Part 13

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Mallika gave him a funny-annoyed look.

"You had the ability to open the food and set the table...but you can't eat yourself."

With this Sumedh acted all disappointed.

"OKAY! Fine...don't need to make that face...everyone knows how great of an actor you are." She put extra food on her plate and used her hand to mix the rice and curry.

"Aaa" she said intending for him to open his mouth. He did and looked at her in the eyes.

"WAIT!...You take the first bite."

"Ya but at least eat completely. I'll have after you."

"No no Mallika, thought you would have gotten it by now. Until Radha doesn't eat, Krishna can't have his food." With that, Sumedh took her hand and angled it towards her mouth.

"Ok ok fine. You and your words." she shakes her head and smiles. She took a bite of the food, and then fed the next to Sumedh. After both of them ate and cleaned up, they returned to the couch. At that time, they both got a text from the director - 'Call time for tomorrow is at 7:00 morning. We have some important scenes to get through. Everyone please be on time!'

"Oh shoot, it's getting really late! Ok Sumedh, I'm going back home now. I'll take a cab."

"Well, I won't be saving you again if the cab driver kidnaps you. I already hurt my hand."

"SUMEDH! That's not helping!"

"I'm driving you no matter what you say so get in the car."

"Your hand..?"

"It's a really small cut. It won't do anything. Let's go." They both went to the car and started their way back to Mallika's house.

*After they got there*

"Here. I'll drop you to your doorstep."

"No no. It's fine. I'll go by myself."

"Miku you just can't go with it, can you?" Sumedh said, pretending to be annoyed.

Mallika just nodded. They got out of the car and walked together. He opened the gate for her and made their way up to her apartment. She opened the door and turned around.

"This is it."

"Yup, this is it."

Both of them were standing there awkwardly. But then suddenly Mallika got an idea. "Sumedh, I want to give something to you. Could you come inside for a minute?"

Sumedh stepped in as Mallika went inside to her room.

She came out holding something. It was a black, white, and gold thread bracelet. She took Sumedh's hand and helped him wear it. She then held up her hand to his. He looked down to see that they were both matchings. "This is a small gift from me to you for this new beginning of ours."

They both looked back up at each other

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They both looked back up at each other. A fresh sensation had taken over both of them. Sumedh laced his hand with hers and brought her closer to him. Sumedh's one hand was on her waist, holding her in to him. Mallika's one hand was on his chest. She could feel his heartbeats under her palm. They didn't need to exchange any words - their hearts were going to do the talking this time.

Mallika put her head on Sumedh's chest, listening to his heartbeats. Sumedh followed pursuit, and put his head on top of Mallika's, pulling her into him. They both smiled sweetly, enjoying each other's company.

When they separated, Sumedh looked at Mallika, a smile playing on his lips. He held Mallika's hand. "Thank you for the gift."

"Don't say that. The bracelet is nothing."

"No no. Not that gift. I'm talking about the gift of you coming into my life. The gift of you being there for me. The gift of everything you have ever given me. Thank you."

Mallika just smiled. She whispered, suddenly shy, "You should go now. It's really late."

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