11. autumn leaves

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you spend your weekdays doing your paper, you barely hangout with your friends because of this.
not even a soy milk would let you lose your focus, "not even 3 soy milks?" aki asked.
"nope. i need to go alright? i need to edit it so i can email it already."

"fine, fine." aki said, annoyance in his tone.

you got home quickly, and immediately went to your desktop, which was full of food crumbs because you eat your dinner here, it's a good thing your parents doesn't scold you for doing that, i mean, it's school related so it's okay.
you were interrupted by a light knock, "i'm coming in, darling." you heard your mom said, bringing a tray full of sweets, "mom you didn't ha— is that cake?!" you exclaimed, rushing towards your mom, immediately shoving it into your mouth, "chu chiddnt chheb chu—"
"swallow then talk." your mom said, you swallowed painfully, "i said, you didn't have to bring me a cake, you could've just called me."

"ah~ no, i noticed you have been busy lately, so i decided to bring it up instead." your mom said, carefully placing the tray on your desk, "call me if you want more love— and! wear some anti-rad glasses that your dad got you, your gonna hurt your eyes." she scolded, as she left.

you just smiled, she is so wonderful.
but sadness was evident in her eyes for some unknown reason, you asked your dad about it before, which earned you a sermon.

hours and hours of working, it's done.
you proof read it, like 3 times, hell you even let your dad read it, "hmm this is good, you can pass it already." he said, eyes focused on the monitor. "really?! ah~! thanks dad!!" you sighed, you once again read it, and emailed it to your teacher, and... send.


you were making your way to the faculty because your teacher called you, "oh god, what if she doesn't like it?" you whispered to yourself, "but i worked so hard on it, i even paid for some articles." you again gave yourself a big sigh, "is it gonna go to waste?"

you opened the door and walked towards your teachers desk there she is but, she is talking to someone else too, "ah~! there you are." the person she was talking to slightly turned to you, "kei?" you whispered, "yes. you are probably wondering why i called you ri—"
"ma'am is my paper bad? please give another week, i swear i will make it be—"

"no, that's not it. you see i actually loved your paper, the both of you," she said, earning a questioned expression from the both of you, "you have the same topic. but i can see that each of your papers are lacking more information, kei's was full of his thoughts but actually lacking articles to support it, it sounded really hmm how do i say this? fake?" she said, "while you," pointing at you, "had all the articles but you forgot to add your own words, so i think it'll be a good thing if you guys work together for this one. plus only the two of you chose this topic." she pointed.

"okay." tsukki said, "b-but ma'am," you were immediately stopped when tsukki grabbed a hold of your hand and pinched it,
"hey! what the—" you almost exclaimed,
"we are gonna work together." tsukki said, still holding your hand.
"well, that's great! i look forward to my best students! you guys can go." she said, working back to her desk.

you and kei walked outside his hand still holding yours, but you noticed instead of him just holding it, you actually had yours intertwined.

"you like this, i see." he said, walking.
you immediately let go. "i don't." you blatantly said, "why?" he asked, slowly intertwining his hands to your again, you immediately let go of his hand again, "you didn't removed your hand when i grabbed it when we were inside the faculty."
you scoffed, and walked ahead to your home room so you can get you bag, you noticed everyone must've left, you were fixing your stuff, when you heard someone say "hurry up, will you." it was kei, it has to be kei.

"why don't you go home by yourself." you remarked, "i'm gonna walk with you." he boringly said, "why? are you scared?" you walked pass him, he immediately grabbed your wrist "what is with this grabbing thing." you thought.

"the teacher said we need to work together right? so i assume that we need to get to know each other first before i pour all my efforts to this stupid paper." he said, leaning towards you, which made you slap him, "don't come ever near my face ever again." you threatened, "oh so you want me to come inside you then?" he smirked, "TSUKISHIMA!!" you screamed his name, "baby, add more feelings to it."


your walk home with kei was hell, you don't even know how you managed not to kill him, he was being a total bitch, often times talking about the research but, it was just his way to let you talk. you just hummed, and nodded as he spoke. "god he is fucking annoying." you mumbled, "what was that?" he asked, "nothing." you whispered, looking down.

you were dragging your feet when you bumped into some pole, you looked up and saw kei staring at you, "what did you said?" he asked, menace in his voice, "nothing." you said, facing him. "what did you said." he repeated, "i did not say anything at all." you exclaimed, walking past him, surprisingly he just walked behind you, and he wasn't talking.

when you arrived at your home, you turned around so you can talk to him about the research, but he wasn't there, you looked around and saw him walk away, "kei!" you screamed, following him.

"god he walks fast." you thought, "tsukki!" you screamed again, he stopped, you finally caught him, "what's your fucking problem?" you asked, panting. "nothing." he said, walking away again, "tsukki. come over to my house tomorrow, we can work on it." you said, facing him, well actually looking up, "just tell my mom we are working together alright." you said, still trying to catch your breath.

"come on, i'll walk you back home." he offered even though he is like a meter away from his house, you were still panting like a dehydrated dog, "are you okay?" he asked, getting worried, "hah~! yes. i am—fine~!!." you said, he placed his arms around your shoulder, you were too oxygen deprived to argue so you let him do what he wants, you finally reached your home and tsukki was just there standing, "get inside!" he said, you just stared at him and walked inside your home. you peeped through your window and saw him walk away.

"if he wasn't being a bitch all the time, i swear i'll have  crush on him." you whispered to yourself.

"what?" you heard your dad say.


god another boring chapter, dis is actually a bit long. lmao, i think the next chapter will be a nsfw, yall like that right? 🥶 pls comment if you think the story is getting boring, please you can even just throw keyboard smashes. idc, anyway, stay safe!!!! next chap will be up in a few!! いくぞ!!


i do not own anything, except for my thoughts and probably the cover of this story.

(c) xibal6969 2020

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