Chapter 11

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Days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months without seeing each other in person. Slowly, there texts got shorter and less frequent to the point all they would say was goodmorning and goodnight. They did however talk about how there games for Volleyball were going.

Overtime the pain and sorrow turned into an empty hole in Hinata and Kageyamas heart. Every night, they cried for the other. There warmth and smile.

Hinata was quickly imoroving in volleyball increasing his recieve accuracy, spiking, serving, and a tinch of setting. Everywhere, he was know known as the tiny giant.

Kageyama was also imoroving greatly. His sets where incapable of becoming any better so he worked on developing an understanding of his teammates and how they prefer there sets as Oikawa had. Kageyama was known as the King of the court but not for the same reason. Now he was known as a deadly killing machine.

News spread 'round of Kageyama and Hinata being teammates in High school making everyone wonder what happened. They turned Karasuno into the best volleyball team in the prefecture and it has stayed that way since with Ukai contuining to coach. The rest of the team dispursed after High School going into there real dream jobs. Sugawara and Daichi stayed together in a small house near a lake.

Nishinoya and Asahi begin to have a more intimate relationship and grow closer as the years has passed. They moved together in a big house as Asahi had been a college professor and Nishinoya a role model.

Tsukishima stays at home caring for his sick mother and works as a detective. Yamaguchi is the journalist behind all the newspapers spreading around of Hinata and Kageyamas great achievments.

Tanaka has pursued modelling and is currently dating a fellow model. He still has his crazy nature and time to time gathers up the team to play volleyball against the Karasunos volleyball club.

Many championships won by both Hinata and Kageyamas team bring them closer together and the time comes for the rivalry between America and China volleyball. The time they had been waiting for years to come.


Its a week until China and the U.S face off in a complete showdown. The whole volleyball team from High School is going to be there watching me play. We will be playing in the largest stadium with the biggest crowd.

Hinata passes through my brain a few times making my heart ache.

"You better be ready Hinata. . . I'm not gonna let you win easily." I clench my fist together.

"Hey King! Get over here and set for us." Our co team captain calls for me. I set multiple balls repeatedly and hear them being slambed down against the ground. Practice comes to an end and I'm called over by our team captain.

"Hey Kageyama?"

"Yes Captain?"

"I heard there was stuff going on between you and the tiny giant, what happened?" I rub the back of my head and sit down on the bench.

"We were teammates back in middle school. We made Karasuno high the best team in the prefecture and his parents ended up dying so he had to leave to the U.S to live with his grandma. . ."

"Thats not what I meant. I heard you two used to be a thing, is that going to be a problem?" I smile softly and scrunch my eyebrows together.

"Thats just helped full our rivalry since we were younger." He nods his head and pats my back.

"No wonder you havent had eyes for anyone here. He already stole your heart." And with that my team captain leaves the room.

"He didnt steal it. . . He had already owned it." I whisper to myself smiling.

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