15|| Shh, it's a surprise.

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Piper POV

Everyone has been acting weird lately. I need to charmspeak someone into telling me what's up. When Percy walked by me, I grabbed him. "Hey Pipes, what's up?" He asked with a confused look. "What are all of you up to.?" I asked sweetly, my voice laced with charmspeak. Percy grinned. "That doesn't work on me Piper, and I'm not going to tell you. It's a surprise." He said. "What do you mean it doesn't work? It worked when you broke your arm and wouldn't let Will look at it." I said, confused. "No, I just decided that either I should pretend that you charmspoke me, or have Annabeth make me. I don't like it when she yells at me, so I chose charmspeak." He said with a lopsided grin. "Wait. You can resist Piper's charmspeak?" Leo asked as he walked by. "Yup. It just doesn't work." Percy said. Now we had everyone's attention. "Really? Show me." Thalia said. I turned to Percy. "Sing a song." I said, my voice full of charmspeak. Percy grinned. "Nope." he said. I swear Nico's jaw hit the floor. "Are you sure you're just not using charmspeak? You could be thinking you're using it and-" I cut Jason off. "Clap your hands. Jump up and down. Do a cartwheel." I said to him. He immediately began doing it, like usual. "I know how we can really test it." Annabeth said. "Tell them both to do something at the same time. If Jason does it but Percy doesn't, then we know Percy is immune." She said. "I turned to both the boys. "Do the Magdelena." I said. Percy snorted and just stood there, laughing as Jason started dancing. We all burst out laughing. Jason was scowling. "Please Piper, make it stop." He whimpered. I told him to stop. He breathed a sigh of relief. "So you really are immune to charmspeak." Draco said. Percy shrugged. "It just doesn't work on me." He said. "What I want to know, is what are you all hiding?" I said. They all grinned. Like Percy and Mione kind of grins. Incredibly mischievous and up to no good. "Shh, It's a surprise." Mione whispered. They all walked away quickly after that. What would be a surprise? There isn't anything special happening. Hmmm.

________________The next day____________________

Jason POV

Yesturday, Piper tried to find out what is happening. Luckily Percy is immune to charmspeak. We didn't know that. We are setting up the Room of Requirement right now. You see, Piper's birthday is today, and she forgot. So we are throwing a surprise party. All the demigods are coming. It'll be great. "Jason. Jason. Jason." Percy said. He kept repeating my name. "What. What?!" I yelped. "You zoned out. What are you thinking about?" He asked. "Piper's party." I said, yawning. "It'll be great." He said. I hummed an answer and zoned out again. " Jason. Jason! What's wrong? Why do you keep zoning out?" It was Frank. I rubbed my face tiredly. "I guess I stayed up too late last night." I mumbled. "Yeah. Come on, you are taking a nap." He said, more like ordered. "Nooo." I whined. "I'm gonna help decorate for Piper's party." "You won't be awake for the party if you don't go to sleep." He said, and started to drag me back to the dormitory. "No, I don't want to." I whined. Thalia laughed. "You're acting like a baby, Jason." She said. I shot her a tired glare. She just grinned cheekily and turned back to what she was doing. She spends too much time with Percy. I zoned out, again. When I came back to my senses, Frank had dragged me all the way to my bed, put me in it, and left. I figured it wouldn't hurt if I went to sleep. I am pretty tired.

"Jason! Jason! Wake up, Jason!" I blearily opened my eyes. Thalia and Percy were standing over me. Percy had something big in his hands. Oh, It's a bucket. Wait, bucket?! Before I could jump up, Percy had dumped the contents of the bucket on me. "PERSEUS JACKSON!!" I yelled. I jumped up and went tearing after Percy, who had run the moment the bucket was empty. When we ran past Annabeth, she grabbed Percy. "Dry him off." She ordered. Percy pouted, but gestured his hand, and the water evaporated. Luna came in. "Come on, we need to hurry. Ginny and Charlotte are distracting Piper, but that won't hold for long." She said. We ran down the hall, trying to get to the RoR before Piper figured something was up. Once we got there, we finished up, and Annabeth activated our camp necklaces. Mine grew warm and glowed Annabeth's signature color, stormy grey. The teachers started apparating in -That's what Annabeth called it-. Then a breathless Thalia came in, with Charlotte right behind her. "We- couldn't- keep- her- any- longer." Thalia huffed. "We ran- away- an she's-" Charlotte panted. "She's what?" Astoria asked. "Right behind them." came Piper's voice from the doorway. We all jumped, then yelled "SURPRISE!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY PIPER!" Piper's eyes widened, and she smiled. "I didn't remember my birthday, and yet everyone else did." She said, grinning. "Course we did, you're family." Draco said. The party overall was awesome. We had all gotten presents for her, and as 'training' Draco took Susan down to the kitchens to snatch some food. Apparently, she had been quite good at it. Typical daughter of Hermes. After the party, I gave her my gift. "What is it?" She asked. "It's a locket that turns into something special." I said. She pressed the little button on the side. There was a shrink and she was holding a brightly glowing celestial bronze sword. She grinned and kissed me. "What's its name?" She asked. "Omorfiá." I said. "Beauty." She translated. "Thank you. That was the best birthday ever." She whispered, and went to bed. Oh gods I love that girl.

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