Part 8

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Party Wrap up

The party was nearing an end and everyone started to leave. Soon it was just Mallika, Sumedh, and Basant.

"Ok bye Sumedh and Mallika, I'll see you guys tomorrow!" Basant said walking away.

"Bye Dau. I will leave now too." Mallika replied. With that, she gave Sumedh a head nod and walked towards her car. Sumedh turned around to head to his car as well. He opened the car door and sat inside. Just as he turned on the engine, Mallika yelled.


Sumedh immediately turned off the car and got out. Mallika ran over.

" car is not starting!! If you don't mind...can you please drop me home?" Mallika asked.

"Of course! I wouldn't want you to sit here all night." he joked. And with that, they both sat in the car. To get to Mallika's house it would take around 20 minutes, neither too long or too short. At first, they just had a casual conversation about shooting and work. But then it became silent. Mallika was feeling very tired after the long holi party. Omg, I feel like I could fall asleep right now. I'm exhausted! If only I could...if only... And with that she slowly closed her eyes and collapsed into a deep sleep. Sumedh at first was not aware of this but when he turned around to ask if she wanted water, he saw she was leaning on the car door, fast asleep. He smiled, even when she's sleeping she looks like an angel. Ahhh, I could stay all night just looking at her like this. But he continued driving and paying close attention to the roads like he usually does. He took a left turn on his way to her house, but with this Mallika's head turned and fell into Sumedh's shoulder, still in deep sleep. Sumedh looked surprised. What should I do? I don't want to wake her up. It's okay, I'll let her sleep like this. And with that, he continued driving half smiling to himself.

Finally, they had reached the luxury apartment complex and Sumedh stopped the car in front of the building to wake her up.

" can wake up now....we're here" he whispered gently tapping her on the shoulder. She slowly opened her eyes and saw that she was leaning into him. Did I sleep against him throughout the whole car ride? OMG, I'm so embarrassing sometimes.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't realize how tired I was," Mallika said ashamedly.

"Hahaha, you always fall asleep, even on set." he joked. And Mallika playfully slapped his shoulder. Mallika gathered her belongings and was about to get out of the car when she heard men laughing. She looked towards the gate of her apartment and saw a bunch of drunkards sitting next to it - laughing. She suddenly felt scared and hesitant to leave the safety of the car. Sumedh noticed this and asked, "Do you want me to drop you to your doorstep?" But even as he said this Mallika still felt very hesitant. But she didn't want to trouble Sumedh even more and said, "Ummm...that's okay Sumedh, I can go by----"

"Is nobody at your home?" Sumedh suddenly interrupted. Mallika looked at him, amazed that he could understand her feelings so easily.

"No, everyone is out of town, visiting one of my other relatives." she quietly said. Without saying anything, Sumedh reversed the car and headed back on the main road. Mallika was very confused.

"Where are we going?" she questioned.

"We are going to my house," he replied confidently. Mallika felt very happy that she could be somewhere safe, but suddenly had a thought and said: "Oh no, Sumedh. I've troubled you enough today. I don't want to be a burden to you."

Sumedh just stared at her seriously. "I care about your safety. And you are never a burden to me," he stated clearly with seriousness.


"No excuses, I'm responsible for making sure you feel secure today." Mallika decided not to press the matter even further, feeling very happy inside to have someone like Sumedh who cares for her sooo much.

They had finally reached Sumedh's luxury apartment complex and both got out of the car.

"Come on Mallika. You seem really tired. Let's go fast." Sumedh said.

They both go up the elevator and onto the 20th floor. Sumedh leads the way to the front door and takes out his key to open it. Once he opens it he stands to the side to let her go inside first. Mallika smiles and is about to head inside when Sumedh suddenly shouts.


Mallika gets startled and looks up.

Sumedh slowly smiles and says, "Since this is your first time in my house....can you please...step inside with your right foot first?" Mallika laughs so much and Sumedh joins in. She steps inside with her right foot first and turns back to Sumedh.

"Are you happy now?" she teases.

"To my max!" he replies with a big grin. He looks at her and immediately gets a concerned look.

"Mallika you're all dirty with color! How are you going to rest??" Sumedh exclaims.

"Ummm. That's okay. Just give me a bedsheet, I'll sleep on the ground. Tomorrow I'll go back home and wash it."

"SLEEP ON THE GROUND WHILE BEING ALL DIRTY! ARE U CRAZY!?!?! If my mother found out this is how I treat my guests, she would kill me!!"

"Okay okay fine. What is your plan?" Mallika said.

"My plan take a nice shower and wear my clothes."

"Are you sure...?"

"Positive" Sumedh replied and pushed her towards the bathroom.

"Okay, okay I'm going!" she laughed. Sumedh is just so nice. I wish I could tell him how I feel, but that will probably just ruin the relationship we have so far. With these troubling thoughts she proceeded to take a shower.

*20 minutes later*

Mallika came out of the bathroom in Sumedh's sweatpants and t-shirt - all really loose on her body. Her hair was down and wet - complimenting each feature on her face. She was drying her hair with a towel as she was walking towards Sumedh, who was in the living room.

"Oh you finished?" Sumedh asked from the sofa, while staring at his phone. He turned around to face her and was just mesmerized. She looked so beautiful and peaceful. To annoy her, he started laughing at her. Mallika gave him an angry face and walked towards him. She grabbed a pillow off of the sofa and threw it at his face.

"Hey!! You just look kinda funny, that's all!" he exclaimed, still not stopping the laughter. He threw a pillow back at her and it hit her face.

"Sumedh you are finished now!" Mallika smiled and threw multiple pillows at him at once. But Sumedh stood up and dodged all of them. She tried grabbing them back but Sumedh already got them. He launched the pillows and all three hit her.

"Oh, that's how it is? Wait until this one.." she smiled and leaned down to grab the pillows. She was about to throw it when hands surrounded her. Sumedh's arms were wrapped around Mallika.

"Now throw it, na. You'll never be able to do it this way." Sumedh teased.

"Oh yes I will." Mallika challenged. She squirmed in his arms trying to escape. She moved left and right and up and down but couldn't escape because he was holding on so tight. They both laughed a lot. But at the same time, they were extremely close. So close that Sumedh could smell her wet hair, just shampooed with his evergreen forest shampoo. They were so close that he could hear her heartbeat. They were in each other's arms. Mallika's back against Sumedh's chest. The way her breath was falling on his forearms. She turned her head slightly and her eyes met with Sumedh. They had gone dark. He slowly turned her around - and now they were facing each other... Their faces just separated by mere centimeters. And then he.....

Sudden cliffhanger here...what do you think is going to happen next?

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