Chapter 6

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The car ride was pretty silent until Ms Kageyama pulled the car over.

"Hinata." She asks turning to look at me.

"Y-yes?" I ask in confusion.

"It may not seem like it but Tobio has had a rough time since he was told the news you would have to leave after the next match against Karusokii. He wont admit it but I dont think he would be as great as volleyball as he is now if it wasnt for you and I dont think he would want to continue without you. You have really changed my baby in a good way and it shows everyday." She sighs as a tear comes down her face. She smiles at me and grabs my hands.

"I'm am so grateful you walked into Tobios life and your there for him. . ." her voice begins to break making my face feel red as I feel water gather up in front of my eye.

"Your uhm. . . there f-for him even when he can be really rude. Thank you so much Shoyo Hinata." I try to keep myself from blinking because I know once I do, tears will run down my cheeks but my eyes begin to burn. I blink letting the tears roll down my cheeks which Ms Kageyama wipes away but they only begin to come down harder.

"I dont wanna leave!" I yell while clutching my chest. My heart hurts. All the tears and pain I had been holding in is finally showing colors. I'm angry and sad all at once.

"I cant leave Kageyama behind! I wouldnt be as good as he is. We were supposed to be the best duo to ever step onto a court! I dont think I can play volleyball without him." Ms Kageyama reaches across the center console hugging me tightly.

"Continue to play Hinata, for Tobio and yourself." I nod my head and she releases me from the hug starting up the car again and continuing the drive to my house.

"Ms Kageyama." I ask nervously.

"Yes Hinata?" I clutch my chest tighter and look down as I watch my chest beat against my hand harder and harder.

"I love Kageyama. . ." I mumble as more tears fall.

"I think I. . . I think I love Kageyama. . ." She smiles and gently brushes the hair out of my face while keeping her eyes on the road.

"Its okay sweetie. Ive known."

We pull up to my driveway and I head inside to pack my clothes into a suitcase. I pass a picture of family photo and grab it looking at it.

"I love you mom." I whisper as I brush my thumb gently next to her on the photo. I hug the photo tightly and pack it along with the blanket she made for me and Natsu whenever we were sick.

I also pack Natsus clothes and toys in a seperate pink suitcase with her name on it.

Instead of crying I feel relieved. That I can let go. I need to make my mom proud. I grip the suitcases' as I walk down the hallway looking at everything.

We did so many things together in this house and now. . . we wont see it again.

I open the door and take one last look at everything.

"Goodbye." I whisper and close the door. I turn around and walk back to the car loading my stuff inside. I walk back up to the front of the car and sit in the passanger seat.

"Everything okay?" I look at rhe house as we drive away and smile.

"Yeah. Everythings fine."

As we walk back into Ms Kageyamas house we see Kageyama and Natsu sleeping on the couch together. Kageyama snores loudly and Natsu is drooling on his lap.

Me and Ms Kageyama let out stiffled laughter trying to contain ourselves and begin making our way up the stairs.

"You can have the spare bedroom and I will share my room with Natsu." She smiles as she makes her way into her bedroom with Natsus suitcase.

"AHHH!" I suddenly hear a yell from the first floor and race down the stair to see Kageyama on the floor with his hand against Natsus forehead.

"HELP! SOMEONE!" Kageyama yells trying to push Natsu away. She tries bitting his hand making me laugh.

"What?" I ask leaning over the back of the couch.

"SHE BIT ME!!!" Kageyama yells making me laugh even harder which is joined by his mother. She walks back up the stair to finish putting Natsus stuff in a closest or something I'm guessing. I grab Natsu and try pulling her off Kageyama but she only pushes herself closer to him.

"I DONT UNDERSTAND, HOW DOES THAT MUCH MUSCLE FIT IN SUCH A TINY BODY?!" Kageyama says standing up and dashing to the kitchen.

"Watch the teeth!" He yells as Natsu chases him around the bar table. She laughs while chasing him and reaching out for him. I spot a squirt bottle and aim it at Natsu.

*squirt squirt squirt*

She begins to hiss and hide behind the counter.

"What type of animal are you?!" Kageyama asks brushing his hair back while standing on the opposite side of the counter Natsu is at. I break out laughing as Kageyama stares at her confused.

"I love you Kageyama!!!" Natsu yells smiling then yawns.

"Yeah, you have a strange way of showing it shorty." We all begin to laugh and recollect in the living room. I check my phone to see the time is 8:23 PM. Natsu yawns and sprawls across the couch falling asleep instantly. Kageyama picks her up and walks her up the stairs to his mothers bedroom.

His mother grabs Natsu from his arms gently and walks her into her bedroom.

"I'm going to head to bed as well. Sorry for not cooking dinner, you boys can help yourselves to the fridge."

I race Kageyama down the stairs into the kitchen. He beats me there so i peak under his arm at the inside of the fridge. He grabs a cake container which has half a cake inside.

"Oooo. Cake, what kind is it." Kageyama smiles closing the fridge and opening it up.

"Strawberry." We both take a wiff of the smell and let out 'oohs' and 'awes'. It smells so delicioud that I can ready taste it in my mouth.

Kageyama grabs some plates and places them next to the container slicing up a piece for the each of us and putting them on our plates. He grabs a fork for each of us and we both sit at the table.

I dig my fork into the cake taking a small chunk and let it connect with the saliva in my mouth. I feel the taste melting into my mouth making me clutch the fork tighter. Kageyama looks at me weirdly as I shove the rest of the cake into my throat.

He laughs and so do I making the cake lodge into my throat. I cough clutching my neck with my right hand.

Kageyama races into the kitchen grabbing a water bottle struggling to open it. He shoves the water in my mouth making me laugh harder resulting in me choking on the water as well.

The water helps drain down the cake and I can finally breath in fresh air once again.

"Stupid Dumbass! You couldve died!" I smile and look up at him who wear a concerned look on his face.

"I know you wouldnt let me." His face begins to turn red and he quickly looks away.

I reach over to his plate dragging the cake my way with a sinister smile across my face.

"Thanks Kageyama." I say laughing and eating his cake.

"For what?" He turns around to see me taking the last bite of his slice. His eyes get wide as he grabs my face and squishes my cheeks together.

"WHAT THE HELL HINATA?!" I laugh swallowing the cake. He clenches his teeth and lets go of my face grabbing his plate and fork. He scrapes the rest of the cake off the plate and sticks the fork in his mouth savoring the taste.

I sit up with my plate and walk into the kitchen placing it in the sink. I walk back over to the living room sitting on the couch.

Tomorrow we dont have school because the carpet in some of the classrooms is being replaced.

"Hey Hinata. . . can we talk?" I nod my head as Kageyama sits next to me nervously. He looks up at me with his cheeks red like earlier.

What is he doing? Why does he look like that?? Is he embarassed or something?

"Hinata I-"

Hey guys! I have to start adding more cliff hangers so yk, your welcome 😂😂

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