🍹🏝Gone Hawaii🌴🥭

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After a long 5 and a half hours, they landed swiftly in Hawaii! They all got woken up by each other and they started to fumble for their hand luggage.
"Are we really here? Hawaii?"
"I can feel the sun from here!"
"Can't wait to piss you all off" Theo grinned.
"I remember our last holiday to New York. You all pissed me off. It's my turn now."
"Well good luck with that!"
They all continued to chat as they lined up in the plane waiting to be escorted out.
One by one they stepped off the plane and felt the hot sun beating against their face.
"This is so freaking awesome!" Lydia squealed.
"Alright listen up, you follow me and only me. If you get lost then you're stuck stranded here in Hawaii. Got that?" Derek announced.
"I wouldn't mind being stuck here" Isaac said playfully.

They all followed Derek all the way to where they collect their bigger luggage. Everyone had gotten theirs off the conveyor belt, except for Jackson and Malia.
"Does it usually take this long?" Malia asked.
"You're lucky if you get your bags within the first half hour." Peter said whilst smirking.
A few minutes passed. Malia wasn't paying attention. She was looking at her nails and biting at them. Jackson's bag finally came but someone took his bag before he could get it.
"W-wait, hey! That's my bag!" Jackson tried to reason with the stranger.
"Ya?" She looked up at Kira.
"Is that your bag?"
Malia looked at the conveyor belt and scanned it. It was her bag, but it had already passed her and it was on the other side.
Malia, out of instinct, went all coyote style and jumped on the conveyor belt dodging all the luggage.
"Malia! What the hell are you doing?" Scott shouted.
Malia stumbled and wobbled her way over quickly to the other side. Her bag was about to go but she grabbed it and jumped off the conveyor belt.
"Open it up! Open the bag and let's see who's stuff it is!" Jackson snarled.
They opened the bag and, to the stranger's surprise, it was Jackson's suitcase. The stranger looked embarrassed and handed Jackson the luggage and walked away. "Yeah, that's right!"
Malia came round to meet with the pack. "That was so cool! I felt like an Indian Jones!" Malia said happily.
"For fuck sake Malia it's Indiana Jones" Theo said tiredly.
"You know the luggage would've come back round... There was no need to go coyote style." Scott said.
Malia's face went red as she looked around and saw everyone staring at her. She let off a low growl.
"OKaY, that's enough." Peter guided Malia out of the airport with the rest of the pack.

"So, do we have a hotel or?" Stiles asked.
"Well, I kind of have a surprise!" Derek grinned.
"Ooh, are we going skiing?"
Everyone looked at Kira.
"Fucking skiing?" Theo repeated.
"Why would we be skiing in Hawaii." Stiles said.
"Enough! Listen, there will be no skiing. But, we are staying at Hilton Waikiki beach resort!" Derek smiled waiting for a response.
The only one who jumped up with excitement was Allison.
"Waka waka what now?" Liam asked.
"Not waka waka, wiki wiki dip shit." Theo snarled at Liam.
"I'm pretty sure it's wae-ki wae-ki" Lydia said.
"For fuck sake." Derek's smile had changed into a stern face.
"Guys! Aren't you excited? This place is super expensive and super posh! We're living in luxury!" Allison cheered.
Everyone soon realised and they were buzzing out of excitement.
"How does one like Derek Hale, gather enough money for a posh resort like this?" Isaac asked.
"I have my secrets!" Derek winked.
"The car ride to the resort is 10 minutes." Derek said.
Peter held his hand out waiting for a taxi to stop until one finally did.
"Do you have space for 12 people?" Peter asked.
The taxi driver said, "I have space for 5 people in the back and 2 in the front. You can sit on each other's lap though."
"Perfect!" Derek and Peter sat, once again, comfortably in the front.
"What the fuck?! Why do we have to sit ontop of each other?" Kira moaned.
"Don't worry, you sit with me." Malia winked.
The first five people to sit down in the back where Scott, Malia, Allison, Isaac and Theo.
Jackson got on first. "Nope. I am not sitting on Scott's lap."
Kira got on second. "Oh hurry up! She pushed Jackson into Scott's lap.
"Fucking hell!" Jackson grunted.
Scott blushed a bit. Why the fuck am I blushing! Stop it! Stop doing that! Scott thought.
Kira gently sat on Malia's lap and they smiled at each other. Next, was Stiles. He didn't mind sitting on his sibling. He was about to sit on Allison when Lydia grabbed him and said, "Nope! I want to sit with my girlfriend!"
She pushed him behind her and sat on Allison. Stiles winced. He looked at the new person he had to sit on and it was Isaac. Well played, he thought. Lydia winked at Stiles.
"C'mon then!" Isaac said whilst patting his legs.
"Don't do that you look like a phedophile." Stiles said whilst bending down to sit in Isaac's lap.
Last to get on was Liam. He saw everyone sitting in each others lap and the last person was Theo. Of course it was.
"Oh fuck no. I am not sitting on that rat bag!" Liam squealed.
"Hey!" Theo said offendedly.
"Come on Liam, you might like it." Isaac said playfully.
"Oh you shut up!" Theo snarled.
"Hurry up guys!" Derek shouted from the front seats.
Jackson stood up and pushed Liam onto Theo.
"I'm going to kill you" Liam muttered to Jackson.
Everyone then got their seatbelt and put it over them and their buddy sitting in their lap, before clicking it into place.
"All set!" Scott shouted.
The taxi began to start driving.
Everyone was chatting and laughing. Except for Liam. He was growling the whole way.
The pack were like family to each other. Deep down, they all didn't mind who they sat on. They were all so close, that it didn't matter.

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