Chapter 34

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Sebastian's POV

The morning after the attack, I woke up and thought that everything was a dream and that I was gonna see Jayden walk pass me any second. But when I saw my mom's expression as she sat on the porch of our house, my heart sank when I confirmed that my dream was actually reality.

"Mom??" She looked up at me, giving me a sad smile. "Morning sweety."

I sat down beside her as she leaned on my shoulder. "I'm.. gonna go with dad and the others to get Jayden." From the deep sigh she gave, I knew that she was just stopping the tears from falling.

"I just can't believe he's gone." I pulled her in for a hug. "I didn't even get to make it up to him for all those years."

"He knows that you regret what you did mom. What we both did, and even if it was short I knew he felt loved again. I know that he was happy."

She wiped away a tear as she smiled at me sadly. "Thank you sweety."

I got up and gave her a kiss on her forehead. "I gotta go mom." I turned around and walked towards the easter territory. "Tell me when your back."

I turn back towards my mom and slowly nodded my head before I continued to walk.

I saw my dad and three other wolves waiting. "Hi dad." He squeezed my shoulder softly.

He had bags under his eyes and I knew that he'd recently cried from the tear stained face.

"Should we shift??" I asked him but he shook his head. "Let's just walk. I'm still tired from last night."

We walked into the woods. The sun was begining to rise so we could see through the trees more clearly.

We all stayed silent and I picked up my pace to catch up to dad who was leading us.

"Dad??" He looked at me a second before turning his gaze back to the path we were headed.

"Dad, just give her some time." I said to him. We continued walking in silence. Hearing the chirping of the birds, you would've never have guessed what happened last night.

"She has every right to hate me." I looked at my father who didn't meet my gaze.

"She has every right. Hell, even I hate myself right now." I listened on. "All those years. All those years he needed me to be there for him. All those years and I didn't even think of what he felt or what he was going through. And now he's gone. And I didn't get to apologize to him for being a worthless father." He wiped away a tear.

"Everytime I saw him being treated badly by the pack, I... I didn't even think about helping him. I didn't even care if he was hurt. And now I..."

He suddenly stopped. His eyes looking around. "Dad??" He ignored me and continued looking around.

"Dad what's wrong??"

Maddison's POV

I felt a slight tap on my nose, making me scrunch. A second later, I felt another tap on my nose. I was getting really annoyed, until I heard a low amused chuckle making me open my eyes to see green orbs looking at me.

"Morning wisepup." I instantly tried to get up but ended up falling off the bed.

"Not a morning person I see." He smiled down at me.

I just lied there on the floor, staring at him. My heart sped up as I couldn't believe that he was here.


He got up from the bed and pulled me up. As our hands touched, I felt the sparks and the warmth that I felt whenever Jayden was involved.

"You okay there Maddy??" He asked me, but I didn't answer as I just pulled him to me.

He was shocked for a moment before he circled his arms around me, pulling me to his tight embrace.

"How is this possible??" He pulled away from me and lightly stroked my cheek. "What do you mean love??"

I felt my face heat up for what he called me. "Y-you... Y-you died."

He looked at me confused. "Maddy, look at me." Doing as he told, I looked at him. Those green orbs held me in a trance as I waited for him to talk.

"I'm right here. I'm right here in front of you. And I'm not going anywhere. I'm never gonna leave you wisepup." He then crashed our lips and I relished the feel of intense electricity flowing through my body.

Pulling away, he placed each of his hands on my cheeks.

"I'll always be here for you." He said as he leaned his forehead into mine.


I opened my eyes as the light of the sun shined through my window.

I felt a body beside me and I immediately looked and hoped to see the short jet black hair of my mate but was met with the long black hair of my best friend. Memories of last night came back.

So it was a dream. Jayden isn't here. Not anymore.

I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom. After doing my business, I walked out to see Louren already up and waiting for me.

"Wanna get some breakfast??" I knew that she'd never accept no so I juat nodded my head.

We made our way to the kitchen and saw that mom, dad and mason were already up.

"Morning" we both greeted. " morning sweety. Breakfast will be done in a sec, Louren your parents went out early to help out with the pack so you join us for breakfast okay??" She nodded and we both sat down.

We all ate in silence. No sound came, until a loud bang was heard from.the door.

Beta Grey and Sebastian walked in the kitchen. "Alpha."

Dad looked at them. "Jonathan." He said before looking at me.

"Did you... Bring back the omega's body??" I looked down, willing my tears not to fall.

I wanted to see him, but I don't know if I could handle seeing him lifeless. I just couldn't.

"That's what we wanted to talk to you about Alpha." We all looked at the father and son confused.

"Why?? Did something happen??" It was hard to read their expression. What was wrong?? What happened??

"We don't know Alpha. We went to the place where.." Seb looked at me. "Maddison and Dad saw Jayden being held my the vampires but..."

"We didn't find his body."

Two updates to make up for the short last chapter😊😊 I hope you enjoy this one. So what do you think happened?? You know the drill guys please...


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