Chapter 45

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Maddison's POV

"Alright that's enough training for the day. Same time again tomorrow, don't be late. If so, you can kiss an extra ten laps around the packhouse." My dad said as he stood in front of us.

"Dismissed." I went to my bag and took out my tower to wipe away my sweat.

"Hey girl." I turned around to see Louren with a smile on her face.

"How was training??"

"The usual. It was hell. Dad really know how to push you." I said as I drank some water.

"How are you doing??" Giving her a confused look. "I'm fine. Why do you ask??" She let out a sigh as she firmly put her hands on my shoulders.

"You know you can tell me Mads. I know your still hurting." I looked away from her and took a deep breath as I could feel my heart getting heavy.

"I always think about him, I always will. I will always regret every stupid decision that I made." I could feel my tears about to fall.

"I will love him. Always will. I just... I just wish I had the chance to tell him that." I pulled away from her and picked up my bag.

"You were pressured Mads. By the pack, by your father. You didn't..."

"No Loury. I made those stupid decisions. I had a chance to be happy. Happy with Jayden. With my mate." I choked out.

"But now he's gone. I didn't even get the chance to fix my mistake and that will forever haunt me." She didn't say a word. All she did was pull me in. Giving me a comforting hug as I let out all my frustrations and anger against myself go.

"Just remember Mads." Putting her hands on my cheeks. "The Goddess always has a reason for these things."

Jayden's POV

Me and Taylor were in the local hospital for her check-up. Garreth said that his friend Dr. Ashton was a werewolf and that he was more than happy to help us.

"Can I help you??" A nurse in the nurse's desk asked us.

"Uh yeah. We have an appointment with Dr. Ashton for a check-up." I politely said to her.

"Can I have a name??"

"Taylor Hill." I said.

She started typing on her computer until she looked up at us. "Okay please follow me Dr. Ashton is waiting for you."

We followed the nurse until we reached a room. "The doctor's waiting for you both inside." She smiled at us before walking away.

We opened the door to see a man, maybe in his early forties waiting for us. "You must be Jayden and Taylor??"

"Yes doctor. Thank you for seeing us today."

"Garreth is a friend of mine. Nothing like what his reputation says about him. Now, I'd like you to lie down here miss Taylor and can you please pull up your shirt a little just till your stomach is exposed."

She did as he asked as I just stood beside her. "Before we start the ultrasound I'll apply this jell on your abdomen. A bit of a warning. It's a bit cold."

He applied the jell, making Taylor jump a little. "Now lets look for your little angel."

He started moving the device around for a few minutes. "And there he is. Or she is. Looks like everything's going good."

I looked at the black and white image and I couldn't help but smile.

"Would you like some pictures??" We both nodded as he took away the device and gave Taylor some tissue to wipe the jell off.

"Now. I would like to discuss some things to you both." We sat down on the chair waiting for him to continue.

"Unlike human pregnancies which takes nine months, werewolf pregnancies only take six. I saw nothing irregular during the ultrasound so I feel things will go smoothly. Now, Taylor I know that you're head warrior right??" She nodded.

"Well I'm sorry but I don't think it's good if you continue your training while pregnant. It could harm the pup." She didn't look happy for a second before she agreed to what he said.

"If it's for the pup then I'll do it."

"Okay. Now you need to eat healthy food. No alcoholic drinks and avoid stress. I will tell my nurse to schedule your next appointment and to get you the vitamins that you need." We got up from our seats and shook the kind doctors hand.

"Thank you Dr. Ashton."

We walked out of the hospital towards the car that we borrowed from Garreth.

" So you heard what the doctor said. No stress."

"I don't know how I can do that with you and Mikey around." I laughed at that.

"Hey Jay??"

"Yeah??" I said not taking my eyes out of the road.

"Since I can't be the head warrior anymore, someone has to take that position."

"I'm not taking the position" She sighed.

"And why not??"

"I'm not good enough." She rolled her eyes at me. "Your the second best warrior in the pack."

"I say I'm the best warrior in the pack."

"Don't push it." I chuckled at her.

"C'mon Jay. There's no one I'd rather give my position other than you." I thought about it for a moment.

"Fine. I'll take the position. If, Garreth agrees."

"Oh he'll agree don't worry."

We got back to the packhouse after stopping my at the groceries to buy some things needed.

"How was the check-up??" Lina asked us as I closed the front door.

"It went well. Bought somethings for Taylor. Some fruits, vegies, healthy food."

"Here I'll take those. You go and walk Taylor to her room so she can rest." I gave her the groceries before me and Taylor went upstairs.

I looked at Taylor as she walked. She had a smile on her face. "Well your in a good mood." I mused at her.

"Today was a really great day. I'm really happy that our pup is in good health."

"Me too." I smiled at her.

"You know there something that could make this day even better." She said as we reached her room.

"What??" I asked her.

"Close your eyes and I'll show you."

I looked at her confused but did as she said. "Okay now what??"

She giggled. "Just shut up." she said before I felt her lips crash on mine.


Chapter done!!!

So as I said there will be a huge time skip in the next chapter.

What do you guys think of this update?? I guess some of you if not all are happy with the end of this chapter?? Hahah until then guys..


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