16|| The unstoppable trio, and those other guys.

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Nico POV

Percy, Thalia, and I decided to give Leo skittles. I know it was a stupid idea, and we have definitly paid the price. "SPONGE BOB SQUARE PANTS, SPONGE BOB SQUARE PANTS, SPONGE BOB... SQUARE PAAAAANNNTSSS!!!!" Yeah, we totally regret giving him skittles. "WE'RE GOING ON A TRIP IN OUR FAVORITE ROCKET-" Leo didn't get to continue because Piper finally came into the room. "Leo Valdez! Stop it right now!" She yelled, her voice covered with charmspeak. Everyone except Percy froze for a few seconds. Leo stayed like a statue. Percy was rolling on the floor laughing his head off. "Will someone please put Leo to sleep or something?" Annabeth sighed as she came in. Piper walked over to the still frozen Leo, and whispered something in his ear. He dropped to the floor like there was no tomorrow, and started snoring. Percy and Thalia lifted him up and took him to his bedroom. Once they came back, Annabeth turned on us. "Who gave him skittles?" She asked sweetly, but I knew she was not happy at all. Percy winced. He hates it when Annabeth gets mad. Everyone turned to look at the three of us, the unstoppable trio. We stood there, backs stiff, eyes ahead, hands in pockets. "If any of you decide to give Leo skittles again, there will be consequences. Percy gulped loudly. We had no doubt that Annabeth would do something. Last time someone *cough* Percy *cough* gave Leo skittles, she refused to sleep with Percy for a whole night. Obviously this punishment didn't last long. About an hour after they went to bed, they both started having nightmares. When Annabeth woke up, she sprinted out of the Athena cabin to cabin three, she slammed open Percy's door, and proceeded to comfort her distressed boyfriend. They slept together for the rest of the night. Percy is now terrified of Annabeth's 'consequences' and walks on eggshells until she's in a better mood. 'I don't think I'll be able to help with pranking tonight.' He thought to Thalia and I. 'Aww, that's too bad. We were going to prank Jason.' Thalia thought. I could tell Percy was hesitating. He loves pranking Jason, our cousin always reacts in the best ways. 'Fine, but if we get caught, it was all your idea, Thals. I am not dealing with one of Annabeth's consequences right now.' He thought. 'I agree with Perce, If we are going to prank Jason, it was all your idea.' I thought. Thalia groaned in her mind. 'Fine.' She thought, and ended our conversation. "Percy? Nico. Thalia!" Annabeth said, waving her hand in front of our faces. Percy blinked. "Sorry Wisegirl, zoned out." He said, covering up the fact that we had been mind talking. Annabeth looked doubtful. "Ok... it's getting late. Why don't the three of you go to bed." She said. It was an order, not a question. "Yes Ma'am." Percy said, saluting and running out the door. He usually mist travels, but Annabeth banned him from doing that until he gets all his power back. So he only does it when she isn't around. Traveling from America to England is one thing, America to Scotland is another story. He gets tired easier than usual, and he doesn't eat as much. Annabeth was scared out of her wits when he was unconscious, so now she's very overprotective. I walked into my black bedroom, closing the door behind me. Percy says it's like I'm dead, and living in a coffin, but I think it's like I'm in empty space. I got into bed a few minutes later. I woke up what was about four hours later, due to Percy falling on top of me. I yelped, and he looked a little surprised too. "Ready?" He asked. I nodded, the smirk back on my face. He grabbed my arm, and we dissolved into mist. Appearing in Thalia's room. She looked like she was waiting for us, staring out the window at nothing. When we got there she jumped up. "Finally." She whispered. "I was in here thirty seconds ago." Percy stated dryly. "Mhmm, forever." Thalia said. I rolled my eyes at the dramatics of my cousin. Like father, like daughter. "Stop complaining, do you have everything?" I asked. Thalia nodded. She held up a cardboard box. On the side it said 'The Unstoppable Trio, pranking kit.' Percy took out two cans of silly string, Neon green, and maroon. Jason's least favorite colors. I grabbed the fake coin, and Thalia took out the plastic scorpions (For some reason he's terrified of them.) We got a few other things, and Percy touched Thalia and I, and we reappeared in Jason's room. Percy willed a blob of water over Jason's head, that would fall when he woke up. Thalia took the silly string and started to spray it on everything, making stripes and zig-zags over his bed covers. I took his sword/coin and replaced it with the fake coin. Then we proceeded to throw his clothes all over the room. We set up a bucket of pink paint over his door, and a bucket of bright yellow feathers. We took the scorpions and put them all over the bathroom. We stood against one wall and observed our work. The room was a mess, totally the opposite of clean, organised Jason. With that, we disappeared, leaving our victim to sleep. Wait till he wakes up. What a wonderful surprise he'll get.

Thalia POV

We pranked Jason last night, and it's about to be set in motion. Percy was peeking into the slightly ajar door. He turned to me, nodded, and ran for his life. I took a deep breath, and screamed. I heard my brother yell, he knows it's me. Then he yelped as he came charging out of the room, springing the paint and feathers. Everyone had come out of their rooms now. Jason was standing in the hallway, covered in pink paint and yellow feathers. Percy, Mione, Leo, and Draco were rolling on the floor laughing. Nico was sliding down the wall, shaking with laughter. Will had a small smile on his face, Ginny, Calypso, and Luna were 'coughing' into their hands, and Annabeth had her lips pressed together, as if she was trying really hard not to laugh. Frank had turned into a parrot to hide the fact that he was almost crying with laughter, and Hazel had a hand over her mouth. The new demigods came in to see what all the commotion was, when they saw what had happened, they left to avoid their chuckles being heard. Piper was just staring at her boyfriend, looking like she was trying to decide whether to laugh, or look concerned. Jason's cheeks had turned pink with embarrassment, maybe that was just the paint. His hair was wet, so obviously he had gotten soaked. He was holding the fake coin, so he had sprung that trap too. "Will someone just give me my sword back?" He whined. Annabeth went into my room, and came out a minute later with the coin. Percy, Nico, and I stopped laughing. "How did-" Percy started. "You know-" Nico added. "Where it was?" I finished. She looked at us weird for finishing each other's sentences. "I'm a daughter of Athena, how long did you think it would be until I found out?" Annabeth asked rhetorically. "Did I ever tell you how pretty you look today Wisegirl?" Percy squeaked. Annabeth glared at him. He squeaked again, and mist traveled away. Now Annabeth was really mad. "PERSEUS JACKSON! GET YOUR BUTT IN HERE RIGHT NOW!!" She screamed. I could tell Percy had materialized behind me, because Annabeth was glaring at something just above my left shoulder. She marched over to my cousin, grabbed him by the ear, and dragged him into their bedroom. We heard yelling, and Percy mumbling something, and they both came out. Percy sullenly rubbing his ear, and Annabeth with a satisfied smirk. "Breakfast anyone?"

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