Chapter 13

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Shoyos team takes the second and final set winning the whole game. It didnt hurt as much as I had thought it would because Hinata did promise me he wouldnt let me win. Hinata and his team is all cheering as me and my team begin to pack up.

I turn around to see there team walking over to us with the trophy. Shoyo holds the trophy between us.

"Without you, I wouldnt be as good and we probably wouldnt have won today. We would like the share the trophy for the good match today." Hinata smiles as I grab the other half of the trophy. We all begin to run around the stadium pumping our fists in the air and yelling.

When the match ends we all decide to go out and eat, both mine and Hinatas team. Our two teams grow closer together and exchange contact information before Hinatas team has to leave to go back to America.

"Anytime yall want a rematch, just give us a call." There team captain says chuckling. Hinata stays sitting at the table. As our teams say there goodbyes and farewells I walk up to him.

"You okay Hinata?" I ask with concern.

"I'm not going back to America." He says while fiddling with his fingers.

"You have to though, your team is leaving." He smiles and grabs my hands.

"I've been saving up money to move back here with you and the rest of our old team. I really miss you guys and I dont wanna loose you again." I feel my face grow red.

"Y-you uhm. . . gonna stay with me?" I ask stuttering. He smiles and nods his head making my heart pound against my chest rapidly.

"Good because we could use the Tiny Giant on our side of the net." I say laughing as he tugs me into a hug. I embrace him with my arms and look as his team parts ways from mine.

My team walks up with something hidden behins our team captain back. I release Hinata and my captain reveals two shirts. A number 9 and 10.

"Welcome to the team Tiny Giant." He hands me the number 9 and Hinata the number 10.

"WAIT A MINUTE, did everyone know about this before me?!" My team begins to laugh hard and my team captain punches me in the shoulder.

"Yeah, it was Hinatas idea and we dont mind having another living legend on our team." I scold them angry but happy all at the same time.

"And I made sure to get the same numbers you used when you played together at Karasuno." I look at Hinata who is examining his shirt in awe.

"Thanks guys." I say as they all begin to try embracing me in a hug.

"Woah, woah, woah! Dont push your luck!" I say pushing them all back. They charge at me and I twirl my shirt up and begin whipping them.

"Back! I said back!"

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