Chapter 9

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Jayden's POV

Walking through the hallway I rushed through the sea of students.

Truth is that Jason will be much better for me than he can ever be

Those words kept playing in my head.

I've already rejected him. Her voice rang in my mind, then the unforgettable image of her and Jason kissing made if even harder for me to hold in the hurt and pain that I felt.

I just wanted to scream out, to let it all out and just cry. I knew that some say guys don't cry but I didn't care.

I finally reached the school exit and head for the woods. I continued to run even though my lungs felt like collapsing until I heard the familiar crash of water ahead.

I stopped running when I reached the waterfall and tried to catch my breath.

This place was always my safe haven. The place where I don't have to listen to their taunts and bullshit.The place where I can think. And the one place where I can be myself without a worry.

"Why??" I whispered. "Why can't they accept me?? Why can't SHE accept me?!? Am I not allowed to at least even just once be fucking happy?!?" I shouted.

"Goddess please tell me."I whispered as the ache in my heart increased and Ros whimpered and cried out for his mate. Tears were now freely flowing down my face.

Louren's POV

I walked out of the cafeteria and looked for Jayden.

"Kori can you get his scent??" I asked my wolf (her wolfs' full name is Koreatis)

"It's faint. It's hard to pick it up with these other strong scents around us."

I continued to look for him everywhere but he was gone. I saw Sebastian hanging out with Mason, maybe they've seen him.

I was walking towards them when Mason noticed me. "Hey Loury. You need something??"

"Yeah hi, actually I wanted to asked you guys if you saw Jayden anywhere??" Sebastian body straightened up.

"Why are you looking for my brother?? Did something happen??" He asked me seriously. I felt a little uncomfortable. "It's... I'm not sure if I should tell you guys."

"Louren, I've been abandoning him since he was seven and that's something that I will forever regret so please if something's wrong tell me cause I'm not abandoning him if he needs me this time." He pleaded.

I groaned. "Well... S-somthing happened in the cafeteria earlier which involves Maddy." Mason looked at me from his phone at the mention of his sister. The look on his face told me that he was hiding something, and I had a feeling I knew what it was.

"Did you know??" He looked at me confused. "What do you mean Loury??" I narrowed my eyes. "About Maddy and Jason. Did you know about them??"

"Well, Jason told me last week that he was going to ask Maddy to be his girlfriend. I didn't know that they were now official."

"And you agreed?!? What the fuck Man!! You know that Maddy is Jaydens' mate!!!" Sebastian yelled angrily yelled.

"Careful Grey. You may be future Beta but I am your future Alpha and I demand respect." He growled. I looked around and luckily there were no humans around to hear them.

"You two need to stop. Humans could hear you." I silently screamed at them.

"Respect?? Then why don't you respect my brother first huh. You knew that they're mates yet you still allowed Jason to take her away from him." He snarled.

"Correction. Maddy REJECTED him, so she now has the right to choose who ever she wanted. I wanted her to have the best, and that's what Jason is for her. And your one to talk, you never really cared for that mutt until now so don't go high and mighty on me Grey." He said as he glared at Sebastian.

"Rejected or not they will always have a bond, no one could ever replace your mate. And yes I never cared for him in the past, but now is different." He said then looked at me with a serious expression.

" Lets go. We have to find him." He then started walking with me behind him leaving Mason alone in the hallway looking mad.

"Do you have any idea on where he could go??" I asked him. He thought for a moment. "I have no idea where he could be." He answered grimly.

Jayden's POV

I opened my eyes and was confused. It was very dark and I could hear water crashing and crickets around me. It was then I remembered everything, from school until the part were I ran here.

I must have fallen asleep. I looked at my phone and saw that it was 7:38pm. I've been asleep for hours, which was dangerous considering that I was in the woods cause all I know I could of been killed if a rouge would've found me here.

I decided to go home. So I stood up and grabbed my bag. As I took one step, I suddenly felt an excruciating pain throughout my body.

"What the hell's happening??" I asked myself as I felt like my bones were being broken and snapped back together.

"Jay, you have to call for help. You have to call Mom and Sebastian." I heard Ros tell me. "What's happening to me??" I asked I felt another wave of pain.

"Your shifting" 

I was shifting?? Fuck!! Talk about bad timing. "You need to call them now Jay. You can't handle this by yourself"

Doing as he said, I opened my link with Sebastian. "Seb."
I called

"Jayden!!! Where are you?!? Mom, Louren and I have been looking everywhere for you!!" He said in a relieved tone.

"I'm on the edge of the eastern part of the territory. You have to hurry, I-I'm shifting." I said as I felt my bones begining to break one by one.

"Where on our way. Hold on Jay."


In this story, a female werewolf can sense her mate a 16 years old while a male werewolf at 17. When they do meet, within 10 day they will shift (not in the same day) for the first time.

In an event that a werewolf will NOT meet his/her mate within 1 year, said werewolf will shift. For example, a male werewolf has turned 18 but still hasn't met his mate. On the night of his 18th birthday, he will shift even if he hasn't met his mate yet.

Hope you all understand😁 if not don't hesitate to ask me in the comments. So, please everyone...


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