🥳💃The DistrictNightclub🕺🎉

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Stiles looked down at his phone and realised it was 6PM. Time flies when you're relaxing in your own thoughts.


Missed call from Coyote, 13 minutes ago.

Stiles sighed, and he rang Malia back.
He lifted the phone to his ear and waited for her to pick up.

"Stiles? Where are you! The taxi is going to be here any minute! You don't want to be late for clubbing, do ya? Although it's a long ass card ride..." Malia said, internally sighing.
"Yeah, sorry. I just decided to get some fresh air and lost track of time. I'll be back at the hotel in 10 minutes" Stiles said sheepishly.
"10 minutes? The taxi driver won't wait that long..." She said sadly.
"Please Malia? I'm not in the mood right now. Just figure something out, okay?" Stiles said, now slightly angry. He had all these thoughts about Isaac in the back of his head.
"Okay, I'll try. Hurry up!" Malia said, before ending the call quickly.

Stiles huffed and stood up. He realised his socks were slightly wet. Great, I was so caught up with scarf boy, I didn't realise the water literally inches away from me, seeping into my shoes. Stiles thought.
He brushed all of the remaining sand off of him once he reached concrete. He began jogging back to the hotel. He really didn't want to go clubbing, instead, he wanted to scrunch up in a small ball and devour cookie dough icecream all to himself. He finally arrived and went inside the lobby.
He waited a few minutes and he still didn't see the pack.
Stiles reached into his pocket and saw a message from Malia.


New message from Coyote, 4 minutes ago.

Coyote: Sorry Stilessss we couldn't get the taxi driver to wait. He had other customers to attend to. We already left but if u wanna take another taxi we r at the District Nightclub. It's pretty popular so ur taxi driver should know where to go. Hope u come! xoxox

Stiles: it's alright, thx for trying! Have fun x

Stiles stuffed his phone back into his pocket and headed back to his room. He was more than happy that he didn't have to go.
He put on his plain, blue pyjama t-shirt and grey joggers. He hopped into bed and wrapped himself warmly in the blanket. Within seconds, he was asleep.
All the crying exhausted Stiles out on the beach, he needed a good night's sleep. Sadly, he wasn't going to get it today.

It wasn't atleast 3 minutes after he had fallen asleep, he was awoken again by someone grabbing him out of bed.
He was so tired and groggy, he didn't have the strength to scream. Stiles tugged at the mysterious arms pulling at him and he soon opened his eyes. Once he saw who he saw, he was very confused.
"W-what are you doing here?" Stiles asked with his raspy voice.
Before anything else happened, the man held up cloth against Stiles' face, which sent him into a deep sleep...

Meanwhile, an hour ago...

The pack had gathered at the entrance of the hotel, ready to leave.
"Okay, is everyone here?" Peter asked.
"Uhh, wait where's Stiles?" Kira said.
"I rang him a few minutes ago, he didn't pick up" Malia said sadly.
"Okay, he'll probably show up. If he rings back, tell him the taxi will be here any minute" Derek firmly said.
"Boy oh boy, this is going to be so fun!" Jackson squealed.
Scott held Jackson from behind and licked the back of his ear. Allison saw and nudged them both before smirking.
This made Jackson blush and he looked to the ground. He felt Scott's weak boner, than gradually got bigger and stronger. Jackson tried to resist getting one himself so he decided to free himself from Scott's grasp. When he did, Scott pulled him in closer, grinding his now fully erected boner further into him. Jackson couldn't resist but let out a small moan under his breath. Luckily no one heard it.
"We'll continue this at the club" Scott whispered into Jackson's ear, which sent good chills down his spine.
Jackson decided to stay infront of Scott, so the rest of the pack couldn't see his boner. Jackson was getting one too, but he didn't mind anyone seeing. He just used the excuse that he had a big dick. To his surprise, it worked on a couple of occasions.

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