17|| Jason does something stupid and water kids pay

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Hey y'all! To Cindy_Ketchum, You asked for Harry's opinion, so I put it in. Draco goes first though. Bye!😉

Draco POV

Tomorrow the third years and above are going to Hogsmead, and I intend to join them. "Whatcha planning, Dragon?" Percy asked as he sat down next to me. "How did you know?" I asked. I'm a son of Hermes, I'm pretty sure I can hide my emotions. Percy grinned. "I can read anyone. You are thinking about doing something you could get in trouble for, Hogsmead is tomorrow, so I'd say that's what you're doing?" He asked, more like stated. I gave him a bewildered look. "I thought you weren't smart." I said. Percy rolled his eyes. "Humor is the best way to hide wisdom." He said with a grin. And pain. I thought to myself. "You should tell Thalia, she would kill you if you went without her." He said, and walked away. I gotta say, I'm not bad at reading emotions either, and that boy hides so much pain behind his eyes, it's a wonder he's still sane. Even crazier that he's still that optimistic and hopeful. He's basically a teenage boy Hestia. I got up to go find Thalia. Percy was right, that girl would roast me alive if I went to Hogsmead without her. "Hey Thals?" I called, and felt a dagger on my neck. "Don't ever call me that again." She whispered dangerously. "Yes ma'am!" I exclaimed, unfazed by the dagger. She took the dagger away. "What?" She asked. "I'm going to Hogsmead, wanna come?" I asked. She nodded enthusiastically. "Fred and George have a map that shows a bunch of secret passageways." I said. Fred and George are my prank partners. They're my Nico and Thalia, I'm their Percy. It's great. "Five minutes till dinner! Get out here!" Ginny yelled down the hall. I ran down the hall, Thalia trailing behind. Annabeth won't let us be late for meals, because we need to keep up the thought that nothing is wrong. When I walked into our common room, I saw Jason with a glass of water and this little dropper. "What are you doing Jason?" Thalia asked from behind me. "Science." Was the vague answer. Mione looked up, and her eyes widened. "Jason don't put that in that water." She said. I heard her voice in my head, and based on the fact that everyone covered their ears, they did too. 'Percy!' She screamed in our heads. I heard a yell of surprise and a bang, then I heard Percy come barreling down the stairs. "What is it- Jason don't do that!" Percy yelped. Too late. Jason had poured the dropper full of-whatever it was-into the glass of water. Both the Jacksons gave a little squeak and sat (fell) down hard. They were both panting and their faces were as white as snow. "J-jason get th-that s-s-stuff out-t o-of the-the w-w-water." Mione stuttered. Jason quickly squeezed the stuff back into the dropper. All eyes turned to the two on the floor. They were gasping for air, the color returning to their cheeks. Percy shakily stood up, then helped Mione up. He walked over to Jason, took the dropper from him, and went back upstairs. "Don't mess with stuff you don't understand." Mione whispered hoarsel, and followed her brother. "That was weird." Leo said, trying to break the tension. "Jason, what was in that dropper?" Neville asked. "It was Canzonite." Jason said. (A/N that is a name I made up, it isn't real.) "You are so lucky that Annabeth is at dinner right now, she would kill you." Neville said. "Why?" Piper asked. "Because Percy and Mione were playing with that water earlier, they used their powers on it. Canzonite is harmful to water, they are connected to water, it's in their blood. It wouldn't have done much if it hadn't been touched my either of them, but they used their powers on that water, so it made them feverish, and pretty much made it that they couldn't breath anything but water during the time that the Canzonite was in the water." Neville explained. I didn't understand much, but it doesn't really matter, everyone else can worry about chemicals, I'm gonna worry about my girlfriend and her brother. Nico shadow traveled upstairs, but not before telling us all to go to dinner, and he would stay with the Jacksons. When we got into the great hall, Harry and his friend Ron were staring at us as if we were going to kill them. Weird. Whatever. Annabeth will worry about it.

Harry POV

The death eaters just came down to dinner. I need a way to expose them, like a truth potion. Yes! A truth potion. Perfect. I really don't like these people. I killed Voldemort. People look at them like they saved the world because of their auras. I'm good at sensing auras. Everyone can sense a powerful one, but to see all of them, you're born with aspect sensitivity. I'm aspect sensitive. It means that I can read other people's auras, and those Americans have some of the most powerful auras I've ever seen. Especially those two boys. Their names are.... Nico... I think, and Percy. Percy has this bright green, powerful, aura that everyone around him can sense. Nico has this black one, with golden edges. He gives off the air of a king. That Thalia girl also has a really bright aura. It's electric blue, and when you're next to her, you feel like you should be bowing at her feet, not standing side by side. Overall, it's really weird, and I don't like it at all. I need to know who they are.

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