4|| Hogwarts express and a nightmare.

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This chapter is dedicated to _slytherin_girl_01 for being the first person to vote. Thank you!!!

Thalia POV

We have just gotten on the train and are sitting in a compartment. Annabeth is reading one of our books, Will is looking out the window, and Percy and Nico are playing Rock Paper Scissors. I see someone come up to the door and try to open it. It won't open. I guess this compartment is kinda like the vault at Gringotts, only allowing godly blood inside. Five oddly familiar people come to the door and open it. "Oh. My. Gods." I say. "Hey guys, mind us sitting here?" Hermione asked. "Mione! Luna! Neville! Draco! Ginny!" We all five yell, and jump up to hug our friends. Luna is a daughter of Iris, Draco a son of Hermes, Ginny a daughter of Aphrodite, Neville son of Athena, and Hermione is Percy's sister. They left on a quest about two years ago, I was never told what it was. It's so great to see my cousin and best friends. "Will you change back please? This is annoying." Nico asked. They laughed. All five of them closed their eyes. When they opened them they were back in their Demigod form, well, eleven year old demigods. Luna's hair grew more golden than blonde, Neville's hair turned the same blond color as Annabeth, and his eyes turned stormy grey. Ginny's hair got a golden tint, and her eyes became like Piper's, always changing. Draco's hair turned mousy brown, and his features became sharper, his eyes now chocolate brown. Hermione basically turned into a female Percy. Black, wavy hair, Sea green eyes and mischievous smile. All of them had healthy tans, and like most Demigods, you could tell they worked out. "I wish I still looked fifteen." Ginny said. There was a chorus of 'me too'. "I don't, I wish I looked seventeen." Percy said. Annabeth nodded agreement. "Who cares how old we look, we are going to a school named after the warts on a pig, don't you think everyone will be loopy?" Will asked. "No. Actually, the headmaster, Albus Dumbledore is a genius." Neville said. Before he could go on, someone knocked on the compartment door. Percy got up and opened the door. There were two people standing there. Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. "Who are you?" Ron asked rudely. "Erm..." Percy said. "I'm Annabeth Chase, this is Percy Jackson." "Will Solace."  "I'm Thalia Grace." "Nico di Angelo." "Uh, I'm Hailey Jackson." Hermione said. "Lila Landers." Luna said smoothly. "Danny Mckinney." Draco said. "Nick Long." Neville said. "Julia Weston." Ginny said. Annabeth opened a mind link. 'Nice alibi's!' She thought to us, making us all jump. 'Er, thanks Annabeth.' Ginny thought quietly. The two boys in the doorway tried to walk in, but the door wouldn't let them. It was kind of funny. When the boys realized they couldn't come in, they left. "Who was that Mione?" Percy asked. "Well Perce, that was the person we were sent to protect, Harry Potter. The red haired boy was Ron Weasley. They are both big headed idiots." "Yay. We were sent to protect a kid with an ego bigger than Olympus." Nico said sarcastically. "Humph." I said. Ginny grinned at me. "How are the hunters?" She asked. I perked up. Now this is something I like talking about. Before I could have my joy of talking about the Hunters, the door slid open. Standing there, was a plump witch pushing a cart full of candy. I opened my mouth to ask how she got in, when Percy, in pure Percy form, jumped up and almost bought the poor woman out. Grinning like a maniac, he sat back down, dumping his loot on the seat. Now, even Nico's mouth was watering. I snatched a chocolate frog and ripped open the package. There was a frog made of chocolate, and a piece of paper inside. I ignored the paper, and ate the frog. Will picked the card off the floor where it had fallen. He squinted at it, Obviously trying to read the tiny print.

Will POV

I flipped Thalia's chocolate frog card over. Phew. The other side had a picture, and the name of the person on the card. Luckily it was in large letters. "Harry Potter." I read out loud. "He's got a card?" Draco said. "I didn't know that." Thalia started tapping her foot. "Do we actually have to ride the train? Can't Nico shadow travel us there or something?" She asked impatiently. "He is not shadow traveling us." I said. "I couldn't even if I wanted to. There are literally no shadows in here, the whole compartment is filled with sunlight." Nico added with a frown. He didn't like being restricted. "Can't Percy take us then?" Thalia asked. "Yeah, sure." Percy said. Mione hasn't learned to mist travel yet, so Percy is the only one who can do it. "Who wants to come?" He asked. Annabeth frowned when we all nodded. "Percy, it might make you pass out if you take all of us." She said. "I'll be fine Wise girl." He said with a grin. "Now everyone grab onto me." He said. We all touched him, and disappeared. When we appeared again we were inside a castle, obviously this was Hogwarts. Percy stumbled. Luckily, Thaila and Nico caught him. He was struggling to keep his eyes open. I handed him a square of ambrosia, which he ate, but he still was having trouble standing upright. "Definitely fine." Annabeth muttered sarcastically. "Let's find the Headmaster's office." Thalia said. "And fast, because Percy is about to fall asleep." The latter smiled weakly. "Well I got us here alright didn't I?" He asked tiredly. "Yeah, and then you almost passed out." Mione said. "What did you honestly think was going to happen? I mist traveled nine people, not including myself, I really thought I was gonna pass out." Percy said, as his two cousins basically carried him. "You probably will, considering that you are talking, and sort of walking, it's only a matter of time." I said. "This is the Headmaster's office." Luna said, changing the subject. "Open." Annabeth said in ancient greek.The two gargoyles leapt aside and let us through. "How did you know that would work?" Nico asked, panting because he was carrying most of Percy's weight. Percy was barely walking on his feet anymore, and he looked like he was working hard on staying conscious. Annabeth didn't get to answer because suddenly, Percy went limp. It seemed he had lost the battle against sleep. "Told you so." I said. "We will go upstairs and ask where we are staying. You three, stay here with Percy." Mione said, pointing at Nico, Thalia and I. The six of them went upstairs. A few minutes later they came back down, telling us to follow them. We got to a painting of a fat lady in a pink dress. "Password?" She said, making me jump. Creepy talking paintings. "Athena's trident." Ginny said, trying, and failing, to stifle a laugh. "Correct." The talking picture said, and opened to reveal a comfy looking common room. There were three doorways. The one on the left said 'Girls.' the one on the right said 'Boys.' and the one in the middle said 'Demigods.' in ancient greek of course. We went into the one marked demigods, and each found our bedrooms. Percabeth had a room, they share because of- the Pit. They have nightmares when they don't sleep together. They have nightmares anyway, but they aren't as bad when they're together. After putting Percy into his, and Annabeth's bed, we each went to check out our rooms (Annabeth stayed with Percy) I peeked into the door that said my name on it and smiled, it was yellow themed. I went to see Nico's room. I pushed the door open to see Nico, facedown, spread eagle on the bed, which was black. In fact, the whole room was black, He might as well sleep in a tomb. Well, I guess that's normal for him. I moved on to Draco's room. When I came in, I saw prank supplies, a pair of flying shoes, and a bunch of other random things. The room was color themed tan and green, there were pictures of camp hanging on the walls, and a picture of Draco with his mom. "Hey Dragon?" I said. (Dragon is Draco's nickname.) "Hmm?" I heard from the closet. "Wanna come see everyone else's rooms with me?" I asked. "Sure." He said, coming out of the closet with his wand. It was chocolate brown, like his eyes. I glanced at it, confused. He saw my look and grinned. "Watch and learn, my friend." He said, before taking me to the door marked 'Thalia' Oh great. Everyone watch out! Son of Hermes, about to die! "I'll speak at your funeral." I hissed into his ear. He just gave me one of those smiles that only a child of Hermes ( or Percy and Mione) could make. He pushed the door open a little. We could see Thalia inside, putting all her millions of weapons away. "See! You're dead!" I whispered to him. He poked his wand into the door. He whispered "Levitate." In ancient greek. I heard a yelp from Thalia, and the daughter of Zeus was hanging by her ankle mid air. I ran down the hall to get Mione. "Mione!" I yelled, as I burst into the room. I immediately felt a sword at my throat. It was Mione's version of Riptide, tyfónas, Hurricane. I knew she was just really alert, just like her older brother, but I still felt a little scared. "Mione it's just me. Come call off your boyfriend, Thalia is dangling mid air by her ankle." I said. "Oh gods, he really has a death wish." She said, capping Hurricane and running out the door. Thalia was screaming at Draco now, making everyone except for Percy, Annabeth, and Nico come running. I came back into Thalia's room to see Mione trying to take away Draco's wand, Neville, getting Thalia down, and Ginny and Luna, who were both trying not to laugh. We were all laughing except for Thalia, who was glaring daggers, and Draco, who was grinning back. It was great, until we heard a scream. Percy.

Luna POV

We were all laughing about Draco's prank on Thalia till we heard a scream. I could tell it was Percy. We ran down the hall to Percabeth's room. Mione stopped us outside. "I'm going in, you all stay here." She said, and motioned to Thalia to come. They slipped into the room. I flinched when Percy screamed again. He sounded in pain, terrible pain. How I wish he and Annabeth hadn't fallen into Tartarus, it would have saved them so much pain. Nico came running down the hall, he ran into the bedroom, almost knocking Ginny over in the process. Only he, and Annabeth knew how Percy felt, because they had gone through it too. I could barely hear Annabeth, trying to soothe Percy. The extent of their love is so amazing. Percy woke up with a yelp. I heard him sobbing, then I heard Annabeth start crying too. I hugged Neville, he hugged me back and kissed the top of my head. Sometimes Aphrodite has a point. Love is a wonderful thing.

Nico POV

I was laying on my bed thinking, when I heard laughter outside my door, and Thalia yelling at someone. Then I heard a scream. The laughing stopped, then there was a pounding of running feet. I couldn't tell who had screamed because of the noise of laughter. There was another scream. Percy. I jumped up, his nightmares are always so awful. I ran out my door and almost pushed Ginny over in my hurry to get to my cousin. When I burst into the room, Mione looked at me worriedly, Thalia was sitting in the corner, trying to not look at the bed. Percy was thrashing around on the bed, Annabeth, who was sitting next to him, was stroking his hair, trying to get him to calm down. "Percy it's just a dream, that time is over, we aren't there anymore." Annabeth said soothingly, tears trickling down her face. I sat down on Percy's other side. "Shhh, Percy wake up, it's just a dream." I whispered. Percy was breathing hard, he jerked awake with a yelp, and started sobbing. Annabeth and I wrapped him into a hug. Mione and Thalia came over and hugged us too. We are a family, nothing can break us apart.

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