Chapter 4

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I sit on the couch watching a show with Natsu. She hasnt spoken to me since we left and I told her the news. . . But she hasnt cried either.

I quickly get bored and begin to have all the pain come rushing back so I turn on my phone and wait for it to reboot. Right when it turns on my phone vibrates numerous times. I look at it to see messages from Kageyama.

Hinata, are you okay? What happened?

Come on Hinata, what's wrong? I'm sorry!


Call me when you wanna talk. . . cya soon

I dial up his number and hesitate. Its really late and we have practice tomorrow, he might not answer but. I cant hide forever.

"Ill be back Natsu, I'm just going on front to call a friend." She nods her head and I leave through the door closing it behind me. I sit on the grass and hear my phone ringing a few times before ive been answered with a groggy voice.

"H-Hinata?" Kageyama asks in a low voice as if he just woke up. I feel my eyes begin to hurt and I shut then closed tightly struggling to speak as my voice begins to quiver.

"K-Kageyama. . .I. . . I'm sorry." I rub against my eyes in effort to make the pain go away but my hand is only met with salty tears.

"No its fine Hinata, I shouldnt have pushed you into telling me something. . . and I'm sorry for last night." Kageyama's voice begins to quiver in the middle of him speaking but he quickly controls it. Is he. . . upset? Ive never heard him cry except when we lost the first Aoba Johsai match.



"My parents. . . a-arent coming back. . . And the only family I have lives in the U.S. . ." my voice completely falls apart and my body begins to feel weak so I lay down in the grass.

"No. . ." I hear a loud thud on Kageyamas side of the phone as if he threw something.

"After the match with Karusokii, I have to get on a plane with Natsu to leave. . ."

"HINATA NO!!! WHAT ABOUT US GOING TO COLLEGE TOGETHER AND TO BECOME THE BEST DUO? WHAT ABOUT OUR FRIENDSHIP AND VOLLEYBALL?! YOU CANY LEAVE DUMBASS!" Kageyama is screaming at this point. I hear his door open and his mother ask whats wrong. He says 'Stuff with Hinata' and she replies with an 'okay'.

"I DONT HAVE A CHOICE! I-I'm sorry. . ." I reply when I hear his mother leave on the other side of the phone.

I hang up the phone and brush my tears away with the back of my hand. I should get to sleep for practice tomorrow. I pick up my phone to check the time saying 6:27. First ill make dinner.

Time skip to next day

I see Kageyama walking towards us as we walk towards his house. We have remembered the route by now so we save time by not waiting for him to come get us. I catch a glance of his eyes on me with a scowl across his face. Other than that, he avoids looking at me.

"You look like shit Hinata. Did you sleep at all?" Kageyama says as hr leads us to his house.

"No. . . I couldnt fall asleep." He shakes his head in dissapointment and opens the front door for Natsu to walk in.

"Ill be right back." He walks in closing the door behind him and returns with a brush and a wet cloth.

"Come here dumbass." I step closer to him as he presses the wet cloth against my face. Its soothing and makes me feel a little better.

A Strange Feeling (Kageyama x Hinata)Where stories live. Discover now