6|| Potions and Blue cookies.

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Percy POV

I finally was having my first dreamless sleep in months, when I heard a scream. Nico. I was out of bed like a shot. When I got to Nico's room, I found him mumbling, and moving around restlessly. Thalia came in a moment later. "Did anyone else wake up?" I asked her. She shook her head. Both of us sat on the bed next to our distressed cousin. I rubbed my hand on his back comfortingly, whispering "Nico, it's just a dream. Shh, you'll be alright." Thalia was rubbing his hands between hers, trying to gently wake him up. "Bianca.... Percy.....Thalia..." Nico muttered. I stiffened at Bianca's name. "Hey, Nico, wake up. It's only a dream." I whispered. His eyes opened suddenly, he sat up, looking around wildly. When he saw where he was, he relaxed. "You ok Neeks?" Thalia asked. He only let me and Thalia call him that, and only when we were alone. "Yes. I'm alright. Did I wake anyone else up?" He asked. "Not that we can tell." I said. "Good." he said. We all sat there silently for a minute, then I gave him a hug. Nightmares are so rough for us, but we have each other, we are going to be ok. Nico was almost asleep when he said "Thank you. I love you both." I smiled. "We love you too Neeks." I said. "We love you too." I repeated as I went back to bed. Annabeth was laying there with a slight smile on her face. I got into bed and wrapped my arms around her, she snuggled into my side. You know, when Aphrodite isn't being girly, love is pretty great.

Will POV

I heard Percy wake up screaming twice last night, Annabeth woke up once, and I wasn't sure about Nico. His door is almost soundproof, but for some reason, Percy and Thalia always know when Nico is having a nightmare. If they keep having this many dreams, I might have to get Dad to come. First class today is potions with Professor Snape. I wonder who that is.
After breakfast, we run to the dungeons, before we are late for class. We arrive barely on time. The teacher walks into the room, when he turns around, my mouth falls open. "Sevy?" all the demigods said. His eyes widened. "Sevy!" Percy yelps, and hugs him in front of the whole class. "Hi Percy. We have time for reunions later, right now we have class." I hear him whisper to Percy. Percy sat back down. "He leaned over to Nico, who was his partner,and said "I'm gonna ace this class, liquids are my thing." Nico grinned and said "You just earned a rest of the year partner, because liquids are not my thing." Percy snorted.
When we finished class, the best three potions were, Percy and Nico, Mione and Thalia, and Annabeth and Luna. Wow. I'm so surprised. Note my sarcasm. Luckily, Neville and I came a close fourth. Score!

Thalia POV

We just finished potions. Mione and I came in second place. I love teaming up with children of Poseidon, it can be so rewarding. Don't tell them I said that, I'll never hear the end of it. Next we have transfiguration. Boring. Minnie is teaching, but still... After transfiguration is lunch, I bet Mrs Jackson will send Mione and Percy blue cookies. No! I would never steal from my dear, sweet cousins.....

I'm totally going to steal those cookies.


Transfiguration is over. I'm waiting for the owls to come. Mione's tawny, Penelope, comes flying in with two boxes, before she lands I snatch the boxes and run away laughing like a maniac. Blue cookies, you are all mine.

Percy POV

When Penelope flew in with two boxes, I knew it was what I requested. So I wasn't surprised when Thalia jumped up and took them. Mione opened her mouth to yell at Thalia, but I held up a hand. "Wait." I said. I heard Thalia give a furious scream, and march into the hall soaking wet. Then, my barn owl, Trident, came in with two packages. I grabbed one and handed the other to my, now triumphant, sister. I opened it and picked up a blue cookie. I turned to Thalia and said "No cookies for thieves." Then I handed the cookie to Nico, who immediately shoved it into his mouth. I began giving cookies to everyone except Thalia, who left the hall to go dry off. Once she was gone I turned to Nico. "Give this to her later, tell her you stole it." I whispered, handing him a cookie. He smiled. "You're too nice for your own good, Percy Jackson." He said. I just smiled.

Will POV

Dinner ended an hour ago, we are all sitting in our common room. They start going to bed, one by one, until I'm the only one left. I went into my bathroom and turned the shower on really low, so that it would make mist. I threw a drachma in. "Oh Iris, goddess of the rainbow, accept my offering, and show me Apollo." The rainbow flickered, then my dad appeared. He was listening to music on his ipod while he read a book. "Dad. Dad!" I whisper yelled. He glanced up and saw me, he pulled his earbuds out. "Hey Will, what's up?" He asked with a smile. I smiled back, then realized what I was here for. "Dad, I'm worried about Percy, Annabeth, and Nico." I said. "Why?" he asked, confused. "They are having multiple nightmares every night, and wake up screaming all the time." My worried expression must have been contagious, because now he looked worried. "The only way to make them stop is for them to face their fears. The only way they can do that is by looking at their memories." he said, frowning. "I can come by tomorrow afternoon if you want." he said. "Ok, thanks Dad." I said with half a smile. "Your welcome, Will. Take care of them, they need someone to trust." He said, smiling sadly. I swiped my hand through the message. How to tell them? Hmmm.

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