10|| Mouldyshorts and his Breath Eaters.

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Harry POV

More weird people from America came a few days ago. They were sorted at dinner, they all got Gryffindor. There's something not right about them, all of them. Well, not Annabeth. She's perfect, but the rest of them all look like death eaters. Especially Nico and Thalia, even Percy looks like a Death eater. Speaking of him, after the new people came he didn't show up for any of his classes, until yesterday. Weird. Something is up. I need to tell Dumbledore about the Death eaters.

Will POV

I heard Harry Potter talking to his friend Ron last night, he was saying we are something called Death eaters. I need to ask Nico what that is. I walked up to the picture of the fat lady. "Password?" She asked in a bored tone. "Tiddlywinks." I said. When I walked into the main common room, I noticed that it looked like a bigger version of our private one. I guess they didn't feel like replanning. I went into the Demigod's door and closed it firmly behind me, we don't need mortals in here. Percy and Thalia use their powers all the time, no one needs to see that. I knocked on Nico's door. "Hey Nico, can I come in?" I asked through the door. I heard a muffled "yes." and opened the door. Nico had homework and books strewn all over his usually clean floor. "Is it just me, or are you taking lessons from Percy?" I said, walking through the maze of homework. "It's just you." He said, from his spot on the bed. "Well then, I was just wondering if you know what a Death eater is?" I said. He looked up. "I think they work for that evil guy, Mouldyshorts or whatever he's called." He said. "Why?" "I heard Harry talking to his friend Ron about it, he thinks we are Death eaters." I said nonchalantly. "Seriously Nico, why is your room so messy?"
"I was doing divination homework when Thalia came running in, she asked me if she could hide under the bed. A few minutes later Percy came running in looking for Thalia, apparently she had taken his box of blue cookies. That's a terrible crime, so I told him where Thalia was. She came out and screamed at me, Percy screamed at her, and they both started wrestling. Being who they are, they managed to knock all this stuff off my bed, and onto the floor. Then they left. I haven't had the chance to clean it up yet." He explained. "Go talk to Neville about Death eaters, he knows the most about the wizarding world." He said, and started to clean up the mess on the floor. "Thanks Nico!" I said and walked out. I have two priorities, one, I need to talk to Neville about Death eaters, two, I need to ask Percy for some blue cookies. "Hey Neville, I was wondering if you could tell me about Death eaters-" I started to say, but got interrupted by Thalia. "Did you just say breath eaters? As in the followers of Mouldyshorts?" she asked. "No I-" "Percy! I just realized, these wizards have terrible names for things. Breath eaters, Mouldyshorts, Hogwarts, what's next? Goose feet?" She said. Percy snorted with laughter. "Goose feet? Really Thals?" he said. So much for asking Neville. These people really are childish, just big children. Well, at the moment they look eleven, but that doesn't count. Big children.

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