🏫🐺Derek's Loft🐺🏫

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Things you may need to know!

Allison isn't dead.
Aidan is sadly dead.
Ethan, Erica and Boyd moved to London and no one had sadly seen them since... Except one member of the pack...
Stiles and Allison are fraternal twins! Noah Stilinski is their dad and their mother died when they were young. (Chris Argent still exists but he has no children). Allison lives with Lydia as they are dating, but Stiles is a single pringle still living with his dad.
Stiles learnt how to control the nogitsune's power and he can shift from being the nogitsune and back to himself, whilst still being in control. He now helps to fight against evil with his pack.
Theo is apart of the pack and he proved to them that he is trustworthy.
Everyone is 18 or above!
Read the description if you haven't already. Okay I'm finished now, let the story begin!

It was a day before the pack had to leave for their holiday. They had all planned to meet up and sleep round at Derek's loft, so they could all leave for the airport, early in the morning, together.

Scott said his goodbyes to his mother, who really didn't want Scott to go. She wanted him to stay so she could protect him. Deep down, she knew she couldn't anyway. Scott pecked her forehead and headed out.

Stiles hugged his father.
"It's going to be alright, dad! It's only for 2 weeks. Besides, you'll be able to relax at home without me disturbing you every 10 seconds".
They both let out a short chuckle.
"Listen, son, if you need anything, you, you call me straight away. You hear me?"
"Yes, dad! We'll be fine!"
Stiles throws his bag, filled with his essentials, into the car seat next to him. He climbs in his Jeep and waves goodbye to his dad. He started the engine and drove his way to Derek's loft.

Malia stayed at Kira's house. They both knew they had feelings for each other but they never admitted it.
"Bye mom! Me and Malia are leaving!"
Kira's mom comes rushing downstairs and gives Kira a big kiss on the cheek.
"Mom! You're embarrassing me!" Kira whispered. She started to blush as she saw Malia staring straight at her.
Kira's dad yelled happily from the kitchen, "You guys should go, have fun!"
They both leave and packed the car, ready to head to Derek's.

Allison kissed Lydia's lips lightly, then stared into her eyes.
"What?" Lydia said sheepishly.
"You're too beautiful not to look at" Allison smiled.
Lydia smiled back and she was about to go in for another kiss until her mom walked in. The two girls see Lydia's mom in the corner of their eyes and they back away from each other.
"It's okay girls! I won't stop you!" She winks at Lydia and Allison. "You guys should get going! I love Hawaii, why can't you take me with you??"
Lydia sighed, "Mom, I would, but you'd steal all the spotlight from me!"
They all laughed.
Eventually, Allison and Lydia went downstairs and loaded the car. It wasn't long before they left to Derek's.

Jackson groaned to the sound of his parents screaming his name. Shit he thought. He had overslept! The pack were probably at Derek's loft by now. He didn't want to be late. Last time he was, Derek gave him a death stare, colder than ice. It sent chills down his back. The sound of his parents snapped him out of his thoughts.
"Y-yeah mom! I'll be five minutes!"
Good thing Jackson had packed the night before. He brushed his teeth, and put fresh clothes on. He wondered, am I forgetting something? He looked at the time. He was already late by 30 minutes. Atleast the flight isn't today he thought. He picked up his bag and headed downstairs, where he was soon greeted by his parents. He rushes past them, "Sorry mom I over slept by 30 minutes! See you, love you, bye!"
Jackson had already left.
His parents stood in shock. He never says 'I love you.'
Jackson got into his car. Shit, he once thought again. He must've been in such a hurry, he said the three words he never says. He shrugged it off and hit the gas.

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