16. love song

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last night didn't go well between you and kei. since the walk home from school.
you were thankful for that because he didn't bother you, not even once.
maybe he'll stop this time.

"hey! i heard about your choice of university! are you for real? KYOSHOU?! THE KYOSHOU?!" aki bombarded your space.
"it's not even confirmed, it's just a choice. but yes, THE kyoshou!" you said, excitement rising, "holy fuck! we are proud of you! god, if you are gonna attend kyushu, please don't ever forget about us, okay?" he somehow wipe his non existent tears, "what if you—the both of you apply for it too?" you suggested, "me? the dumb one, in kyoshou? as if. maybe yukio can still make it." he admitted, "but yo—" you were interrupted, "hey, it's okay, i know it's the truth, i can't attend some good ass university, i'm totally fine with it." he said, sitting on your desk, "hmm, if you say so." trying to make your conversation a bit light, aki has been struggling with his studies lately and you even offered to tutor him for free, but he politely declined saying he'll be okay.


"kyoshou?" he thought.

"how did you even came up with that choice?"
he didn't even opened up this topic with his mom, and here you are already having your choice, "why on earth would you choose kyoshou, that university is fucking expensive. and you need a good referral to even have your name on their drafts." he whispered to his self.

why is he getting so agitated?
one. kyoshou is big university. meaning more people, more people means more interaction with them, he doesn't like when people talk to you.
two. he was planning to attend a university with you. but not in kyoshou.
third. why didn't you tell him about this?

tsukki was clean, he no longer had fresh scars, only old and dry ones, but this time it's about to happen again, he felt his frustration arise as his fingers dug its way to his thighs, slowly feeling his fingers sunk in the fabric of his pants.
it wasn't harsh but, it made him feel relieved for a moment.

"i won't let you go." he whispered as his fingers sank onto his flesh, as he felt blood ooze from his black pants, fingers red with all the pressure and small tints of fresh blood.

"we'll go to a university i prefer, and you will fucking like it." he muttered, plan slowly forming in his dark mind.


things has been calm lately. kei was no longer talking to you, or even walking you home, he usually leaves immediately.
even leaving yama alone.
yama said, he has been frustrated lately with volleyball, well at least he was no longer bothering you.

you opened up the idea of going to kyoshou, your dad was really happy, on the other hand your mom was anxious, she didn't like the idea of you moving to another prefecture, "no. you will study here. only here." she said, dismissing dinner even though you are only half way through your food.

"darling, we can talk about this tomorrow, let's just eat." your dad suggested, as he looked at you with sad eyes, but by that time you just left the table and went to your room, not even bothering with an excuse.

"i am worried for her." you heard your mom whisper, you stopped in your tracks as you slowly lend your ears at their building conversation, you then slowly peeked, her hands are now on her face, as tears were falling.
"i— what if something bad happened again? huh? do you think i can forgive myself?
we lost him already, i don't wanna lose her too, not like how we lost him, we almost lost her, i don't want it to happen, she almos—" she cried, "stop." your dad demanded, he rarely uses that voice, you sure was scared of getting caught but something doesn't add up.

"do you know how many times i wished i was fucking there?! she didn't have a normal childhood, please let her have a normal college life, i want her to live the life that he should've lived too." he said, consoling your mother, as he placed his hands around her face, kissing her forehead, "we can move in with her, if it'll make you happy, but please let her live the life she's supposed to live." he said, now hugging your mother who was now sobbing loudly.

you silently walked away from the scene, eavesdropping was not a good idea, now you are left perplexed with what you just heard.
"who is he?" you thought.


you shuffled for the 100th time tonight, still thinking of what your parents just talked about, who is he?
and why can't you remember anything at all? all these thoughts clouded your head to the point your eyes grew heavy for not blinking. "fuck." you thought as you looked at your clock.

2:16 am, it read in blue glowing light.
you then just blinked rapidly because apparently this will make your eyes weak and tired making them flutter shut.

without thinking, you fell in a slumber.

a slumber you didn't wanna remember ever again.

"run." he screamed.


comments and thoughts regarding this chapter?
thank you for reading (≧◡≦)

btw, i published a new story please check it out, it's on my profile (?)
it's '7 days'
it's still a tsukishima story <3


this book is a work of fiction.
names, characters, business, organizations, places, events, and incidents are either product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.
i do not own anything, except for my thoughts and probably the cover of this story.

(c) bl34chbnk 2020

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