Chapter 10

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Hinata sits on my lap hugging me tightly while we wait for the train. I hug him as if my life was ending and now that I'm saying it in my head. . . it feels that way.

As the train pulls up and Hinata stands up, everyone huddles around him hugging him tightly. They all have tears rolling down there faces as they smother him. Hinata says his goodbyes to them and walks back up to me.

He looks into my eyes and breaks down completely falling on me. I feel pain rising in my chest as my whole body goes numb. I cant cry. . . if I cry I cant let him go. But. . .

I didnt even get to kiss his lips. . . we had less than a week. We promised each other to become the best duo together and now. . . it may never happen. I clutch him tightly as a tear rolls down my cheek and I hold back the rest. I wipe the tear away quickly and kiss his forehead.

"I cant let go Hinata. . . dont go." I suddenly break down and fall onto my knees. He pulls my head tightly to his chest and gets on his knees next to me. The conductor calls for the last people to board.

"Im so sorry Kageyama!" He squeezes me tighter and presses his lips against mine. He slowly moves his lips against mine as do I. I wrap my arms around his waist holding him tightly. I don't want to let go. . .

I lick his lip and he opens them for my tongue. I press my tongue against his while continuing to kiss him slower. The conductor calls again making Hinata break away from the kiss breathing heavily. I press my forehead against his and loosen the hug as he releases me from the hug.

"Dont go. . ." I stay on my knees as he grabs his suitcase and turns.

"I love you Kageyama. . ." I feel more tears come down my face. Everything begins to feel on fire. I cant compose myself as he walks away. He turns around with his face blood red and tears rolling down his cheeks. He smiles at me.

"I love you Hinata." He waves and I wave back as he boards the train and claims his seat. The door closes. And the train begins to move. I jump to my feet and run up to his window. I press my hand against the window and he presses his hand against mine through the window.

The train slowly picks up speed and as the train station comes to a stop I let go of the window. I watch as the train leaves going faster and faster and I feel my heart is ripped from my chest. I hang my head down low and walk back to the rest of our team who are in tears.

They embrace me in a tight hug as do I. What am I supposed to do now? Without Hinata. . . what kind of setter am I?


I ran to the back of the train watching Kageyama grow smaller and smaller as I got farther away. I grip my chest as I feel my heart being ripped from me. One day. . . I will see you again. In one of the biggest stadiums. I put my hand against the window.

And I will beat you just like I said when we met. I sit back down in my seat clutching a volleyball Kageyama had given me. I turn it around where we wrote our initials.


I love you Tobio. . . Tobio Kageyama. . . I sit in my seat thinking of what to do now that I'm going to America. One day, China and America will have a showdown. . . and I will beat him.

The whole train ride I thought of Kageyama, even when I tried not to. I ended up slowly drifting off into sleep only to be woken by my grandma shaking me. I open my eyes and am embraced by her warmth but it only makes me feel more cold. I want Kageyamas hug. . . I hug her back and she grabs my suitcase.

"Lets go honey."

We get to her house and she shows me which room I would have. She lives in a really big house considering she doesnt work any more. I pack my clothes in the closet and sit on the bed. I pull out a photo of me and Kageyama on our first date. I never had seen him smile that happy until we started dating.

I lay down hugging the image. I feel my phone vibrate and look at it.

One new message from King ❤

Hey Shoyo

Hey Tobio

I miss you already

I miss you more

No you dont Dumbass!

I laugh a bit seeing he called me dumbass and start to break down again.

I love you my King

I love you my little giant.

I press video call and am quickly answered by a black haired boy. His face is red and a little puffy. We just laid there looking at each other. Its the opposite time of Tobio, so we wont have many days we can talk. Its 11 AM here where ass its 11 PM there.

"Dont let things change please." I say whispering to him tiredly.

"I won't." He replies. We continue to lay there staring into our phones giving each other small smiles and occasionally hiding a tear that rolls down our face. I get comfortable in bed and perch my phone up against a pillow so I no longer have to hold it.

I close my eyes for what seems like a second and am overcome by darkness slipping off into a deep sleep.

Me and Tobio continue to play volleyball together and make it all the way to professional volleyball players. There isnt an offer we will take if it only offers a spot on a team for only one of us. We become the best duo and take many different teams to the top of prefectures. We make China the best team out of all countries and live happily together.

I wake up from my dream looking at my phone still in the call. Kageyama snores loudly. Its 9 AM here which means its 9 AM there. . . he did stay up late with me last night. I watch him sleep for a little bit before ending the call and heading down the stairs of our new home into the dinning room.

My grandma had prepared a meal for us already. Natsu is picking at her food and I sit down just staring at it.

"Shoyo? Natsu?" My grandma asks us.

"Yes?" We reply in unison.

"I'm sorry things turned out the way they did. But you must eat." Tears stream down Natsus face.

"Shoyo. Will I get to see the Kageyamas again?" Tears begin to fill down my face slowly as I begin shoving food in my face. I make a loud gulp sound when swallowing.

"Yes Natsu. We will." Those words stab me in the chest. We will but not for year. . . I already miss you so much Tobio. . .

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