8|| Fake oracles and hungry pegasi.

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Thalia POV

Last night was better than most. Minus the part where I had to drag Percy into the common room, and then see his, Nico's, and Annabeth's nightmares. The three of them slept together, and none of them woke up screaming. There was one point where Percy started twitching and moaning, but Nico and Annabeth hugged him and he relaxed. I didn't know what their worst fears were, but now I do, now I can help them get through it. Today we have Care of Magical creatures first. I wonder what we'll learn about. At breakfast, Percy got a letter that made him start grinning after he read it. Apparently, it was from Chiron. I have no idea what it said, but Percy seemed happy about it, and after Percy gave it to her, Annabeth started grinning too. 'Hey Neeks.' I Mind linked him. 'Hmm?' was his intelligent response. 'What do you think that letter Percy got was about? It was from Chiron.' I thought to him. 'Hmmm, I dunno.' he thought. 'Maybe we could steal it and-' I started. "Wait till I tell you tonight?" Percy interrupted out loud, making me jump about three feet in the air. Both Percy and Nico laughed. It turns out, Percy had listened to the whole -basically one sided- conversation. Sometimes, I wish his brain really was made of seaweed. Then he wouldn't be smart, and I wouldn't be outsmarted.

Percy POV

During the walk to Care of Magical creatures, Thalia was trying to find out what that letter said. Her strategy was amazing.(Note the sarcasm) She was whining. "But Percy, I neeeed to know. What if you get hurt and can't tell us what it says?" She whined. "Annabeth knows what it says too." I said. "What if Annabeth-" She started, and was interrupted. "We will try our best not to get hurt, or sick, or whatever else you want to say. You will find out tonight what the letter said." Annabeth said firmly. "But Annabeth-" "This conversation is over." She said tartly. Thalia looked like she was going to keep whining, but luckily, we had arrived outside Hagrid's hut. Hagrid is a half giant, we wanted to kill him at first, but Luna convinced us that he was nice. "Alrigh',alrigh' settle down." He said. "Now today, we are gonna learn about Pegasi." He lead my Pegasus, Blackjack, out from behind his hut. 'Blackjack? What are you doing here?' I asked. 'Hey Boss, got any doughnuts?' He asked, ignoring my question completely. 'No, I don't have any doughnuts, and for the last time, don't call me Boss!' I said. 'Ok Boss.' He whinnied. I sighed. 'Why are you here?' I asked again. 'Chiron told me to tell you to Mist travel back to camp at seven o' clock. He said he forgot to put it into the letter. Can we get doughnuts later?' 'Thanks for telling me Blackjack, I can get you some doughnuts later.' I said with a smile.

Annabeth POV

Hagrid had just brought Blackjack out from behind his hut. While he was telling us all about Pegasi, Percy and Blackjack looked like they were having a staring contest. I knew they were talking though. After a minute, Percy stopped talking to Blackjack. "Chiron wants me to MT (Mist travel) back to camp at seven, do you have any ambrosia?" He whispered. "Yeah, I'll give it to you once we get back to the dormitory, and make sure you don't pass out this time." I whispered back. He grinned and gave me a thumbs up. After lunch we had a free period, Percy and I ran up to the dorms saying we had homework to get done. "Here." I said, handing Percy the ambrosia. 'Thanks Wise girl." He said. We went back down to the common room as though nothing weird, or even slightly interesting had happened. We had Divination next. When we finally found the classroom, we were at least two minutes late, but the ladder was coming down just as we ran up. "Lucky she started late right?" Thalia said. "Yeah." Nico mumbled. When we got up there, the heat was almost unbearable. "I hope this is over soon." Percy whispered. "Hello, I am Professor Trelawney, I will be teaching you how to tune in to your inner eye." The bug-like teacher said. "Please, take a seat." She whispered in a tone that I guessed was  supposed to be mysterious. She told us we would be doing palm reading today, we got out our books and started trying to decipher the lines on our palms. When she got to our table, she screamed. "You! You will drown!" She said to Percy, who couldn't contain his laughter. She turned to me next, "You will die of a badly made plan!" Now I was laughing too. She started prophesying the least likely deaths for all of us. Thalia was going to be struck by lightning, Nico was going to die at the hand of the Ghost king, Mione was also going to drown, Will was going to die of a wound that he couldn't heal, Ginny would die of a broken heart. Draco was going to die after being caught as a thief, Neville also was going to die because of a badly made plan, and Luna was going to die of sadness, because all light and happiness left her. We were all crying with laughter after she told us our fates. She looked miffed for a moment, then went to the next table. Some people are just crazy.


It's dinner, and Percy keeps looking at his watch. The time reads 6:45 PM. He gives me a look, I nod. "Hey Neville, could you teach Thalia and I how to play Exploding snap?" I asked my brother. "Sure! We can do it up in the common room." He said. Percy left the hall. Perfect, now no one will suspect- oh great, Nico is following him. 'Percy, Nico is following you.' I Mind link him. 'Ok, I'll just tell him what's happening, he won't tell anyone.' He said. Good, now all I have to do is distract Thalia. This won't be that hard.

Nico POV

During dinner, Percy kept looking at his watch, like he was waiting for something. He gave Annabeth a look, she nodded. Something's up. When Annabeth started a conversation with Neville and Thalia about a game, Percy stood up and left. I got up and followed him. When he went around a corner, I started walking faster, to catch up, when I turned the corner I immediately felt a hand on my mouth. I struggled until I realized who it was. Percy. "Shh, this is a surprise and we don't want you telling anyone." He said as he took his hand away. "What's a surprise?" I asked. "I'm MT'ing to camp to pick up the rest of the seven, and Calypso." He said. My eyes widened. "Going that far is dangerous. Last time it was only England, Scotland is considerably farther. You'll be unconscious for a week or more." I said. "I know that, you know that, Annabeth doesn't. So if the moment I get here with them, I collapse, you need to tell her why." He said hurriedly. "But why don't you just tell her what will -most likely- happen, right now?" I asked. "Because she won't let me go, Neeks. You have these same problems with Will, and yet you still ask the questions. I have to go, I should be back in a few minutes. We'll appear in our common room, please stay in there. You are the only one that knows what to do." He whispered, and faded into mist. If he is out for too long, Annabeth will get mad, like really mad. This is not good.

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