Chapter 9

526 19 1

Time skip to the second set


Hinata was taken out of the game to ice his shoulder. Its swelling badly and the rest of the team is freaking out. I dont know what I'm supposed to do.

I get ready to set for Asahi but he doesnt go for the ball. We already lost the first set and were at a score of 19-22. Asahi has completely lost it. I see that they have Asahi marked so I as I jump I perform a setter dunk stealing us back a point. Coach Ukai calls for as he calls a timeout. Everyone huddles around including Hinata.

"Come on guys, whats going on out there?!" He looks Asahi dead in the eye.

"That ball was supposed to be your spike, if Kageyama hadnt noticed you not moving the ball wouldve dropped on our own side from a SET. Guys come on, dont let them get in your heads. Get back out there and make me proud!"

We all put our hands in and count up to three and yell in unison.

"K-K-KARASUNO!!!" We all step back on the court except Sugawara who is switched out with Hinata. His tiny shoulder is buldging and it looks very painful.

"Are you okay to play Hinata?" I ask concerned.

He looks his lips and looks at me dead in the eye.

"Send me the next ball." Then he turns back to face the players on the other net. Its Oikawas turn to serve. The whole audience grows quiet and Oikawa prepares.

"OOOOOOLLLEEEEE!" The crowd screams as Oikawas hand makes contact with the ball heading straight for Hinata. They know Hinata is injured and there targetting him. He goes to receive the ball letting out a loud grunt when sending it back into the air.

Date techs blockers keep there eyes on Asahi except white head. He has marked Hinata. Out of the corner of my eye I see Tsukishima dashing up front and send the ball up.

The blockers all dash towards either Hinata and Asahi where as I move out of the way as Tsukishima jumps and slaps the ball straight towards ths ground. He stares down Mad dog and scoffs.

Mad dog clenches his teeth and fists heading towards the net for Tsukishima as he turns his back. Tsukishima looks back out of the corner of his eye.

"Thats not a smart choice." Mad dog looks at him wide eyed as Tsukishima head back into his spot. The score is now 21-22. We need this set! I notice Hinata staring at me and nods his head.

Daichi is up to serve and sends it over. Green head receives the ball and Oikawa sets. I see Mad Dog dashing forward and suddenly green head dashes behind him at lightning speed. He leaps from the ground the same time as Hinata. Hinata reaches the highest peak and watches green head strike the ball. Nobody is covering him!

Nishinoya dashes to the open spot that green head aims for. He wont make it! Hinata watches as the ball splits the air making him loose balance. He eyes the ball closely and lifts his foot. He manages to kick the ball high into the air almost touching the wall.

"Its above the net!" Hinata hits the ground but in a split second is already back up and leaping off the ground for the ball. Green head tries to catch him but is too late. The ball flies past green head then Oikawa before either could even flinch. It makes impact with the floor leaving behind a loud thud. Hinatas feet hit the ground silently and he looks up at green head.

"Were winning this game!" Green head suddenly shows emotion in his face. Fear. We all get back to our positions preparing for Daichis next serve. I look back at the whole team. They have fure blazing in there eyes. I smirk at Hinata and stare down Oikawa as the ball heads to there side.


The score is now 24-25. Worst of all, Oikawa is up to serve. I wont let him steal our point! His serve heads for me and I hear Nishinoya from behind me.

"Let me recieve it." He whispers. Just before I make contact with the ball I lean to my left revealing Nishinoya who sends the ball into the air. Im already dashing to the back of the court. We need this point! I kick off the ground as well as Tsukishima, Daichi, and Asahi. All three jump in unison tricking the other team.

I leap from the ground like I'm flying. Kageyama smiles looking at me. I can tell what he is saying. Tiny. Giant. I leap into the air as well as green head. I may be small, but I will never let another blocker shut me out!!!!

I throw my hand at the ball as hard as ive ever done with more force than even Asahi has done. It breaks between green heads arms making him fall backwards surprised. I touch the ground with my feet hudfing heavily. My arm feels numb from the force I had used. Everyone is silent staring at me.

"AUGHHH!" I yell throwing my fist in the air. My team joins in and starts laughing. I look dead at the other team pointing at each and everyone.

"We. Are. Taking. This. Set. Now." Daichi serves one last time sending the ball over. There whole team scrambles for the ball and it is recieved by Uwaizumi. Oikawa gets ready for the set and instead tries setter dunking and Kageyama. Kageyama hits the ball back up.

The ball heads straight between me and Kageyama. No one else can make it but I cant set. . . I look at Kageyama panicking and dash for the ball. I slide across the floor on my back and station my hands as Kageyama would do. I see Asahi running straight for me. I send the ball a little ways away from the net ready for Asahi. The ball brushes my fingertips as it leaves my touch.

"WHAT?!" Oikawa yells from the other side of the net. Asahi jumps right over me swinging his hand with full thrust where there are no defenders.

The ball makes contact with the ground making everyone look back at the ball. My whole team swarms me pulling me off the ground and throwing me in the air.

"TINY GIANT! TINY GIANT! TINY GIANT!" They all chant with me on Asahi and Tsukishimas shoulder. I jump down and point at green head. I smile and look back at my team then jump into Kageyamas arms. He embraces me with a tight hug and kisses my head gingerly.

"And were gonna take the final set as well." He whispers to me then lets me down. We prepare for the third set and see all the other teams from the brackets come. I notice Nekoma even came and see Kenma. He waves at me and nods his head.

All the teams begin to chant us on.

"KARASUNO, KARASUNO, KARASUNO!" We all smile and look dead at our opponents. I feel fire blazing in my body from my toes to my head. This is what ive waited for. This feeling of accomplishment again. Just like every other game we've won.

From the moment I joined this team, this is what I loved. The moments we spent together. When we would practice even when there was no school. Going to training camp. It was all worth it for us to be here.

I feel my face heat up and my eyes begin to water. I love these guys. And I love Kageyama. So were winning this game!

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