Chapter 8

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Time skip to 4 days before final match


Tobio sets multiple shots for me to spike with perfect accuracy. We do our nee quick attack repeatedly with perfection. Tsukishima misses every block.

I dash from the back row straight for Tsukishima who stares me down. I dash to the right as Tobio gets ready to set for me. Tsukishima follows me so I step left to make it seem like I'm changing direction then turn back right and leap into the air.

I feel wind push past my face as my feet leave the ground and I feel like I'm flying. The set comes for me and I shoot my hand down at the ball as hard as I can. The ball makes contact with my hand keeping it still for a split second before splitting through the air towards the other side of the court. I land on my feet looking at mt hand which is blood red.

I throw my fist in the air ad everyone else besides Tobio goes into 'oohs' and 'awes'. I run over to Tobio and jump on him wrapping legs and arms around him. He hugs me tightly and I notice everyone beginning to stare. We told them of me and Tobio dating a couple days ago.

Most of there responses were 'finally'. Then we also told them how I would have to leave after our next match against Karusokii. We all promised to make it the best match Karasuno High would ever be in.

Tobio lets me down after a little and Daichi calls for the whole team to huddle.

"Okay guys, we only have about 3 days left until we have to face Karusokii. We cant take them for granted even if they are a new school. We are the Karasuno High Crows!!! AND WE ARE THE BEST VOLLEYBALL TEAM IN THE PREFECTURE!"

"YEAAAH!" We all yell at the top of our lungs in unison. We all pump our fists in the air jumping.

After Volleyball practice ends and we have all changed, Tobio blindfolds me leading me somewhere.

"Are we almost there?" I ask impatient.

"You asked that like five seconds ago just a little further." I impatiently walk alongside Tobio until he suddenly stops and takes off the blindfold.

Were at a park and there is a blanket on the grass with food and extra blankets and pillows.

I sit down on the blanket with Tobio who unzips bags and reveals sandwhiches.

"Whats all this for?" I ask blushing while taking a bite into the sandwhich.

"I dont want you to leave without us having a date." I smile taking even more bites of my sandwhich.

After we finish the food we lay down on the blanket side by side looking up at the sky watching the sun set. I begin to shiver and Tobio grabs a blanket wrapping it around the both of us. He sets pillows down where our head were so we can lay our heads back down comfortably.

I hold his hand while watching the sun set. We lay in silence with the occasional small kisses on the cheek or ear. I grip his hand tighter as the sun completely sets. I look at the time on my phone.

"We should head to your house now, its late." Tobio nods his head and we pack everything up heading back to his house.

We say our goodnights to his mother and Natsu and head to bed. I lay under him once again soaking in all his body heat. He hugs me tightly as he slowly drifts off into sleep.

Only 3 more days. . . thats all I have with him. I begin to feel tears run down my face onto his pillows. Less than 72 hours is what I have with him and its not enough. . . I need more.

I clutch his shirt tightly with both hands making my left shoulder hurt but I ignore it.

"Don't forget me Tobio Kageyama." I whisper as my heart begind to abuse my chest. My ribcage was made to hold back my heart from chasing you. But somehow it found a way.

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