Chapter 7

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Jayden's POV

Pain. That's the first thing I feel while waking up, well actually the pain itself woke me up.

And when I did, everything went crashing back. The party, my mate being Maddison and her rejection.

I remember everything that she said, and now that I think about it I can see why she rejected me, I am weak, I am pathetic but that doesn't mean I can't change right? And if it takes me to change myself so that she can accept me then so be it.

"Jayden. Are you feeling okey??" I saw mom enter the door. "I'm feeling fine maam, thank you. I'm sorry about this." She sat down beside me shaking her head.

"You have nothing to be sorry about." She held my right hand. "I'm the one who should be sorry. I'm sorry that you had to go through so much alone. I'm sorry that I wasn't a good mother to you but if you'd allow me I want make it up to you. I want you to think of me as your mother again." I was shocked. As I looked at her sobbing beside me, it was heartbreaking.

"I never stopped thinking of you as my mom." She gave me a small smile before giving me a hug. I've missed this so much, the warmth that you'd feel when hugging a loved one, when hugging my mom.

"I've missed you mom" I said as tears ran down my face. "I've missed you so much."

"I'm here now baby." She said as she wiped my tears away. "And I'm not leaving you again" giving me a kiss on my forehead she gave me one more hug before sitting down on the chair on my bedside.

"How long was I out??" I was curious, it must have been hours since the party. " You've been out for a day. Sebastian and I were really worried but the doctor said that it was normal." My eyes widened.

"Sebastian??" She gave me a knowing look. "Yeah. You know, he's worried about his little brother. He's really sorry for everything he'd done" Worried?? That's a laugh.

"When can I go home??" I asked. " The doctor said that as soon as you wake up he'll give you a check and if everything's fine then you can go home. Well, I'm gonna go and call him so we can know if your good to go." I nodded my head giving her a smile.

The doctor soon came and said that I was well enough to go home which I was happy about cause I just can't stand to stay here.

"I called Sebastian and he said that he's on his way here." I was worried, I didn't trust him enough to stay in the same room as him but if mom said that he's sorry then maybe with time I can give him a chance.

Soon enough he arrived and my heart rate picked up. I was still very weary with him cause as you know the last time he beat me up in school.

"I'm gonna go and sign the sign out papers and start up the car. Can you handle carrying these Sebastian??" She asked referring to some of my stuff at which he nodded. "Yeah mom, I can handle it."

When she left he looked at me which made me worried. What's he thinking?? Is he gonna beat me up again?? With that thought I was really getting anxious.

"I'm not gonna hurt you Jay. I've made that mistake and I was an asshole for doing that to you." He said looking away.

"You don't have to say sorry. You were right you know. I'm weak, pathet-"

"Dont!" He cut me off. And walked towards me making me more anxious.

"No no no please don't hurt me!!!" I shouted covering my head using my hands.

I waited for the hit but it never came. I looked up to see him staring at me guiltily. "I'm so sorry Jay. I'm so sorry. I- I was wrong, your strong. Stronger than me. You managed to be alone all these years without breaking. If it were me, I'd broke a long time ago. Your not pathetic, I am. I'm pathetic because I abandoned my baby brother. I'm pathetic because I hated you for something that you didn't have control over, I'm pathetic cause it took me this long to realize that I what I was doing to you was wrong. If you'd give me a chance, I'll be better. Be a better big brother to you, I'll never leave you again when you need me just please... Please forgive me." He was now crying while kneeling beside my bed.

I don't know what to say. I know he's sincere but it's hard for me, I forgave mom easily cause she'd never hurt me physically but with Sebastian it's a different story.

"I-I know your really sorry Seb but you've physically and emotionally hurt me and it's hard for me to forgive you." he nodded his head and stood up. He was about to turn away when I continued " But that doesn't mean that I won't. All I need is time."

"Thank you Jay. I promise I'll be the best big brother to you." He said to me smiling. "Just don't treat me like a baby or anything, I'm seventeen." I said trying to lift up the mood.

He chuckled "I can't promise you that. Your still my BABY brother no matter what." I pouted at that, but he just laughed at me.

It's great that I had my mom and brother back. "Now, we should get you ready to go home."

"Uhm Seb??" He stopped and looked at me. "Can I... Can I ask you a favor??"

"Yeah, sure. What do you need??" Well there's no going back now.

"I want you to train me." His eyes widened. "Uhm, you sure??" Without a second thought I nodded my head.

"Yes. I want to get stronger. I want to get stronger to show Maddison that I can be the mate that she wants."

"Jay, you don't need to show her anything. But if you do want to get stronger, you have to do it for yourself not for her." Listening to what he said, he was right. So I agreed.

"Alright then. When your better enough, I'll train you."

"Thanks Seb." He smiled before he continued to get my stuff. "Now, we should really get going before mom hangs our asses for taking too long" I chuckled at that before standing up to leave with my brother.


Its been a week since I got home and now I was well enough to go back to school.

Throughout the week I still felt pain but it was now fading. Mom and Seb took care of me while the beta was just the same old ass with me. Glares, side remarks but now it was different cause mom protected me.

When I got to school almost all eyes landed on me. Same old same old some glared, some growled while some just didn't care.

I was taking my books out my locker when I felt someone hit me behind the head.

"Oh looky looky, the reject's back to school." I saw Toby and Chris standing behind me. "So how does it feel to know that your mate rejected you??" That stung, I quickly gathered my things and tried to go but they held me back. "Hey, Omega. I still talking to you."

"Please just leave me alone." I pleaded. "And why would we do that?? You'd been gone for a week so we have to catch up on your beatings right??" They laughed as I just stood there. There was no use, I wasn't gonna get away.

"If you do that to him then I'll just have to beat you two up ten times worse." We heard someone growl.

Sebastian was standing behind them with his eyes pitch black. "LET. HIM. GO. NOW!!!"

"What the hell man?!? Why are you protecting him?!?" Chris asked.

"Cause he's my brother. So if you bother him again, your gonna get my foot up your asses." He growled.

"Whatever."Toby and Chris just scoffed before leaving.

"Thanks Seb." He picked up my stuff before giving them to me. "Tell me if they bother you. Just mind link me okey??" I smiled before nodding.

Going our separate ways, I walked towards where I had my first class. When I got there, I saw a sight that made me feel like I was being stabbed through my chest with knives.


So that's the end of this chapter... Hope you don't mind the cliffhanger hahaha I wanted to ask if anyone has an idea on what Jayden see?? If you have answers then comment it down below. And guys please...


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