Chapter 91

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Jayden's POV

It was like the earth itself shook beneath my paws as me and the warriors of the three packs ran through the forest.

Feeling the fresh night breeze brushing through my fur as we made our way to the battle that might as well be the last for some of us here.

We were still fifteen minutes out from Sherwood pack lands but hearing the distant howls and the uneasy feeling within me made it certain that the attack had already started.

I looked to my right, seeing Nathan in his wolf form running beside me and Elise on his back holding for dear life. Jonathan was running on my other side as the rest of the warriors ran behind us.

The witch turned her gaze to me, giving a single nod. She already knew what she had to do, for we've already talked this through before we left. But there was one thing that I made very clear, making sure that everyone understood.

Marcus, was mine...

Maddison's POV


I felt absolutely worthless as I stared out at the moon from my balcony feeling my tears about to fall knowing that wolves, my family might be fighting for their lives at this very moment.

The whole morning I've been made to do every vampire's whim in this damn castle but I didn't care cause the second that Steven told me that he delivered the message to Silver Moon I knew that they would not think twice to aid Sherwood.

And normally, my worry wouldn't be this intense since Silver Moon together with Moonstone and Bloodrose is a formidable force.

But the fact that Marcus himself is in this fight, that's what's getting me worried. For I knew that no wolf can match to him. No wolf, but Jayden.

And as strong as he is, Marcus is an enemy that you must never take likely. Cause from what I can see everytime I look in his eyes, he holds no remorse. He relishes on the pain and suffering of others.

And he's more than willing to risk his life, like there was nothing else to live for just so that he gets what he wants.

And a being that has nother else to live for is dangerous...

I just pray to the Goddess that they'll be alright.

The Sherwood pack.

Silver Moon.



My father.



And every innocent soul who was sucked into this war.

Be safe. All of you be safe..

I tried to console myself as I entered my room and lied on my bed but the thought of Jayden and Marcus doing battle still fills me with dread.

"Jayden, wherever you are or whoever you stand against... Just know...."

3rd person's POV

As Garreth, Timothy and the other Alphas were in their rooms, they were unaware of the dangerous being and the hundreds of battle ready vampire that has entered Sherwood lands.

The cold wind entered through the Bloodrose alpha's window, making a shudder run up on the said alpha's spine as if trying to warn him of the coming events that threatened them.

Meanwhile, just beyond the forest stood Marcus.

He gazed upon the unsuspecting wolves who were at the guards post. And with one signal to his soldiers, the guards dropped dead on the ground.

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