Part 23

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*20 minutes later*

Mallika and Monika came out to see that the boys were waiting for them in the living room. Basant and Monika immediately started talking to each other, ignoring everyone else.

"Where is Mira? Is she not ready yet?" Mallika asked, looking around. Sumedh started to panic. Oh no! Mira can't come with us or she won't leave us alone. Come on Sumedh think of an excuse. Fast!

"Oh, um, she actually wasn't interested so she decided to stay here. Come on let's!"

"That's sad!" Mallika said, disappointed, but then decided to tease Sumedh. "Did she actually refuse to come or did you make her because you two don't get along?...I'm kidding!"

Sumedh sighed from relief. Whew! I thought she was actually going to ask!

"Wait actually I'll be right back!" Sumedh exclaimed suddenly remembering something. He ran into his room and wrote a note, feeling a bit guilty.

'Went out for a little while. We will be back.' He took the note, slid it under Mira's closed door, and ran back to the others.

All four got out of the cabin for some fresh air. At first, the four of them were walking in a group, but the boys made an effort to slowly separate from each other. Basant and Monika were walking a little farther up than Sumedh and Mallika. Both of the couples were holding hands and talking quietly to their partners. Sumedh suddenly pulled Mallika aside, to a seperate trail. "Ummm, where are you taking me?"

"Shhhh. You ask too many questions sometimes. Just follow me."

Sumedh and Mallika soon reached a small clearing, beginning from where the trail ended. There was a small canopy there, with a table set up underneath. There was a candle on the table and two plates of food - hot and ready to be devoured. And on a board in the back said the word 'SORRY'.

Mallika was astonished. "What is all of this for? And what sorry?"

Sumedh came in front of Mallika and got down on his knees. He held both of her hands and looked up at her with his hazel eyes. "Sorry for giving you that pain for a little while. Sorry for making you jealous purposely. Sorry for leaving you in your pain by yourself. Sorry for making you cry. Sorry for--" Sumedh was suddenly cut off because Mallika had put her hand on his mouth. Her eyes were shiny and she was giving him a gentle smile. "Stop Sumedh, stop. Enough of saying sorry. You already told me once, that was enough. Please. And to be honest I should be the one saying sorry." She made Sumedh stand and hugged him. They stood there, like that, for a couple of minutes - just enjoying each other.

Sumedh broke the silence, saying seriously, "The chai is going to get cold."

Mallika laughed and said, "What about the food?". Sumedh chuckled and the couple proceeded to go towards the canopy. Sumedh pulled out a chair for Mallika. He then pulled his chair so that it was right beside her's. They held up their teacups and did a little 'cheers' and started eating. The couple enjoyed some peaceful moments with each other, finishing their dinner, and talking about a variety of different things. Afterwards, they made their way back to the cabin.

Before they each went to their different rooms, Mallika stopped Sumedh and said, "Thank you for that. I really needed it." Sumedh just smiled and hugged Mallika. They seperated after a minute and each went to their designated rooms to find that their roommates were already asleep.

Everyone quickly got up, got dressed, and had breakfast. Today was going to be an exciting day because Rajesh was going to tour them through natural areas.

"Ok guys we will be going in the van to a high elevated scenic area. And from there we will walk around." Rajesh informed.

"Sounds good! Everyone ready?" Sumedh asked.


They got in the van and continued their voyage into the higher hill areas.


"Finally! We are at the top! Rajesh can we stop here and take pictures." Mallika asked.

Rajesh nodded and parked the van to the side of the road. Mallika got out and ran to the edge seeing the beautiful hills full of green. And a river flowing nearby. There were so many birds tweeting. Everyone was looking at the beautiful scenery.

"Take a photo." Basant and Monika turned to pose. Mira clicked a picture and suddenly whispered,"Guys!!! Look there is a peacock over there." They turned around to see the beautiful bird with all its feathers spread out. Everyone smiled embracing its beauty.

Sumedh sees Mallika standing there staring at the scenery. He puts his hand on her shoulder and asks: "Something's in your mind?"

Mallika held his arm and laid her head on his shoulder and said "This is a really beautiful trip with my favorite people. I couldn't ask for anything more." She booped his nose with her pointer finger. Sumedh chuckled and gave her a side hug, putting his arm around her, and they continued looking at the scenery. Mira from behind took a picture silently.

"Oh my god this place is so beautiful guys," said Basant loudly, which distracted Sumedh and Mallika's moment. They turned around and joined the others.

"Bhaiya, can you take a picture of me?" Mira asked Sumedh.

"Mee too!" the others replied.

"Ok ok fine! Everyone stand in a line! We'll go one by one,"

They all posed and took a numerous amount of pictures. But right after Mira's was finished, Rajesh suddenly came up next to her.

"Bhai if you don't mind can you snap one of us real quick?"

"WAIT..WHAT?!" Mira replied, confused and annoyed. But Sumedh was faster with the camera and got ready before she could try to leave.

"Arrey Mira, why are you so far away. Come in closer na. Ok!...Mira why are you so grumpy!" and he took not one but what felt like 50 for Mira. Sumedh...I hate you sometimes. Ugh and what is this Rajesh dude's problem? Rajesh, on the other hand, was clearly oblivious that Mira was feeling so annoyed.

"Okay guys let's move now, shall we?" Mira asked in a bitter voice. Sumedh noticed this and smirked.

The group continued their journey, visiting other places, taking in the view, and of course - a lot of pictures. Sumedh and Mallika kept giving each other lovey-dovey looks - which Mira kept on noticing and tried snapping pictures of. Basant and Monika kept on talking with each other and spending time in their own way. And Rajesh kept on trying to get closer to Mira, which made Mira even more annoyed - but gave a good laugh to the others. Like this, they spent the day. They ordered dinner online, when they got back to the cabin after a long day of sightseeing.

"Guy's I'm bored," Mira complained, after everyone had eaten. Everyone looked at her in disbelief.

"We just went out for a full day of sightseeing and you are bored?!" Sumedh asked, slightly annoyed.

"Yes....hmmm...let's play truth or dare!!!" Mira suggested.

"Actually that's a good idea! Let's do a bonfire and make s'mores as well! We deserve a treat after this whole day!" Basant said, excitedly. Everyone agreed to the plan and began gathering the supplies needed.

Truth or dare is ALWAYS an interesting game....which means exciting stuff is coming go read the next part! 

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