Part 20

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*Next Day on Set*

The director had suddenly called all crew members for a group announcement. "All of you have been working so hard. From our actors on screen to our behind the stage crew. I think everyone deserves a break for their hard work. We have shot enough episodes for everyone to go on break this Friday to next Monday. We will resume shooting on Tuesday! Now everyone, please return to your positions - the shot is almost ready."

Sumedh, Mallika, and Dau were making their way back to their vanity vans when Mira suddenly came up to them. "Hi guys!"

"Hi!!" Mallika and Dau reply excited. Sumedh however ignored her.

"You okay bro..?" Mira raises her eyebrow at Sumedh.

"Fine." he mumbles, clearly not pleased to see her. She's so...clingy!

"Okay let me get to the point! So you know how we have that break right?? I was thinking we should all go on a trip. We should a hill station! Yup that's it. We'll have so much fun. Who's up for it?"

"Mee!" Dau and Mallika instantly reply.

"Bro...?" Mira looks at Sumedh who still looks at Mira skeptically.

"Come on Sumi! Plsss." Mallika begs. "It will be fun! Plss for me?"

Sumedh rolls his eyes and smiles. "Ok ok fine. Since you all are asking so much, I'll come."

"What, I never asked so much." Mira mumbled.


"Wait what?! Nothing. Anyways...Dau...why don't you invite Monika also?"

Basant looked up abruptly, blushing slightly. Sumedh and Mallika looked at him with a teasing expression.

"Umm..okay then, but only because you asked."

"Hmm mmm yeah right. Okay I'll go make plans." Mira ran off and the other three went to change out of costumes.

Meanwhile, Chanda heard the whole conversation. What is going on?! Who is the random girl that's helping them get back together? Because of her they are going on a tour without me and Sumedh is even holding Mallika's hand? Does that mean they are back together?! OH, someone tell me what is going on?!

"Um excuse me? Are you okay?" a voice said, interrupting Chanda from her thoughts. Her face was still in anger and her eyebrows were scrunched up. Chanda turned around to see that girl.

"Yes yes I'm fine. You don't worry about it. Go on now." Chanda replied trying to sound as pleasant as she can. Stupid girl.

"Okay...?" Mira gave a skeptical look and went back to her work. Well I'll have to keep an eye on her. Sure looks sketchy.

*End of Day*

Everyone was packing up and getting ready to leave. Sumedh, Basant, and Mallika were standing and talking to each other for a few minutes. Suddenly Sumedh noticed Mira, sitting alone, doing some work on her Macbook with her glasses on. He walked over to her and strictly said, "Arey Mira? What are you doing this late? Go home."

"Huh?" she looked up. "Oh bhaiya it's you. I'm just writing down notes and information. I'll be here for around 10 minutes and go back to my hotel." She looked back at her laptop and continued typing.

"Hotel?" Sumedh asked, shocked.

"Uh yeah..hotel. Nobody's gonna let me stay in their house for this long." she laughed.

Just then Mallika came. "What are you talking about?! How are you staying there all alone? You are like my little sister. And I feel lonely in my apartment...why don't you stay with me?"

Mira looked up shocked. "Really?"

"Really." Mallika smiled back.

"That's awesome!" Mira hugged her. Sumedh cracked a smile. Maybe she's not as crazy as she seems.

The group is going on a trip! Are you guys excited? Will Sumedh's view on Mira change? You all are probably wondering why we included this random character, but trust us, you'll be in for a surprise....

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