12|| Something's not right.

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Heya! Enjoy!

Annabeth POV

I went to look for Percy. He said he was going back to the dormitory, but I know him. He was at the lake, sitting on the bank with a frustrated look on his face. "What wrong?" I asked as I sat down next to him. "That's the problem, I don't know." He said. "What?" I asked, confused for once. "He can feel it, and so can we." Nico said, as He and Thalia walked up. "Can you feel it? I'll bet Hazel and Mione can feel it too, Jason isn't paying attention to demigod stuff right now, so he wouldn't. I think it has to do with the big three." Thalia said. "I don't feel anything, it feels normal." I said with a frown. "Let's try something." Percy mumbled. He put his left hand on my forehead. After a second I gasped, I could feel the water everywhere. So this is what it's like to be Percy. There's something else, like a change in the air. A black form, and it was in the school. "What is that?" I yelped. "We don't know, that's the problem." Nico said, his brow creased in worry. "We need to tell everyone else." I said. "Yeah, we need to get Jason to pay attention." Percy said. We ran up to the school. When we arrived in the common room, out of breath, everyone looked at us like we were crazy. "Meeting... Percy and Annabeth's room... now..." Thalia panted. They all jumped up quickly. Five minutes later, we were all gathered in our bedroom. "Something is wrong, Hazel can you feel it?" Thalia asked. Hazel nodded. "Yeah, but I wasn't sure if I was just being paranoid or not." She said. "Mione?" Percy asked. She also nodded, with a worried frown. "Jason, check for anything out of the ordinary." Percy said. Jason nodded, his eyes unfocused for a minute, then he frowned. "What the heck is that?!" He yelped. "We don't know. That's the real problem." Nico said quietly. "What are you talking about? I can't feel anything." Piper said. Jason walked over to her and put his hand on her head like Percy had done to me. She gasped, then yelped. "I feel it now." She said breathlessly. "Why can't we feel it?" Luna asked. "It must have to do with the big three." Neville said. "Yes, exactly. We need to be keeping a lookout for-" Nico was interrupted. "I wanna feel it!" Leo yelled excitedly. "Me too!" Draco exclaimed. Thalia and Percy got up and walked over to the boys. Once he felt it, Leo got really excited. So excited, that his hair caught on fire. He was jumping around happily until he was doused. He started coughing up water, then glared at Percy. Who just grinned. "How do you deal with all that power?" Draco asked Percy, with a bewildered look. Percy shrugged. "I've always had it, I don't know what it feels like without it." He said. Draco looked at his girlfriend as if to say, "Can you believe him?" Mione nodded. After all, they are brother and sister, they have the same powers. "Can we please focus? We have a problem." Will said. "Let's go talk to Sev." Frank said. "Great idea. Let's go."


"Sevy! We need help, open the door!" Thalia yelled through the door while Leo banged on it. The son of Hermes came out with a scowl on his face. "What's wrong? You do realize it's after curfew right?" He said grumpily. Then he saw the looks on our faces. He ushered us into his room. "What's wrong?" He asked again once we had all sat down. "There is a problem that has to do with the big three, something is wrong and we don't know what it is." I said. "How do you know this?" Sevy asked. "We had a feeling." Thalia said. "As in, the big three kids." Will clarified. "Are you sure you're not being paranoid? I didn't feel anything, and Dumbledore would have said something if-" He stopped. Hazel had come over to him and put her hand on his forehead. His eyes widened. "We need to talk to the demigod teachers." He said. We got up and left. This is not good, not good at all. Something's not right.

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