Chapter 7

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"Hinata, I need you to stay. Please." I grab his arms gently looking into his eyes. They spark like a fire blazing inside them and it sucks me in.

"Kageyama, I want to but I cant." He looks down at his hands. I press my finger at the bottom of his chin and lift his head to look back at me. I press my forehead against his.

Tears begin to fill my eyes and I shut them tightly. I cup Hinatas chins and feel my face getting hotter as well as his. I look at him to see tears in his eyes as well.

I want to feel his lips. . . against mine. I lean in and close my eyes slowly. I press my lips against his forehead scared of touching his lips. I pull back and he wraps his right arm around my neck pulling me against him. He kisses my neck and hugs me tightly.

"Hinata. . ."

"Kageyama. . ." we both say at the same time.

"You go first. . ." Hinata says gently.

"I love you Hinata. . . and I think I have for awhile now." I wrap my arms around his waist tightly.

"I love you too Kageyama."

We both press against each others lips with our fingertips and pressing our foreheads back together.

"I'm sorry. . . for everything." I say as my voice begins to break. I hear Hinatas breath become hitched as he struggles to speak.

"D-don't. Just. . . just. . ." I shush him gently with my finger and kiss his nose. I push him gently down onto his back and lay next to him. We lay tightly together with our arms intertwined with each others body. He presses his head against my chest making my heart beat faster. I move my hands down his arm to his hands and push my fingers between his.

We grasp each others hands tightly as we drift off into sleep. The last thing I remember is his breathing and our hearts beating rapidly. Everything around us was silent and it was like we were floating on clouds.

I wake up to a certain little red head nuzzling his head into my chest. I pull my hand out of his and brush my fingers through his hair and kiss his head.

"I love you Hinata." I whisper. I look at the time to see its 8:26 AM. My mom shouldve been up by now. I look back to where my phone was to see a note in my moms handwriting.

I am taking Natsu to see your grandma. We will be home around 12. Take care my sweetie.

I'm guessing she also saw me and Hinata. I lay back down next to Hinata looking down at his hair while brushing my fingers through it. I wish we had more time. . . I end up dozing off thinking of what me and Hinata could have been and should have been.

I wake up to a warm smell and my mouth drooling. I feel around for Hinata to realize he is missing. I sit up on the couch to see Hinata setting the table with eggs, bacon, toast, and sausage. I sit up and take my seat at the table next to Hinata.

"What with all of this?" I ask confused. How did he manage all of this?

"I was hungry and I decided I might as well make breakfast for the both of us." I shrug my shoulders then look at the eggs.

"How did you manage to crack the eggs open with only one hand??" He laughs and looks at me awkwardly.

"You see, it kinda took me a few tries so you might have to ask your mom to go to the grocery store." I begin to laugh and look at the food. My mouth begins to water. I grab my fork and poke the middle of the egg making yolk spill across my plate. I dip my bacon and toast inside it and prepare for a bite.

A Strange Feeling (Kageyama x Hinata)Where stories live. Discover now