9|| You keep us together.

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Jason POV

Percy should be here any minute now. We are joining their quest as a surprise for the others. It will be the rest of the seven, and Calypso. The air next to Thalia's tree shimmered, and a slightly disgruntled Percy appeared. "Annabeth is going to be so mad." He muttered. "Why?" Leo asked. Percy looked up at us and grinned, "Hey, ready to go?" He asked. We all nodded except for Leo. "Why is Annabeth going to be so mad?" He asked again. Percy frowned. "You'll see once we get there." He said. "Now everyone grab onto me." He said, and then mumbled something. It sounded like he said "And say goodbye for the next week." I don't think I heard him right. We dissolved into mist, a minute later, appearing right next to Nico. He didn't even look at us, he grabbed Percy who was falling over. I glanced at him worriedly, but he just shook his head, signaling me to not worry about it. I looked around the room, it was red and gold themed, and the only people here were Demigods. I'll bet there's a different room for wizards. It was silent until I heard a familiar voice say "So this was the surprise!" Then I was tackled in a hug by my older sister. "Nico, why did he pass out?" Annabeth asked dangerously. My cousin muttered something under his breath. "What?" Annabeth said. "Because it was too far." Nico said a little louder. "He said it would be fine! He said he wouldn't pass out! He-" She started rambling. "Annabeth!" Nico shouted. Causing her to go silent. "It's pretty hard traveling that far, but Percy is completely fine. What you need to do is calm down, and help me get him up to the bedroom. He Mist traveled half across the world, he needs to sleep." We all looked at Nico surprised, he doesn't raise his voice often. Annabeth came over to him and helped lift Percy, then went upstairs. After they left, Ginny jumped up to give Piper a hug, Hazel went upstairs to see Nico, and we all exchanged happy greetings. Annabeth came down the stairs with a worried look on her face. Nico and Hazel came down a few minutes later. Nico and Thalia were exchanging glances, the greek children of the big three are closer than anything. Sometimes I wish I was part of it, but the three of them have been through a lot together. It wasn't long before we all went to bed.

Thalia POV

I don't want to sound ungrateful, because the surprise was awesome, but now Percy is unconscious and we don't know how long it will be until he wakes up. Annabeth is having a rough time, but Nico and I have to pretend that it isn't that bad. It feels like I lost a piece of me, like the circle of three has been broken. This week is going to be hard without Percy. At least Jason and the others are here.

Neville POV

I hate seeing Annabeth like this, it's almost like she is losing her will to live. Percy needs to wake up, and soon. We are falling to pieces without him. Percy, we need you.

Annabeth POV

Percy has been unconscious for three days, and I wish he would wake up. I love having the rest of the seven here, but Percy brightens a room when he enters it. I'm sitting next to our bed, waiting for him to open his eyes. Nico came in. "Hey Annabeth, you ok?" He asked. "Yeah, I'm-" I stopped. Percy just moved. Nico's eyes widened. "I'm gonna get Thalia." He said, and ran out. Percy groaned, and his eyes flickered open. The first thing he said was, "Annabeth, don't be mad." I laughed and hugged him. "I'm definitely mad." I said. "But the happiness that comes with you being awake is drowning that out right now." I whispered. Thalia and Nico came running in. "Percy!" They both yelp. "You're finally awake!" They came and each gave him a hug. "You all keep saying finally, how long was I out?" Percy asked. "Three days." I said. He groaned again. "That is way too long." he said. I laughed again and handed him some ambrosia. "Don't you dare do that again, we were all falling apart because our glue was unconscious." Thalia said seriously. "It's so great to know that I'm some kind of school supplies to you." Percy said with a mock frown. Nico laughed and said "You know what she means Perce, you keep us together."

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