up and get dressed in ^^^. I brush my hair out and curl it. I do my natural makeup, grab my phone and bag, and head downstairs. I see Katie and Say hi. I grab an apple, eat it, and then we head to school in her car.
At school, Katie and I head to our lockers and grab the things we need for class and then head that way. Class goes by quickly and we soon have free period. Katie and I put our stuff away and try to decide on what to do.

Katie's POV

"Let's go explore!" Annie says. "Like the school?" I say trying not to sound worried. Brennan has free period now also and I don't think I want Annie to see him cheat on her. "Of course silly. Let's go!" She says and grabs my hand. We walk around for a while and soon get closer to the east hall. "Annie maybe we should start to go back," I say trying to pull her away. "Come on Katie. It's the perfect back handspring runway!" Annie says. "No Annie I really think we should go," I say as I see Brennan walk in the hall from the other end with a girl. I pull Annie back so we're handing behind a wall. "Um, Katie. Is that Brennan?" She asks. "I think so," I say. We watch quietly. "Baby. Come on. Why can't we go public? Just dump that girl and we can be the best couple in the school. My girls are so ready." The girl says. I think that's Lexi Jade! Yup, it's definitely her. "Katie," Annie says and I can hear her voice shaking. "I want to baby but her parents and my parents will kill me. I have to time it correctly." Brennan says. "Katie. About last night. I'm sorry. I should have listened to you." Annie says now crying. "Oh, Annie it's fine. You are still my best friend. Come on let's go find Caleb so he can beat the shit out of the disgrace I have to call my brother." I say trying to make Annie smile. She nods and we head to Caleb's class. We knock on the door and the teacher is a close friend so he lets us in immediately when he sees Annie. I walk in first and Caleb looks confused. Then Annie walks in and at this point, she's balling. "What the hell did your brother do?" Caleb says and runs over and hugs his sister. "Syd, will you get my stuff?" Caleb asks as we walk out and Sydney nods. "He cheated on her with Lexi Jade," I say and see Caleb's fists form. "Where?" Caleb asks. "Wait. Maybe we can all get him at once. Your fam and mine. You guys have practice tonight and I know you're not supposed to but you could skip and say your sick. I'll tell Brennan to come to your house after practice and then we all scream at him and stuff as he walks through the door." I say. "Ok. Until then try to keep Annie away from Brennan," Caleb says. "No problem. Brennan's been avoiding her at school anyways." I say and he nods. Caleb walks back into class and I take Annie to the bathroom after grabbing the emergency makeup bag. Annie wears waterproof makeup so not much smeared but a touch up is always good. "Annie call your parents and let them know to come right home. I'll let mine know and I'll text Ry and Hay." I say and she nods and gets out her phone.
It's after school and we're all sitting in Annie's living room waiting for Brennan to come home. Annie is freaking out so Ryan and Hayley are telling jokes and trying to make her laugh. We hear a car pull up and Ry and Hay immediately go silent. Brennan walks in and immediately looks confused. "What's up? Caleb why weren't you at practice? Coach wasn't very happy." Brennan says. "I'll deal with coach. What the hell Brennan!" Caleb says. "What?" Brennan asks acting all innocent. "Annie and I saw you with Lexi today. I can't believe you would do that to her! Actually, I could because that's exactly the type of thing you would do!" I say. "Katie, what are you talking about? I wasn't anywhere with Lexi other than class and it's not like anything can happen in there." Brennan says trying to act all innocent. "Brennan! You CHEATED on Annie!! For God knows how long! Stop acting all innocent!!" Caleb and I yell. "You don't have any proof." He says now proud. "Brennan. It doesn't matter if they have proof. We're over." Annie says and runs upstairs. Hayley and Ryan run after her. Probably to help make her feel better. "Don't ever come near Annie again or I will personally beat the shit out of you," I say and run upstairs. I shut the door behind me and we hear our parents and Caleb go off on Brennan and soon hear the front door slam. We watch from Annie's window and see Brennan drive off. "Thank goodness he's gone. Brennan is a butthole and I never liked him." Hayley says. Annie laughs slightly. That's a start! "It's sad that we have to call him our brother," Ryan says to me and I nod. We talk and laugh with Annie until she's back to herself. Well at least somewhat and soon it's dinner time. We head downstairs and sit at the table for dinner. "Alright, So Brennan should be gone for a while. I told him he is not welcome back in our house until he gets his attitude fixed." Dad says. "He'll probably just go live with Lexi. The bitch lives in a mansion just outside of town. I'm sure he'll enjoy partying over there." I say sarcastically and Caleb nods in agreement. "Fine. But he is not welcome back in this household or our household until his attitude gets fixed. Meaning if he chooses not to fix his attitude, he's on his own." Dad says. Mom nods in agreement. We all eat and try making Annie smile and stuff and then Annie eventually decides to just go to bed. We let her knowing today has been rough and we all decide we should go to bed too. I decide to stay up a little though so Annie can have some space for a little.

Annie's POV

I'm in my room thinking about what I should do. I ultimately end up thinking about what Hayden said at camp. "I'll wait for you. I'm not going to give up. Call me when Brennan fucks up and loses you. I'll be ready." Keeps replaying over and over. Screw it. I'm DMing him. I go to insta and hope he unblocked me which he did.

AnnieGrace💜🦋✨: Hey. Can we talk?
HaydenSummerall: Sure. Ig. What's up?
AnnieGrace💜🦋✨: Brennan cheated on me...
HaydenSummerall: What? With who?
AnnieGrace💜🦋✨: I think her name is Lexi Jade...
HaydenSummerall: The biggest slut in town
HaydenSummerall: I'm sorry Annie. You don't deserve that. But why are you telling me?
AnnieGrace💜🦋✨: I can't seem to get what you said at camp out of my head.
HaydenSummerall: Which thing?
AnnieGrace💜🦋✨: "I'll wait for you. I'm not going to give up. Call me when Brennan f*€&$ up and loses you. I'll be ready."
HaydenSummerall: Is that what you're doing? You want a relationship ship?
AnnieGrace💜🦋✨: Maybe not a girlfriend-boyfriend relationship but something... I just don't want to be sad. I want to show Brennan that I can move on just like him. Not make him jealous just idk...
HaydenSummerall: You want to piss him off just enough?
AnnieGrace💜🦋✨: Yeah I guess
AnnieGrace💜🦋✨: I just know I'm not ready for a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship yet. And it might be a while before I am...
HaydenSummerall: Absolutely. I'll help you. And I told you. I'll be ready when you are. He lost someone amazing and is never going to get it back.
AnnieGrace💜🦋✨: Thank you, Hayden! So what should we do?
HaydenSummerall: Well, since you're not ready for a relationship I say we act as if we're talking. Whenever he's around we just are a little more touchy and talky.
AnnieGrace💜🦋✨: Ok. Let's start the day after tomorrow though so Brennan can't accuse me of cheating.
HaydenSummerall: Absolutely. It's getting late. You should get some sleep. I'll see you at school tomorrow. Make sure to listen to some Bad Bitch songs to put you in a good mood.
AnnieGrace💜🦋✨: I'm sure Katie already has a playlist made for the car rides. That's again for being there Hay. It means a lot.
HaydenSummerall: Of course. I'll give you my number tomorrow so we don't have to continue to use DMs to talk
AnnieGrace💜🦋✨: Ok. Goodnight!
HaydenSummerall: Goodnight!

With that, I change and let Katie know I'm going to sleep so she knows she can come in. We both get under the blankets and go to sleep.

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