23. needle

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"does it ever occur to you that your neck is hurting because you look down at yourself all the fucking time?" you snickered, as both of you walked your way to the school, "hmmm."
tsukki had been quiet for the past days and for some unknown reasons you don't seem to give a fuck about it, but you're trying. too hard, in fact, "say, have you ever thought of a university to enroll?" you asked, trying to keep your dull conversation going, sensing no response you blurted, "i'll go to kyoshou."
"no." he said, "what? what do you mean 'no.'?"
"no, you are not enrolling yourself there."
you stopped walking, "excuse me tsukishima, when was the last time i ever take shit from you? just because we are dating doesn't mean you get to choose for me." you said, staying calm amidst the tension you and your boyfriend are having. "i said, no, you are not enrolling yourself in that university, we will enroll together at a different one and we will live together." he answered, dark aura snaking his tall body, as he stood there back facing you, you walked up to him and faced him, "no, i will try to get myself into that university, i don't care about what you think, this is what i want and what my parents' want." you announced, not being bothered by the vibes he's giving, "please tsukki, think about it. it's not like we're married or anything." you said cupping his  cheeks, "why the fuck are you cold?" you asked as you rubbed your hands together to generate heat and placed it in his icy cheeks, "come on, let's get you something warm to drink." motioning him to follow you, all the drama earlier forgotten as you reached the convenience store and bought him some tea, "here, place your hands around the cup, it'll make you warm." you said, placing your hands around his, "are you alright, kei?"
"i am, please think about kyoshou, i wanna be with you forever." he whispered, "not this again, please can we talk about this some other time? just drink your tea."


you were so glad you weren't late, that was supposed to be short walk but damn with what you and tsukki was having earlier made you feel like you were walking a marathon. glancing at your boyfriend you saw him staring at the window, you were about to go to him when the bell chimed, signaling classes for the day will begin shortly. your boyfriend was still lost in thoughts, "good day," your teacher announced, "i forgot to announce yesterday that, today we'll be discussing about the universities around the country, and mainly focusing on what courses and majors they are offering and the statistics of number of graduates and licensure examinations," she blabbered all the way, you weren't paying attention really, your mind was thinking about what tsukki said earlier, why was he so distraught? you continue to think with your drained mind when you heard, kyoshou university, your ears peaked up and looked at your teacher who was now looking at you, "eh?" you asked, "(your name), here. is applying for kyoshou university, right?" she asked, more like announced, which earned whistles and cheers from the class, "kyoshou university rated top 5 in this years' statistics, but we also have yukio aiming for kyoto or hokkaido, isn't that right yukio?" your teacher asked, "uh, i am actually aiming for kyoshou and tohoku." he corrected, your head immediately turned to him in disbelief, he never told you anything, you looked at him wide eyed as he just stared at you, "what a fucking cunt." you chuckled, thinking about talking to him later today.

"how about you tsukishima?" your teacher asked your boyfriend who was now looking worst, "i really have no idea what to choose for now," he replied unbothered, looking at him with concern you made sure to talk to him later, "tch." he muttered.


your plan to talk to yukio was disrupted when you decided to bring tsukki to the infirmary, "he doesn't have a fever, maybe he's just stressed." handling him some multivitamins and a strawberry milk, "just bring him back if he seems to get worse," she finally said as she listed tsukki's name and yours. "thank you." walking out while tsukki was clinging onto you, "let's skip class." he blurted, "what? no." objecting immediately, this was a critical time of the school year because of course you're gonna discuss universities and you can't just sit it out, all because your boyfriend wants to who know what, "please," he practically begged, "why?"

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