Chapter 12

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Me and Kageyama just sit on the couch of his house. He lives in a medium sized condo with plants in all the windows and beautiful furniture.

"Shoyo. . . do you u-uhm. . . do you wanna spend uh- the night?" He says awkwardly while fidgeting with his fingers.

"Oh um. . . y-yeah." I say smiling. He yawns and stretches his arms out. Its pretty late here and I havent slept for awhile. I lean down and lay my head on his lap. He brushes his fingers through my hair slowly massaging my head.

I drift off into sleep slowly only to feel arms wrap under my legs and back. I open my eyes as I see Kageyama leaning over kissing my forehead. He walks me up a case of stairs and sets me on a bed gently.

I open my eyes watching him crawl under the blanket and covering us up. He gently sets one of his legs on top of mine and wraps his arm around me.

"Goodnight Shoyo." He whispers gently.

"Goodnight Tobio." I say while pressing my face against his chest. He has more muscles than before when we would lay together. I gently inspect his whole torso with my hands trying not to draw his attention. I drag my hands lower on his hips touching his dick and quickly pulling back. SHIT!

"Uhm. . . Shoyo, are you okay?" He asks with a concerned look on his face. I look into his eyes as my face rises in heat.

"Oh uh, y-yeah. I'm fine." He chuckles gently and grabs my hands. He pulls my hands down back between his thighs and leaves my hand over his dick. My body begins to shiver aggressively. I gently trace the outline of his dick slowly making it twitch slightly.

"Why is it. . . so. . . uhm, big?" I ask nervously making him laugh.

"I dont know Dumbass." He sits up and leans over me kissing my lips gently while cupping my chin with one of his hands. I rub his dick more with my whole hand making it grow slowly.

He licks my lips trying to open my mouth and sticks his tongue in. He rubs his tongue against mine while running his hand down my body to my butt and squeezes it.

"Ahh~" a small moan escapes my mouth making me break away from the kiss and covering my mouth in embarrassment.

"Dont." Kageyama says stern while grabbing my arms and pressing them against the bed. He kisses down my neck gently before beginning to suck on it softly. I slowly sit up with him pulling off his shirt as he does the same to me.

I push him on his back and kiss down his chest to his dick where there is a large bulge. Small sounds escape from his mouth making my dick begin to burn. Ah~. This feeling and these sounds. . . I want more. . . I grab his zipper fidgeting with it trying to pull it down.

"Fuck!" I whisper before he pushes my head away and unzips his pants for me.

"Dumbass." He says before pulling my face back down. His dick is big and twitches slightly under his boxers. I completely pull off his boxers and pants looking at his dick.

"H-how is this going to fit?!" I say terrified. His dick stands up. He chuckles and pulls my head down closer. I open my mouth and lick up the side of his dick before sticking it in my mouth. He brushes his fingers through my hair pushing his dick into my throat.

After a little bit of him face fucking me he pulls my face up to his kissing me gently and rolling on top. He pulls off my pants and boxers quickly and kisses me passionately. I melt into the kiss wanting more. He puts a pillow under my ass and gently rubs his dick against my ass.

"Ah~ K-Kageyama. . . don't. . . uh~ don't stop." I struggle to say.

He starts sucking on my neck roughly leaving more marks before he pushes his dick in my ass.

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