Chapter 40

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Maddison's POV

(Two and a half months later)

More than two months, that's how long it has been since the war started. That's how long it's been since my mate died and everyday I could feel Fia getting weaker. Not a day passes that we wouldn't miss him.

In the span of those months, the vampires have attacked again taking two packs with him. One of those packs happened to be the Moonstone pack. Jason's pack.

Dad gave refuge for the survivors of Moonstone, one of which was Jason who lost both of his parents in the attack.

All packs have lost so much, ours especially. The council has done what they could to help but there's a limit to what they can do.

I was currently helping my mom tend to our wounded in the pack clinic. It was not a sight that you'd want to see in here. Blood stained the floors, bodies were put in a large room just beside mine and you could start to smell the decay coming from it.

Pack members crying for their dead, for love ones that they lost. I pray, oh I pray to the Goddess to give us the strength that we need to overcome this war.

"Maddison, you can go home for the day. I'll just finish this up and I'll catch up with you." My mom said as she was cleaning the wounds of one of our warriors.

"It's alright mom. I'll help you out and we can go home together later." She look at me and shook her head.

"No it's fine. Besides, Mason and your father might be headed home. I need you to cook dinner." Deciding not to argue, I gave her a kiss before walking out of the room heading home.

On my way, I observed our pack situation. The once peaceful time, you could still hear the laughter of pups while they ran around, their parents calling their attention cause it was time to go home.

Now, it was just silence. A very eerie silence was present.

I saw the lights that came from the packhouse up ahead. When I opened the door, Loury greeted me with a tight hug.

"Do you mind helping me cook dinner??" Nodding her head, we went to the kitchen and started cooking.

An hour past before I heard the front door open. Mason and my dad entered giving us a small smile.

"Hi dad." I say giving him a kiss on his cheeks. "Hey Mase."

"Where's mom??" He asked as he sat down on the table. "She had to finish up some things in the clinic. So is everything okay with the borders??"

Vampires were sighted today so Dad and Mason went out early. "We caught their scent but its still difficult to find them." Mason gave out a big sigh.

"Well Loury and I cooked some pasta. Could all help yourselves."

We set up the table and started eating. Mom came home a while later and joined us.

After dinner mom said that Loury and I could go to bed since it was a very busy day today.

We headed up stairs and said our goodnights before going into our separate rooms.

After taking a quick shower and brushing my teeth I lied on my bed thinking of nothing else but Jayden.

My heart still felt the pain of loosing him. Fia whimpered at our memories and I let out a sob as I remembered our kissed and hugs. But that's all they will ever be.

Just memories.

Jayden's POV

We spent half of the day decorating and cooking for Garreth's birthday party.

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