Chapter 75

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Marcus's POV

The sun shined as me and my soldiers walked through the forest. We have just crossed the boundary of Silver Moon pack lands and it was only a matter of time before they discover us.

"My Lord. Are you sure it is wise for you to be here??" I turned my gaze to Carlos as he walked beside me.

"You know me Carlos. Do you really think I'm incapable of protecting myself from these mutts??"

"N-No my Lord. I'm just concerned cause of the Dark Wolf being here." A sudden howl was then heard in the distance making us all stop.

"Well I am here to see if this wolf is what you all say he is. If he does prove as a challenge then I will savour the thrill of facing against him. Now ready yourselves cause it seams that we have been discovered. I trust that Simon knows what to do??" He gave me a nod.

"Yes my Lord. When the time is right, he will make his move." A smirk formed as I could feel the vibrations on the ground.

They're close.

We could see a clearing ahead, and I could feel excitement boiling in me as I will now meet the wolves that had brought so much trouble for us in this war. And also that I will finally meet the wolf who had struck fear into the very hearts of my men.

I hope you don't disappoint.

Was the last thought in my mind as we emerged into the clearing to see many pairs of eyes glaring at us.

But one particular wolf caught my eye and a dark smile came as I saw pure rage and hate in his eyes.

Finally, we meet.

Jayden's POV

"Good!! It's good to see that all had improved in such a short span of time." I said approvingly at them.

"You taught them well Mikey. Perhaps you should keep training them." He narrowed his eyes at me.

I could hear some groaned coming from them and I couldn't help but raise my curiosity.

"Is there something I'm not getting here??" Raph walked up to me with his hood up with a smirk on his face.

"Lets just say that Michael was really convincing when it came to pushing yourself to your limit." I turned towards him as he pretended to be checking his nails, whistling.

He turned to me. "What??"

"You can go against Jayden at how intense you are in training." James walked laughed followed by Anthony.

"Hmm, I'll take that as a complement. So thank you."

"But I don't think someone could ever compare to how intense Jayden can be." He quickly added.

"Yup. Just remember that they only had two sessions with me. They haven't even see how intense I can be." They all looked a bit nervous when I looked at them, smiling.

Seeing their faces me and the gang laughed, but that was when suddenly...


Mason ran towards me with an anxious expression.

"What is it??"

"Your dad's looking for you." I looked at him annoyed when he said 'dad'

"Well tell him I don't want to see him right now. Or ever, for that matter."

"Jayden, vampires have entered pack lands." They all looked at Mason with shock written on their faces while I on the other hand was pissed.

"Can't they just give me a fucking break." I growled. "How many??"

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