Chapter 68

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Warning!! Slightly sexual content in this chapter but it's not what you think...

Jayden's POV

I don't know why I chose to go to the woods. I knew the risks, I knew that vampires could be lurking within it but at the moment I didn't care.

"What the fuck just happened??" I whispered out.

How the hell did she affect me like that?? I thought I had it all under control.

But apparently I don't...

I punch a nearby tree in anger. I kept on walking with no destination in mind.

This can't happen... It can't...

A twig snapping brought me out of my  thoughts, and I readied myself for the possible fight. But when a certain scent hit me, I let out a growl when I realized who it was.

"What the hell are you doing here??" I spat out as a golden wolf walked out of the bushes.

"I came out here to get away from you so go back to the pack. And get the hell away from me." I then walked away from her, but then I noticed that she was still following behind me and it really pissed me off.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?!?!" She jumped at my sudden outburst. She lowered her head slightly with her ears flat on her head and her tail tucked between her legs.

I scoffed at that. "If you have nothing to say then we're both wasting our time. I'm gonna say this again. Leave. Me. Alone." I let out some power in my voice and I could see her struggling.

As I turned away to try and walk away again, I heard cracking behind me but I didn't mind. Until I heard her voice.

"It's not safe out here."

I was a few meters away from her when I stopped. "I'm not stupid, I know. And I don't care. As long as this forest get me away from you. It's worth the risk."

"You may think it's worth it but I don't. Please Jay, I don't want you getting hurt." She pleaded as she cautiously walked towards me.

I gave out a laugh when I heard what she said. "Says the girl who fucked some other guy despite telling her mate that she loves him." She visibly flinched.

"Don't give me that crap Mclaire. And what happened back there was a mistake!! I'm starting to think that accepting the council's condition was a mistake!! And you know what?!? I'd rather die than spend another fucking second in this pack with you!!"

My head suddenly turned when a sudden force hit me on my cheek. I could feel a stinging sensation on my cheek as I lightly touched it with my hand. My eyes widened. Shocked at what just happened.

She slapped me..

I looked at her as she was standing right in front of me with an extremely hurt expression.

"You may be ready to die Jayden but I'm not. I can't and won't let you get hurt ever again!!! And if someone in this whole fucking world deserves to die it's me!!! Not you!! Me!! This damn world would have been better off without me!! You wouldn't of gotten hurt if it wasn't for me!! And you wouldn't have DIED if it weren't for MY FUCKING DAMN SELF!!!" She yelled out as I just stayed there frozen while I looked at her depressed expression. A lone tear escaped her and I almost wanted to brush it off but I decided against it.

"You have a son Jay. A beautiful son. Lucas is going to need his daddy. To show him how this fucked up world really works. So you can't die or get hurt Jay. Give me all the hate. Punish me. Hell, hurt me if you want. If my very presence pisses you off then do whatever you want with me, I'll take it all in open arms just don't go into situations that would put your life in danger. As I said, I'd rather I die than you cause you have someone to live for. And that's Lucas."

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