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The pack headed back up to their rooms to relax and get ready, as they were going clubbing at 8PM.

Stiles entered his room to see Liam, Theo and Isaac chilling. He took this opportunity to have a nice, refreshing shower.

Isaac heard him turn the nozzle for the shower. He wanted to join Stiles so badly, but he didn't want to make Stiles uncomfortable. Little did he know, Stiles was wishing for Isaac to join him.

An hour passed and he got out the shower. He wrapped a towel around his waist. He went back into the room where the boys were chilling and he grabbed his clothes before heading to the bathroom again. He got changed and refreshed himself. Making sure he smelled nice and looked nice.

He didn't feel like talking to anyone. He wanted to clear his head. He was worried that Isaac only wanted a one night stand and nothing more.

He exited the bathroom and saw Isaac asleep. Liam and Theo were just about to leave.
"Hey Stiles! We're going to get a quick snack, wanna come?" Liam whispered.
Stiles just nodded and followed the two boys out the room.

Liam and Theo were a bit ahead of him because he had to lock their room. He began to follow them, but Lydia pulled him into the girls room.

"Woah!" Stiles let out, surprised.
"I'm gonna help you cover the bruising!" Lydia grinned.
"Oh, it's okay. You can do it later before we leave or something..." Stiles said cautiously.
"Hush, my child" Lydia placed Stiles on her bed whilst Allison, Kira and Malia watched.
"Why do I feel like you're up to something?" Stiles looked at Lydia, who was picking out different shades of Concealer to match his skin tone.
"Ugh! Fine" Malia said slowly.
Stiles whipped his head around to Malia. He was shocked they gave in that easily.
"How was Isaac?" Kira grinned.
"Are you guys, together now? Or is it like how it is with Brett?" Malia asked.
"Are you top or bottom?" Allison asked.
Stiles was shocked. He didn't know what to say!
"Firstly, Isaac was great, secondly, how do you even know about Brett? And thirdly, I don't want my sibling to know if top or not" Stiles let out in one big breath.
"He's definitely a bottom" Allison winked.
Stiles squinted his eyes at her.
"I knew about Brett because I saw you guys, together... Doing the nasty" Malia said, instantly regretting what she just exposed.
Stiles went wide eyed.
"D-id you watch?" He asked sheepishly.
"What! Of course not!" Malia was so guilty, you could smell it off of her.
Kira raised an eyebrow at her.
"Okay maybe I watched a little... It was hot, okay!" Malia confessed.
Stiles was kind of happy.
"I'm not complaining, you find me hot!"
Malia looked at Stiles, "Not you, Brett. You were cute too but Brett was just, amazing to look at"
Kira hit Malia's arm playfully.
Stiles' grin dropped into a moody face. He was then caught off guard by the cold substance being applied to his neck. He winced a bit, but it felt good. The cold soothed the pain.
"I never would have expected you and Isaac. Don't get me wrong, I shipped you and Isaac completely but, I mean, Scott and Jackson were obvious, but you and Isaac? Not so much" Kira said truthfully.
"Do you like Isaac?" Allison asked Stiles who was staring at the ground.
"I mean. Yeah, it's just... What if he only wanted a one time thing?" Stiles looked up at his sibling who sat next to Malia.
Allison reached for Stiles' hand and he took it. She gently stroked her thumb over his hand.
"Listen, Isaac would be stupid not to fall for you! You're cute, smart and loyal" Allison smiled.
"Woah, I never thought I'd hear those words come out of your mouth" Stiles said sarcastically.
"Don't get used to it, clown" Allison let go of his hand and ruffled his hair.
Lydia had finished covering Stiles' neck. You couldn't see the bruise anymore, but you could tell something was off.
Just when Stiles was about to stand up and thank Lydia, she pushed him back down.
"Where do you think you're going!" She said.
Stiles was now confused.
Lydia lifted her arm up and pointed at her wrist.
Stiles looked down at his own arms and he let out a long, silent sigh. He had forgotten the bruises around his wrists.
Lydia grabbed his hand and started applying the makeup.
"What if it comes off?" He asked worriedly.
"Nonesense! I cry in this makeup all the time and it stays on perfectly!" Lydia said in a happy tone.
All the rest of the girls and Stiles looked at Lydia.
"What? Okay fine. My favourite TV show character died... Her name was Crystal Reed" Lydia looked like she was trying to hold back more tears.
"Ohh, I've heard of that character before! She's in Teen Life, isn't she?" Allison asked excitedly.
Lydia nods.
"Hey I was gonna watch that!" Kira said. You could hear the devastation in her voice.
"Oops, sorry" Lydia said.
"I watch deer programs" Malia said.
Everyone turned their heads to the werecoyote that had been silent for a few minutes.
"What? It's educational!" Malia said defensively.

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