Chapter 3

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I slowly go to sit down in the shower to lazy to wash my body off. The door is creaked open but I'm too lazy to shut it. I'm too tired I just. . . and with that everything goes dark.


Its been a very long time since Hinata first started the shower. I'm beginning to think he fell asleep. That dumbass. I knock on the door to the bathroom softly and it creaks a little more open. Woops.

"Hinata? You ok in there?" I question loudly over the shower but I receive no reply. Damn it!

I open the door slowly to see Hinata fast asleep in the shower and close my eyes. I reach over to turn off the shower and grab the towel. I carefully wrap him up and lift him up with one of my arms under his legs and the other under his back. He wraps his arms around my neck as I carry him out of the bathroom and into the spare bedroom. I dont really wanna get him dressed but he should be fine in here if I closed the door.

I cover him up with a blanket once more and turn off the lights in the bathroom and his bedroom. I shut the door completely and head into my bedroom slipping on my pajamas.

I feel something lift my blanket letting a gush of cold wind smack against my body. I roll around as the blanket shuts back up and something huddles against my chest.

"Ka. . .Kageyama?" That voice sounds familiar. . . could it. . .

"Hinata!" I push him away and jolt upright.

"Why arent you in your own bed?" I ask as he presses against my chest again. I feel my heart begin to beat faster by the second as I feel his breath against my neck.

"The scary movie. . ." Hinata. . . I'm so sorry. . .

I wrap my arms around his shoulder pulling him closer to me as he wraps his arms around my waist.

"Can I stay here. . .?" He looks up at me and through the dark I can see his orange eyes making light somehow. I know my face is probably red as a fans to right now but I know he cant see.

"Yes Hinata. . . you can stay in here for tonight." He hugs me tighter and nuzzles his face into my chest. I don't want morning to come. . . When morning comes I will have to let go. . . I want this to last forever. I feel Hinatas face warming up against my chest i guess I wasnt the only one blushing. . .

I slowly open my eyes and I feel hair strands rub between my fingers. I look down to see Hinata still fast asleep. Just a little longer. . . please? Stay asleep Hinata.

I lift his chin to look at his face. His hair is tangled and poking everywhere in a mess. His cheeks are a little pink and he even smiled in his sleep. I press my hand against his cheek like yesterday rubbing my thumb against his soft skin slowly.

My heart begins to slow and this feeling. . . Its new. I close my eyes and press my lips against Hinatas forehead. His grip around me tightens and he squeezes one of his legs between mine. I begin to feel my stomach churn and as I open my eyes I notice Hinata wide awake.

"K-Kageyama?" I stare at him wide eyed as he rubs his eyes and yawns. What do I do??

"Good at-afternoon dumbass!" I yell in his face making him flinch. He looks down between us and pulls his leg back with a jolt and sits up.

"I'm sorry Kageyama!" I get up off the bed and walk towards the door.

"Its fine, I'm going to go see what my mom made for breakfast. Head down whenever." I walk out and lean against the wall aside the door.

Damn it Hinata! Why do you do this to me. I clutch my chest tightly to slow my heart. What is this?! That dumbass in there! Hhhhh. . . I should probably start heading down now.

A Strange Feeling (Kageyama x Hinata)Where stories live. Discover now