13|| A change in the air.

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Lookie! An update!


"Chocolate frogs." Sevy said. We were standing in front of two old gargoyles. Apparently, this is the entrance to Dumbledore's office. When the gargoyles didn't move, Sevy looked annoyed. "I swear, this password changes every other day." He muttered. Draco elbowed him out of the way. "You are supposed to know this." He said, and put his hand on the gargoyle. His hand glowed for a moment, then the gargoyle leapt aside. "You're a son of Hermes, you can do that." Draco said to his half brother's bewildered look. We quickly walked up the stairs. Sevy knocked on the oak door that was at the top. We heard a muffled "Come in." and pushed open the door. "Demigod meeting." Percy said in ancient greek. My camp necklace grew warm, and started glowing the color of Percy's eyes, signalling that he had activated it. Based on the fact that everyone touched their neck, I'm guessing theirs did too. Minnie appeared out of nowhere, making me jump. All the other demigod teachers came running in a few minutes later. Almost all the Professors at Hogwarts are demigods. "What's wrong?" Professor Flitwick asked, he is a son of Dionysus. "Before we tell you, can everyone change into their real form please?" Thalia asked. The teachers nodded and changed back. "Ok, we -and by we, I mean the big three kids- sense something is wrong, but we don't know what it is." Nico said. Filch spoke up. Yes, he is a demigod, though not our favorite. Don't tell him I said that. "How do we know they aren't just lying so they get attention?" He asked. "Do we really have to do this to everyone?!" Thalia yelled angrily. She stomped over to Filch and put her hand on his forehead. He squeakednp, and the scowl left his face. Thalia grinning triumphantly and sat back down. Sometimes I wish she wasn't so scary.

Percy POV

Thalia is scaring that grumpy son of Demeter. I forgot what his name is, Fudge? Finch? Filch, that's it. Sorry, I'm a bit off track. Stupid ADHD. "What should we be looking for?" Minnie asked. "Well, considering that the... thing is in Hogwarts, we should be looking out for suspicious activity from the students and the mortal teachers." Annabeth said practically. Luna pulled out a piece of paper and a pen. I didn't know she even carried a pen. Most of us have to use quills. Anyway, she started writing down demigod names, and their parents. I guess she was just bored, because she knows everyone. This is what she wrote.

Minerva McGonagall (Minnie) Daughter of Athena
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Son of Hecate
Fillius Flitwick, Son of Dionysus
Argus Filch, Son of Demeter
Pomana Sprout, Daughter of Demeter
Severus Snape (Sevy or Sev) Son of Hermes
Draco Malfoy (Dragon) Son of Hermes
Thalia Grace (Thals) Daughter of Zeus, Hunter of Artemis
Jason Grace, Son of Jupiter
Perseus Jackson (Percy) Son of Poseidon
Hermione Jackson (Mione) Daughter of Poseidon
Nico Di Angelo, Son of Hades, Ghost king
Hazel Levesque, Daughter of Pluto
Piper McLean, Daughter of Aphrodite
Ginevra Weasley (Ginny) Daughter of Aphrodite
Annabeth Chase, Daughter of Athena
Neville Longbottom, Son of Athena
Luna Lovegood, Daughter of Iris
Leo Valdez, Son of Hephestus
Will Solace, Son of Apollo

Luna looked up at me. "Are there any more of us here do you think?" She asked. "There is a Slytherin, two Hufflepuffs, two Gryffindors, and three Ravenclaws." Dumbledore said. "Are any of them determined?" Mione asked. "No, but one of the Ravenclaws is starting to realize she is different than everyone else." Dumbledore answered. I nodded. Dumbledore listed their names, and Luna wrote them down also.

Astoria Greengrass, Slytherin, undetermined
Susan Bones, Hufflepuff, undetermined
Daniel Sycan, Hufflepuff, undetermined
Lavender Brown, Gryffindor, undetermined
Parvati Patil, Gryffindor, undetermined
Padma Patil, Ravenclaw, undetermined
Terry Boot, Ravenclaw, undetermined
Charlotte Doyle, Ravenclaw, undetermined

"We should meet with them sometime soon, and tell them who they are." Will said. "I can assign them an 'Extra credit class' where you can tell them everything, and eventually train them." Dumbledore said. I wonder if he would mind if I called him Dumbles. "If that nickname suits you Mr Jackson. I don't mind at all." Dumbles said. Wait. I was talking out loud? Annabeth giggled. "Yes Seaweed brain, you were talking out loud, and still are. Now can we stop worrying about nicknames and discuss this 'dark form'?" She asked. Apparently, while I had been wondering what to call the headmaster, Leo had dubbed the thing 'dark form'. Why anyone let Leo choose its name? I don't know. "I think all we can do is keep a lookout, but keep us informed. We want to know if there are any changes." Minnie said, pulling me out of my thoughts. We talked about the subject for a few more minutes then went to bed. On the way back to the dorms, Annabeth and I were talking quietly. "Do you think there will be another prophesy?" I whispered. "I don't know Percy, we need to try to be alert in Divination." She said. I groaned under my breath. "That lady is such a fraud though." I whined. Annabeth sighed. "You sound like a little kid when you whine like that." She said. "And yet you love it." I whispered with a triumphant grin. She sighed again, but I could see the corners of her mouth turn up slightly. She pretends, but I can read anyone like a book. Nevermind. Not a book. I'm terrible at reading. Anyway..... Stupid ADHD. I just watched as Annabeth got ready for bed. She is so beautiful. She turned to look at me with a smirk and raised eyebrows. "Are you going to put pyjamas on or what?" She asked. I grinned. "Yes, I was just watching you." I said, and got up. I heard her say something under her breath that sounded suspiciously like "Stalker." I laughed. A few minutes later we were in bed drifting off to sleep. "I love you Wise girl." "I love you too Seaweed brain."

Demigods cause a general ruckus (at Hogwarts)Where stories live. Discover now