Part 29

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Sumedh and Mallika turned around to see Basant and Monika. "No! We should be asking you guys...WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!"

"STOP! First focus on how to get in!!" Mallika said, still panicked.

"I guess we have to knock...and face Mira," Sumedh said, looking at her innocently.

"UGhhhh, okay do it." This is going to be sooo awkward.

Sumedh slowly took his fist to the door and knocked hesitantly.


*Mira's POV*

Mira was sleeping peacefully and was just about to receive an Oscar for a movie she directed, when she was woken up by a knocking sound at the door. What?! Who can be knocking at the door at this time? And they ruined my amazing dream!! She turned around the room to see everyone else sleeping (pillows were stuffed inside their blankets lol). Oh no!! This is pretty scary! Everyone is sleeping here and the knocking at the door is not stopping! What do I do?!?!.....IDEA! She slowly got up and went into the kitchen and grabbed a knife. Slowly she walked to the door and took deep breaths. Well here goes nothing! This knife will protect me...

With one shivering hand, she held the doorknob and with another held the knife up (just in case). She took a gulp and opened the door.


"AHHHH!!!!" Sumedh, Mallika, Basant and Monika screamed.

"AHHHHHH!!!" Mira screamed in return and rubbed her eyes to see if it was actually them. "WHAT THE FRIK, YOU GUYS!! WHAT WERE YOU IDIOTS DOING?!?!"

"FIRST TELL WHY YOU HAVE A KNIFE!" Sumedh exclaimed.


This seemed to shut everyone up. They all went inside before they could wake up the neighbors.

"You guys didn't need to go OUTSIDE for middle-of-the-night romance, you know. There are bedrooms here." Mira rolled her eyes making everyone else widen their eyes. Sumedh pushed her. "EW pagal!"

"Just saying!" she said, in between laughter as everyone attacked her.


The group had spent the night together and the next day they were back on shoot. The next couple of days went by in a whirlwind of fun, jokes, craziness, acting, and so much more. Mira was getting more and more bonded with each and everyone of the group.


One day the group was sitting together during break time of shooting, when Chanda walked by to see them. She watched as they all joked around, eating each other's food that they had all brought that day, bonding together. Ever since that stupid Mira stepped foot into this set, Mallika and Sumedh are spending even more time together. I think she's the reason they got back together and spoiled my previous plan. UGH! Just look how they're feeding each other! I need to do something...just one more attempt to end all this silliness. And with that she walked away as a plan started forming in her head.

However, Mira caught a glimpse of Chanda as she was walking away. Why is it that every time this woman is around, I get a bad feeling? Who is she even? Mira slowly elbowed Basant and whispered.

"Hey Dau...who is that woman who's walking away?"

Basant turned to see who Mira was pointing to, and immediately when he saw Chanda, his face turned serious. "She's Chanda...the make-up director. She is always trying to make moves on Sumedh, but he doesn't understand that. You know how he is...never taking anyone seriously,"

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