Part 31

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Mira was sitting under a tree, angry, going into deep thoughts. What was she trying to do to Mallika? Make her jealous? Angry? Go against me? Well Chanda should know that will never happen. Her plan with Mallika had failed. But this time it seemed different...when I looked at her after Mallika left, she was smirking. Hmmm. Could she have possibly known I was there?! Was she trying to upset ME instead?! Chanda, I will not let you break their happiness--or even mine. Get's about to be me vs. you.


After a long day of shooting it was night and everyone was at their homes.

Mallika was about to go to bed when Sumedh called her.

Sumedh: Hi Miku.

Mallika: Hi. What's up?

Sumedh: Not much... (There was a small pause)

Mallika: Was there something you wanted to say?

Sumedh: I just wanted to say that loving you was the second best thing I ever did.

Mallika: Second best!? Then what's first best?

Sumedh: Finding you duh.

Mallika:'re so cheesy sometimes. You know, just saying, I still can't get over the fact that you're taller than me by 2 inches.

Sumedh: Trust me, there's an advantage in it.

Mallika: Oh please enlighten me Cheesy Mudgal. (sarcastically)

Sumedh: Cause when I hug you, you can listen to my heart, which beats only for you.

Mallika: That's not even a logical statement!!! Oh god..cheese overload. (laughing)

Sumedh: Wait there's more!

Mallika: Please...I would love to hear what you have to say... (sarcastically)

Sumedh: I mean I'm no photographer...but I can picture us together.

Mallika: Oh ok so should I go get Mira? She's good at photography right?

Sumedh: Wait no no no no..not what I meant at all (laughing)

Mallika: I thought so... hahahahahaha.

Sumedh: Fine I got another one...If I were a stoplight, I'd turn red everytime you passed by, just so that I could stare at you longer.

Mallika: Okayyy shut up, that's enough now.

Sumedh: Ok ok ok..last're so beautiful, that you made me forget my pick up line.

Mallika: You can't even see me! It's a voice call!!

Sumedh: I don't have to see you to know that you're beautiful.

Mallika: Sumedh...I don't know what to do with you (laughing). Good night Mr. Cheesy Mudgal.

Sumedh: Goodnight Mikupie. (laughing along with Mallika)


And with that the both of them went to sleep, with no idea what was going to happen the next day.

Sorry guys this is just a filler. Next part is pretty fire though on the lookout for that!

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