Part 11

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*Sumedh POV*

Where did this Mallika go? How long does it take to change into one dress?! I should go check on her.

He made his way over to the changing rooms. Not seeing Mallika outside - he went to the outside of the changing rooms. He saw that some men were in there, making some girl very uncomfortable. MALLIKA!!! he realized. Oh how could they. They picked the wrong girl today. Ab ye to gaye. (now they are done for).

He dropped all of the clothes that were in his hand and walked up to them with a very serious face.

In an angry, but low voice, he told them, "usko chodo aur chale jao yahan se, warna... (leave her and get out from here or else...).

The men turned around to see a man wearing a bandana to cover his face. "Kya hain? Dekh nikal ja yahan se, warna bura pitenga. (What is it? Look, get out from here or else you will be badly beaten)"

Sumedh clenched his fists, anger was rushing all throughout his body. But he maintained his peaceful personality. "Maine kahan, chod use!"

"Kya hai? Itni mirchi qui lag rahi hai? Item hain kya teri? Tabhi to main kahun. (what is it? Why are you so angry? Is this your 'item' [girl]? That's when I say.)," said one of the men, as he reached inside, and caught a hold of Mallika. He pulled her out of the room, making her stand really close to him. "Dekh kon aya hain tere ko bachane. Aww so cute. (Look who's come to save you. Aww so cute)"

"LET GO OF ME!" Mallika shouted, trying not to let a single tear come out of her eyes.

Sumedh was done for. His anger was almost at its peak, and he was trying so hard to maintain his peace (obviously).

"Akhri warning de rahan hoon. It's wrong to harass a girl. Izat kar uski. Chod use or chup chap nikal ja yahan se - abhi ke abhi. (I'm giving you last warning. It's wrong to harass a girl. Give her some respect. Leave and get out of here quietly - right now!)"

The men just laughed and pulled Mallika even closer, while she squirmed hard to escape. They looked at Sumedh, as if giving him a challenge. What can this 5 foot 7 person even do? Haha.

Out of nowhere, one of the men fell down - his jaw hurting. He saw Sumedh standing above him. "Abe. Kahan tha nah. Abe tu dekh. (Abe. I told you no. Now you just watch.)"

Sumedh took another swing at the other man. But this time, the man caught his fist. He instead pushed Sumedh, who fell down - bruising his arms.

Seeing this, Mallika got worried. "Sumedh Sumedh, are you ok???"

Sumedh took advantage of the situation and punched the guy in the stomach, causing the man to fall down. Sumedh then grabbed the man's hair and then made him look up into his eyes. "That's what you get for touching her!" He punched the man again in his face.

Mallika seeing Sumedh do this, was shocked. "Sumedh! Sumedh! Stop it. What are you doing?! Calm down!!"

She managed to struggle free from the man holding her. She turned around and pushed him. She ran over to Sumedh, who was advancing towards the third and last man. She was trying to stop him, but he paid no attention to her. He gently moved Mallika behind him. "Don't worry."

As he got to the last man, who was towering over him. "How could you even frikin touch her! How dare you!" With that, he took one last swing at the man, in the face. The man got an immediate bruise in the face.

"Okay! Okay! I'm soo sorry! I understand now! Pls leave me! Plssss!"

"Don't tell me sorry, there is another person here."

The man immediately got up and ran to Mallika. He fell and her feet and begged.

"Sorry sister! I didn't mean to. I'm so sorry! Pls leave me, I'll never do anything like this in my life again." With that, he ran out of the store with his other injured gang members.

Sumedh turned around, seeing Mallika. She was still staring wide-eyed - scared with what had just happened. She ran and hugged Sumedh and started hitting him on the chest.

"Why did you do that?! We could have just called the police!!! I was so scared you would get hurt!!" Mallika buried her face in his shirt. Sumedh had retained his peaceful personality again. He held Mallika's chin and made her look at him in the eyes.

"Do you not trust me?..." he started. He looked at her in the eyes and she did too. Her worries started to vanish away slowly. But suddenly she was distracted by something else....

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